[Here is the text of the letter. All are invited to sign it in the "Comments" section or by e-mailing me at ehbusto@gmail.com. You may do so from this moment till tomorrow, Wednesday, August 27 at 22:00 hours (Spanish time). At that time the letter (along with the signatures that have been collected) will be sent to Pablo Milanés, Santiago Feliú, Kelvis Ochoa, Omara Portuondo, Polito Ibáñez, Haila María Mompié, David Blanco and "Los Aldeanos" as well as to the Cuban and international press. Please circulate it; there is very little time -- Ernesto Hernández Busto]:
"Open Letter to Pablo Milanés and Other Cuban Musicians Concerning the Arrest of Gorki Águila"
August 26, 2008
Dear Pablo:
We the undersigned, having learned that you will be giving a concert the day after tomorrow at the “Anti-imperialist Forum” in Havana, have taken the liberty of sending you this "Open Letter" in the hope that you and the other invited musicians will use the opportunity the public forum affords you to request the release of Gorky Águila, lead singer and director of the band "Porno Para Ricardo."
Beyond the artistic associations and political ideologies of each artist, we think that the right to freedom of expression should not be violated by any government, including Cuba's.
This week, on the morning of August 25, while the members of “Porno Para Ricardo” were rehearsing in Gorki's house, a policeman knocked on the door and took the popular singer to the police station located on 62 Street, commonly known as “the Villa”. There he still remains a prisoner, and the only thing his family has been told is that he will be kept there until Thursday when he shall be turned over to the courts to stand trial for "peligrosidad pre-delictiva" (pre-criminal social dangerousness) which carries a possible sentence of between 1-4 years.
We do not think that those charges can be proven in any just and impartial legal process, but the fact that he is being held incommunicado and the history of threats and harassment to which he has been subjected by the authorities make us fear for the worst.
We ask you as musical artists who have taken a clear stand in support of the Revolution, but who have also defended fundamental values and human rights, not to remain silent before this abuse committed against one of your profession. It is not ingermane to point out that one of the groups invited to perform at Thursday night's event, "Los Aldeanos," shared a studio and stage with "Porno Para Ricardo” when they recorded the song “La Política." And all sang together something which today, unfortunately, sounds like a prediction: “I don't like politics, but it likes me, compañero."
We appeal to you to echo publicly the outcry for Gorki Águila's immediate release.
With warm greetings,
Ernesto Hernández Busto, Zoé Valdés, Enrique del Risco Arrocha, Ginés Gorriz, Dr. Pablo Fuentes-Prior, Ricardo Vega, Jorge Salcedo, César Beltrán, Juan (Polo) Avilés, María Garcillán, Isis Wirth, Charlie Bravo, Alexis Núñez Oliva, Milena Rodríguez, Carlos Hernández, César Reynel Aguilera, Zenaida Valdés, Miguel Iturralde, Laura García Freyre, Roberto Acosta, Manuel Sosa, Al Godar, Camilo Loret de Mola, Frank A. Caner, Luis Casacó, Joaquín Estrada-Montalván, Alexis Romay, Maria Bonastre Fargas, Nieves Cáceres, Justo Ruiz Malherbe, Mayda Rodríguez Gil, Luis Reyes, José Alberto Fuentes, Ernesto González, Alexis Rodríguez Cáceres, Sebastián Machado, Alejandro Barreras, Heriberto Hernández, Mayra Vega, Santiago Martín, Armando Añel, Luis Montiel, Naday Balbuena, Juan C. García, Roque S. González, José Aguirre, Hilda Fuentes, Verónica Pérez Konina, Tania Quintero, Rosa Álvarez…
"Pedimos que ustedes, músicos que han hecho explícito el apoyo a la Revolución, pero también la defensa de los valores y derechos humanos fundamentales..."
I think it entirely appropriate that musicians loyal to the Castro regime be called to account for their hypocrisy. Gorki's case presents a perfect opportunity to do just that. However, I disapprove of flattering these cretins whether the praise is sincere or not. If it is intended to offend the recipients, the "Open Letter" will not benefit Gorki; and if intended to flatter them, then it can only offend him. For that reason I will not be signing the Penúltimos Días "Open Letter," which though well-intentioned is poorly framed and will not, of course, stir the cubanidad of those who long ago traded theirs for a bowl of porridge.
If you yourself believe that their consciences may not be as petrified as I believe them to be, then please follow your own conscience and sign it:
The problem is those to whom the letter is addressed are musicians.
It's quite a stretch to call Gorki a musician.
He should be jailed for public indecency.
Rick Schwag
Ah, Mr. Schwag, so much for freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, and for pursue of happiness....
Fortunately, your moralistic views, your puritanism, is also part of those freedoms.
And still, you wants those same freedoms denied to another human being.
What makes you better?
What makes you higher?
Who made you judge?
Please, when you are at it, think of all of those who hide behind a mantle of virtues, and who have no vices or committed no sins.
And, see, if you will if you are fit to cast the first stone.
Let me guess.... you maybe think that Castro is a fine non-indecent guy. Or Guevara... That's something in your dry puritanism that tells me so.... Am I mistaken?
FREE GORKI!: Comunicado de Porno para Ricardo
27/08/2008 13:40
Hebert, Renay y Ciro los tres de Porno para Ricardo que quedamos de este otro lado de las rejas, denunciamos a los Órganos de Seguridad del Estado Cubanos por actuar impune y deliberadamente contra nuestro hermano Gorki Águila, para llevarlo a un juicio sumario en el que no se presentarán cargos y en el que se le pretende condenar por ser una persona "peligrosa".
La seguridad del estado ya no tiene limites para su cinismo; todavía nos parece increíble que quieran poner a Gorki preso porque les da la gana y ya. Al parecer, como han desertado tantos oficiales últimamente en el extranjero, se les habrá acabado la gente, para pensar en formas sutiles de encarcelar a las personas que les resultan indeseables. Ahora recurren al descaro.
Queremos también acusar de plagio a la Seguridad del Estado. Siempre nos están plagiando las ideas. Antes, cuando grabamos el primer disco, utilizábamos un lenguaje metafórico y rebuscado para burlarnos de ellos y ellos buscaron esta ocasión, una forma rebuscada de encarcelar a Gorki, con guión, actores y demás elementos del más clásico teatro policial cubano. Ahora, que hacemos textos mas directos, ellos te mandan directamente a la cárcel sin ningún tipo de representación teatral en franco plagio de nuestro estilo. Son unos copiadores. Los convenios de derecho de autor deberían contemplar el registro de estilos.
Por último queremos acusarlos de envidiosos. Nos tienen envidia porque cuadramos muchas mas jevitas que ellos que son unos militares de mierda en los que no se fijaría la mujer mas demente de este mundo; por eso se masturban tanto.
Ciro, Hebert y Renay, integrantes de Porno Para Ricardo
La Habana, madrugada del 26 de agosto del 2008
Cortesía de Laura García Freyre
FreeMuse supports Gorki and Porno Para Ricardo
(free Gorki free campaign)
The kangaroo trial will be held on FRIDAY, not tomorrow.
More to come in a couple of hours.
Charlie Bravo.
Why don't you go to his trial and carry a sign protesting his persecution?
Breaking news:
El padre de Gorki ya lo pudo ver hoy por la mañana, está bien y bastante tranquilo, dice que se puso un poco mal cuando hablaron de la niña, porque el cumpleaños es el día primero.
por otro lado, la policicía de esa unidad NO tiene el expediente de Gorki, lo tienen ahí porque están cumpliendo órdenes, NO hay ningún instructor a cargo de su caso, el instructor de esa unidad no tiene ninguna información con respecto a Gorki. Por lo que el jefe de la unidad le pidió a Luis que fuera a buscar un abogado y que fuera a la fiscalía para averiguar DÓNDE está el expediente de Gorki...pero que no obstante todo eso, hay juicio el viernes.
me gustaría saber SIN expediente, SIN cargos, SIN instructor...
Charlie Bravo
Sin expediente, sin cargos, sin instructor, han mandado al padre a buscar el expediente, increible! ojala lo suelten sin encausarlo.
Vana ten fe y veras como lo tendran que soltar , fijate como dice Charlie sin BUCL ya esta noticia le ha dado la vuelta al mundo y gratuitamente sin gastar un centavo
Mi prediccion lo soltaran entre hoy y mañana
where is nick navarro when you need him? the sad thing is that if "pablito" would defect and say all the RIGHT things (even if he didn't believe them) every intransigente would be tasting pennies from heaven.
previous post esteban colvert
Let's move on
I have been in communication with someone from Cuba Underground, who represents Porno Para Ricardo in the U.S. and had a meeting of the minds. For that reason I have removed the post that was here and would like to say only that we can't allow ourselves to be distracted by things that do not pertain to Gorki Aguila and his current situation.
Posted by Henry Louis Gomez at 09:20 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)
I'm just glad the greatest date (with the hottest babe) I've ever been on was with Jordan Levin maybe we can ask her what's the real deal with Gorki.
Manuel A. Tellechea said...
"Pedimos que ustedes, músicos que han hecho explícito el apoyo a la Revolución, pero también la defensa de los valores y derechos humanos fundamentales..."
"I think it entirely appropriate that musicians loyal to the Castro regime be called to account for their hypocrisy. Gorki's case presents a perfect opportunity to do just that. However, I disapprove of flattering these cretins whether the praise is sincere or not. If it is intended to offend the recipients, the "Open Letter" will not benefit Gorki; and if intended to flatter them, then it can only offend him. For that reason I will not be signing the Penúltimos Días "Open Letter," which though well-intentioned is poorly framed and will not, of course, stir the cubanidad of those who long ago traded theirs for a bowl of porridge.
If you yourself believe that their consciences may not be as petrified as I believe them to be, then please follow your own conscience and sign it:"
I completely and wholeheartedly agree with Manuel's statement and his point of view, my exact opinion is reflected within it.
Angel que clase de comemierda eres. Si no quieres firmar la carta , bien , what is the fucking deal
Anonymous said...
"The problem is those to whom the letter is addressed are musicians.
It's quite a stretch to call Gorki a musician.
He should be jailed for public indecency.
Rick Schwag
Mr. Rick Schawg. My position and opinion of Porno Para Ricardo and their chosen musical style I have already stated, I reiterate it once again, I do not agree with PPR's style in so far as their non-political content (material) delivery methodology, period, I find it offensive to my personal moral values and I know it is my right AND my duty as a Cuban exile and naturalized citizen of the U.S.A. to differentiate our community's support for the human rights of our fellow Cubans in Cuba - such as the PPR members - and our varied, wide, non-monolithic plurality of opinions and values, for anyone to imply that we must all support and condone PPR's musical style is just as offensive as stating that we must all approve of Madonna's musical style, this would equate to hogwash and nonsense, in a democratic and pluralistic society there MUST be room for ALL opinions and as is the case with this issue, musical predilections.
Concerning Gorki and PPR's politically inclined lyrics and their human rights, which Casstro's Cuba purports to support and condone, I personally choose to support their right to do with their lyrics and their delivery as they see fit, it is their artistic and human right to do so, whether people agree with their lyrics or not, such opinions should never be conducive to detention, indictment, trial and verdict, incarceration is obviously unjustified, cruel and inhuman punishment and should never take place.
I do not see how you Mr. Shawg can in plain honesty claim that Gorki and by implication and association Porno Para Ricardo are not musicians, they are musicians, just because you as I also do, do not like their style does not negate the fact that they are musicians. When you state that Gorki "...should be jailed for public indecency..." you are assuming that people are forced to watch their performances, but you have not provided any proof to back your accusation, if PPR had violated any rules of "public decency" I am certain that the goons of the Casstro tyranny would have used such opportunities to incarcerate all of the band members, that such incident has not taken place leads me to believe that they have broken no such rules.
What's good for the goose, is good for the gander sir. Enough said.
Fantomas you will be better served if you ignore Mr Garzon
Believe me it works. Ignore and continue pounding
Fantomas, clearly all of this is beyond you and your 85 IQ, do yourself a favor and STFU, you have no idea as to what is truly important, especially and specifically as to what pertains to Manuel's statement and my opinion seconding his AND most importantly about PPR and Gorki's LIFE, you idiot.
You play a silly game of pretending to know what you're talking about at all times, but your statements and actions betray your deceptive, ego centric and narcissistic personalities, be glad that I am in a relatively good mood today, if you push me, your RSS WILL go down in flames, you have been warned.
Your duty as a Cuban exile would be better fulfilled by doing something meaningful to achieve freedom in your homeland.
Posting cybertrash on a variety of Cuba themed blogs is really inadequate.
Cubans, both on and off the island really need to grow some brains and balls in order to solve this problem.
new Gorki video
be glad that I am in a relatively good mood today, if you push me, your RSS WILL go down in flames, you have been warned.
O sea que tu te especializas en hackear los CA blogs . O sea let me make myself clear , tu quieres destruir mi trabajo que hago para denunciar al regimen
Que clase de chupabolas y comemierda eres. Go ahead make my day ASSHOLE
Quien te paga tu chequecito, Ramiro o Raul himself, fruitcake
Mr. Schwag: it is always easy to fight for freedom of expression when you agree and have an affinity for that expression. It is only when we fight for those for whom we may not agree with or do not necesarily appreciate their style when we prove our true mettle.
To paraphrase an old adage: I may not agree with you but I would fight for your right to say it" ~ Voltaire (?)
Bucl Stomped
Emigrados cubanos piden a Pablo Milanés interceda por libertad de rockero
Hace 3 horas
LA HABANA (AFP) — Más de 150 personas, básicamente emigrados cubanos, solicitaron al cantautor Pablo Milanés que pida por la libertad del rockero Gorki Aguila, crítico del gobierno y quien será juzgado el viernes en La Habana según informó la familia.
Los firmantes de una carta abierta, colocada en internet, piden a Milanés y sus invitados que en su concierto del jueves en la Tribuna Antiimperialista de La Habana "aprovechen la oportunidad" para pedir la liberación de Gorki, cantante y director de la banda 'Porno para Ricardo".
"Más allá de las filiaciones estéticas y las ideologías políticas de cada artista, creemos que el derecho a la libertad de expresión no debe ser violado por ningún gobierno, incluido el cubano", señaló el texto de los emigrados cubanos, entre ellos la escritora Zoe Valdés, la periodista Tania Quintero y el novelista Amir Valle.
Gorki, de 39 años y líder de la banda "Porno para Ricardo", fue arrestado la mañana del lunes y conducido a una unidad de policía en La Habana y este miércoles "le permitieron" ser visitado por su padre Luis Aguila, dijo Elizardo Sánchez, presidente de la Comisión Cubana de Derechos Humanos y Reconciliación Nacional (CCDHRN).
Citando fuentes familiares, la CCDHRN informó que el juicio contra el músico se realizará el viernes en Tribunal Municipal de Playa, en el oeste de La Habana.
"Será jugado bajo la acusación de peligrosidad social pre-delictiva, la cual supone una condena de 1 a 4 años de prisión", dijo un comunicado de la Comisión, que consideró que Gorki "no ha cometido ningún delito específico conforme al vigente Código Penal y espera que el juicio sea anulado".
"Tomando en cuenta que estos juicios son de carácter público, solicitamos la presencia de observadores diplomáticos", dijo la CCDHRN.
El rockero, cuya música circula clandestinamente, estuvo arrestado de 2003 a 2005 por posesión de droga, en un hecho que según Aguila fue una "maraña" de la policía, y en julio había sido advertido por la policía, según una nota del grupo divulgada en su página en internet.
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Mañana hay un concierto en el protestódromo en el malecón frente a la Oficina de Intereses, invitamos todo aquel que quiera unirsenos para aprovechar esta congregación y gritar GORKI a que estemos ahí entre las nueve y las diez de la noche. Hasta ahora estaremos allí todos sus amigos.
Porno para Ricardo
Charlie Bravo
El protestadromo esta en La Habana, que mas quisiera yo que estar alli, el sueño imposible!
Mientras mas personas se involucren en la campaña mucho mejor
Libertad para Gorki ya
Mansuelo , Te encanta remover el estiercol
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