Obama's "victory" was chronological. Yes, McCain is an old man, and the injuries that he sustained as a young man in the service of his country become more evident the older he gets, as is only to be expected. The stiff gait, bowed shoulders and slightly hunched back contrast with Obamas's ramrod bearing and confident stride (not to mention his shameless voguing). Yet we know more about McCain's health than we do Obama's. McCain released 1200 pages of medical records; Obama, a 1-page letter from his doctor. The results of literally hundreds of tests over a protracted period attest to McCain's good health despite his age and physical limitations. In Obama's case, there is that 1-page letter which raises more questions than it answers.
Not since JFK has the American public known so little about the health of a prospective president. We know now that Kennedy was a very sick man though his youthful appearance belied that fact. Without the numerous medications prescribed to him, JFK could not have sustained the illusion of health and vigor which were so central a part of the myth of Camelot. The drugs, however, which made it possible for him to function physically may have impaired his thinking with what could have been disastrous consequences for this country and the world. As things turned out, the consequences were only disastrous for Cuba.
As regards his own past, Obama has left no stone unburied. His refusal to release his health records is not an isolated incident; it is part and parcel of his penchant for concealment. Black Sheep of Exile ("Sorry to Bother you, Mr. Obama") recently inventoried the great lacunae in his vita curriculum:
1. Occidental College records — Not released
2. Columbia College records — Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper — "Not available"
4. Harvard Law School records — Not released
5. Selective Service Registration — Not released
6. Medical records — Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule — "Not available"
8. Law practice client list — Not released
9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate — Not released
10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth — Not released
11. Harvard Law Review articles published — None
12. University of Chicago scholarly articles — None
13. Record of baptism — Not released or "Not available"
14. Illinois State Senate records —"Not available"
15. Records of the Chicago Annenberg Project — Not released
The American public may be about to elect an absolute stranger as president and one who has gone to extraordinary lengths to make sure that he remains a stranger at least until Election Day.
Friday, May 30, 2008
What, No Drug Tests?
Barack Obama has just released a one-page letter from his doctor attesting to his "excellent health" and pronouncing him "medically-fit to serve as president." Last week, John McCain granted reporters access to more than 1200 pages of his medical records. Obama's physician for nearly half his life, Dr. David L. Scheiner of Chicago, has not examined his patient since 2006. Yet he has no qualms pronouncing him in "excellent health" today. Obama's campaign claims that the 300-words or so contained in Dr. Scheiner letter constitutes "a complete summary of [Obama's] doctor visits and medical records for the past two decades." William Strunk and E.B. White should have been that good.I wonder what the media reaction would have been if McCain had released a one-page letter from his doctor as the sum total of his medical history? The general inference would have been that he had something to hide because of his age. Yet the sickest man ever to occupy the White House was also the youngest man ever elected president, John F. Kennedy. Everything about his health except his bad back was concealed from the public. The bad back was a war injury and hence could serve as his "Achilles heel." Unless you count his Nicorette gum, Obama has no "Achilles heel," none, at least, that could be mentioned in 300 words or less.
Obama is truly the Manchurian candidate.
Fulano, search the Black Sheep of Exile's archives for the earliest mentions of Manchurian candidate regarding Obama.... we are in presence of something really sinister here....
What do you think is the medical condition(s) that Obama is hiding?
How about bipolar with bulimia?
We will probably never know the real Obama, that is unless he becomes president then a lot would come out, by then it will be too late.
Miami, Florida, Dade County
Mc Cain 48%
Obama 47 %
Generation Gap closing in
It wouldn't surprise me. Both his mother and father were bipolar.
Who takes Ohio?
Yawnnn! this blog is really going to the dogs(literally)
Where is Fantomas , when you need him the most
Until when?
I'm Val Prieto and I approved this message
With all the talk of "liquid assets" and "liquidity" these days, I thought I'd share some financial statistics with you.
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Delta Airlines one year ago, you would have $49 today.
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in AIG one year ago, you would have $33 today.
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Lehman Brothers one year ago, you would have $0 today.
If you had purchased $1,000 worth of beer a year ago, drank it all, then turned in the aluminum cans for recycling, you would have received a $214 refund. Based on the above, the best current investment plan is to drink heavily and recycle. It is called
The 401-Keg
Makes you proud to be an American!
(H/T Lou)
Posted by George Moneo at 02:37 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)
People are thwrowing themselves from the skycrapers in NY
Poor Mc Cain , he stands no chance
Dow 600 hundred down today
Val Prieto is safe
He does not own a dollar in Wall Street
Food stamps still retain their value.
Mansuelo Abierto, read & weep balserocito:
The outlook in Senate races continues to deteriorate for Republicans, with Democratic gains at least in the high single digits increasingly likely. Where I once wrote in this space that Democrats had a chance of reaching 60 seats in 2010 (“For Democrats, Time to Pad Senate Majority and Think 60 Seats,” Feb. 12, 2007), I now can’t rule out 60 seats for this November.
Virginia and New Mexico are already gone, and Colorado, Alaska, New Hampshire and Oregon aren’t far behind. Add in North Carolina, and Democrats are plus-seven (and at 58 seats) without Minnesota or Mississippi, which are up for grabs.
Republicans can no longer count Kentucky as a lock, and if the Democrats spend significant sums of money against Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R) in Georgia, they might even have a chance to swipe that unlikely seat.
In the House of Representatives, Democratic prospects have gone from good to great....
Democrats are now likely to net at least 20 seats, with gains closer to 30 quite possible given the cycle’s dynamics, poll numbers we are seeing and the Democratic financial advantage. This is the kind of cycle when even one or two third-tier Democratic challengers will win, inflating the party’s net gain even further.
While Democratic gains both in the House and Senate could still grow or shrink, for Republicans, the end of this movie won’t be pretty, no matter the ultimate number.
We could see a new modern floor for House Republicans made in November, and it’s likely to be in the 170s, if not the upper 160s. Given the realignment of the Reagan years and the GOP’s advantages coming from the last redistricting, this is an incredibly low level.
Over on the Senate side, Republican numbers could fall further in two years, since more GOP seats than Democratic seats are again up in 2010.
Republicans appear to be heading into a disastrous election that will usher in a very bleak period for the party. A new generation of party leaders will have to figure out how to pick up the pieces and make their party relevant after November.
Say goodbye to the Welcome Rafter Law!!!!!!!!
Food stamps still retain their value.
Fantomas is the richest man in town!
no se pierdan hoy el debate
ahi les pongo el link
Comienza a las 8pm en vivo ..Daddy Yankee se enfrenta a los 4 candidatos para la silla mayor en PR elcciones 4 de nov, y no se olviden que aqui TAMBIEN TENEMOS A NUESTRO OBAMA.. PERO SIN CHANCE ALGUNO DE GANAR
Se tocaran todos los temas , incluyendo las ayudas Federales que se reciben aqui en PR como Pell grants, Food Stamps, Plan 8 ( housing) , War Vets funds etc
Te esperamos recuerda 8pm ...Get to know us
" Puerto Rico does it better"
Transmisión por Noti Uno 630, Univision PR y PrimeraHora.com
Participantes: Luis Fortuno (PNP), Anibal Acevedo Vila (PPD), Edwin Irizarry Mora (PIP) y Rogelio Figueroa (PPR)
Moderador y entrevistador: Daddy Yankee
Antesala del Debate por Noti Uno 630
Post Debate: Analisis del Debate
Auspicia: Noti Uno 630, Univision PR, Primera Hora y el Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mendez
Tu puedes hacer tu pregunta sobre los temas de Educacion, Criminalidad, Calidad de Vida y Ambiente, Administracion Publica y Corrupcion y Economia
Food stamps have not lost their value nor has the program had to be bailed out. Welfare for the poor is obviously more cost effective than welfare for the rich.
Manuel at the rate we are going , be careful with your words, there will be many more Americans on Shelters, on welfare, on food stamps and many of them will come from Wallstreet si no se suicidan primero
Bush no hizo nada por Cuba, ha hundido a este pais y nos deja 2 ongoing guerras
Escucha el debate I may appear in the crowd
Your allotment of food stamps is worth more than most Wall Street portfolios today. I'd call that success.
Are there any distinguishing marks by which we can identify you in the video?
I'm not elegible for food stamps . No cualifico por un dolar
Manuel recuerda John Mc Same is finished
No me has dicho todavia que es
" The Obama Doctrine"
Espero tu respuesta pronto
Charlie, you are right. You had guys had him pegged right as Manchurian candidate.
Did someone say "Obama Doctrine"? Obama gave a preview of this was when Russia invaded Georgia.
Fulano pendejo,
The USA can't really do much against Russia. We're broke, thanks to these politicians you rafters always vote for.
Some scumbags have the balls to call himself a Republican when everyone knows he is an anti-american infiltrated communist agent who came in the Mariel boatlift.
Fantomas is an agent of the Cuban govt. in Puerto Rico.
Manuel recuerda John Mc Same is finished
No me has dicho todavia que es
" The Obama Doctrine"
Espero tu respuesta pronto
Fantômas is the Lord of Terror, the Genius of Evil, the arch-criminal anti-hero . He carries out the most appalling crimes: flashing signs against castro at ballparks, releasing plague-infested rats on Cuban ocean liner, or forcing a victim to witness his own execution by placing him face-up in a guillotine. Fantômas is the master of a thousand disguises and the leader of a vast army of "apaches" (street thugs). His spies and henchmen are everywhere, spreading the seeds of chaos and terror. Fantômas is anyone and no one, everywhere and nowhere, waging an implacable war against Fidel Castro the very dictatorial society in which he moves with such ease and assurance.
Did someone say "Obama Doctrine"? Obama gave a preview of this was when Russia invaded Georgia
Fantomas also has great imagination. All alone in Puerto Rico surrounded by food stamps and his Obama posters, he imagines himself a warrior in the anti-castro fight.
In reality, he should be locked up in an asylum for the criminally insane. His head is so full of shit, it has contaminated all of his three brain cells.
I could be wrong, but I believe that the public was also NOT informed of JFK's Addison's Disease. Isn't that one of the reasons why he took so many meds (along with the bad back)? I think I remember reading that he was so doped up the first time he met with Kruschev that Nikita figured he was an easy take...
This website is one of the best I loved it a lot
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