Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fidel Gets the "Homer" that He Deserves

Stalin had Neruda to sing his praises, but the best that Fidel Castro can manage is Orlando José Colmenares Sayago, who composed this execrable "A Song to Fidel On His 82nd Birthday from the Land of Bolívar." Granma actually reproduced the "Song," which I would regard as an act of sabotage except for the fact that its editors are too cretinous to give offense intentionally and too dour to see its unintentional humor. I myself had intended to write a mock review of it; but, really, that would be putting a coat of varnish on a vignette that does not need it.

It is instructive that no Cuban poet, whether veteran sycophant or newcomer, has written an ode to the maximum leader since Nicolás Guillen. I suppose that this is not from want of trying but from fear of going too far or not going far enough. One must be at some remove from the subject of one's panegyric to feel sufficiently confident to distill his "greatness" and no Cuban living on the island is that far from Fidel. Hugo Chávez, himself an artist of señor Colmenares' calibre, may just declare him Venezuela's "National Poet" for his homage to Castro; but that would, of course, entail upon him the additional task of writing an ode to Chávez and the poet has yet to be born who could pull that off for all the flagons of wine in the world.

Una canción a Fidel en su 82 cumpleaños desde la tierra de Bolívar

Viejo pero joven camarada,
Tú figura señera y ejemplar
Va produciendo ideas

De sabiduría mundial.
82 añitos de un joven guerrero
Que sin cansarse de la vida
Sigue siendo ejemplo de Fidelidad
A las ideas de Carlos Marx, Lenin,
Mao, El Che, Martí, Bolívar y tantos otros
Que hicieron su contribución
Para la libertad y soberanía de los pueblos.
Yo te canto a ti viejo y joven maestro,
Siempre tierno en tu trato
Y profundo en tu pensamiento ejemplar,
Desde aquí, desde Caracas, la cuna de Bolívar
Donde una vez nos visitó Don José Martí.
Aquí en Venezuela donde le tendemos
La mano de hermanos a la antilla mayor
La que tiene cinco hijos injustamente presos
En las cárceles del imperio terror
Y Usted mi respetado Comandante
Con su incansable brazo empuñando la pluma
Y haciendo sus análisis de fina y bien tejida orientación.,
En Venezuela lo leemos y lo seguimos casi a diario
Y en los batallones revolucionarios
Discutimos sus conceptos para clarificar
El avance de una común revolución
Gran Capitán de las causas nobles,
Guerrero de la paz y la solidaridad
Yo le deseo que llegue a la edad de Matusalén
Para que vea el velorio y el sepelio
De un imperio ya decadente, entrando en agonía
Y el día de su funeral,
Tomaremos una copa de caña blanca
Para cantarle a los pueblos que llegó la Paz.
Salud Comandante, no desmaye, adelante joven
Y siempre miliciano, tejedor de sueños y buenos ejemplos
Para todos los pueblos amantes de la paz...

Orlando José Colmenares Sayago

Caracas, 12 de agosto de 2008
A los 82 años de la era Fidelista


Anonymous said...

Ese poemita esta de pinga.

Vana said...

Quisiera saber que droga estaba ingeriendo Colmenares cuando escribio esa mierda "Produciendo ideas de sabiduria mundial"..JAJAJAJA... la verdad es para reirse, cuando ha dado Fidel una buena idea al mundo? nadamas debe mirar a Cuba que se esta hundiendo en el mar.

Angel Garzón said...

Vana is spot on with her description of the "poem," shoot, I am not a poet my daughter is, when she reviewed it she gave me a look of disbelief and said "even you dad can write a better poem than this guy and you are no poet," "That's all I got to say about that! My name is Gump, Forest Gump."

Vana said...

Hi Manuel hope all's well with you, wonder where Agustin and Ms C are, hope they too are doing well.

Ms Calabaza said...


I've never heard you express yourself so well! Te salio del alma! I totally agree with you... Que clase de comemierda!

Ms Calabaza said...


you made me chuckle. We love and admire our kids so much that even when they say things like "even you, Dad can write better..." we are proud! I can relate.

Sharpshooter said...

we are visiting my Mom in Union City N.J. for a week and then on to Washignton DC and hopefully for a quick meeting with Sra Calabaza.
We have visited Florida also for a couple of weeks and then next Monday back to Florida and then on to our present home in South America. I will like to thank you for inquiring about us. We are doing fine just kind of busy with all the traveling around the USA visiting family. We would have liked to visit and met MAT in NJ, but he is a very mysterious character and likes to maintain his privacy. And we are ok with that. We would have liked to talk to Angel also but do not know how to get in touch with him while we are in NJ.
BTW, I am so tired of listening to all the news about Obama and the darn elections that seriously I cannot wait to get back home so I don't have to hear anymore of it.

Sharpshooter said...

Vana and MS. Calabaza,
would you view this wonderful presentation of the Venezuelan TV about the Olympic medals of Michael Phelps?
This guy who give the TV sports in Venezuelan TV is a hoot. Obviously he never went to a history class and is in the same league with the guy who wrote the poem of the story. I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. What an idiot! These are the kind of donkeys on Venezuelan TV. Well, just like the President there.

Anonymous said...

Gracias muy sinceras cuando se me compara con Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto y Don Nicolas Guillen Batista. Tremendos poetas, yo fui el que escribió en prosa "Una canción por los 82 años del Comandante y Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz". Soy un joven de 69 años que los cumpliré el 12 de octubre próximo. Presencie la entrada de Fidel a La Habana el 8 de enero de 1959, en el año 61 conoci al Dr. Comandante Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna. El exilio cubano en vez de ser respetuoso lo que hace siempre es ofender, arma característica de todo ignorante. Estuve en Florida y allí fue cuando me enteré de este blog. Orlando José Colmenares Sayago

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