Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Rare Treat for "Sunday Funday"

An admittedly rare treat is on the menu for "Sunday Funday." We will review another blog besides Babalú. Will it be your blog? Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

You mean Review of Cuban-American Blog might actually earn the plural connotation? Sacré bleu!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


RCAB has reviewed a dozen blogs or more besides Babalú. Not the Universal Spectator, though. We really must insist on more than 10 posts a year.

Vana said...


Is my mom in law's bday, so we must trod off to Long Beach, hope you have the review up before I leave, otherwise see you tonite.

Anonymous said...

Manuel el poodle enano de cadre of writers te tiro duro hoy en bubulu

Fantomas said...

Desorden en Mc Cain Mc CAMP

Some Republicans sense disorder in McCain campaign
By Adam Nagourney Published: May 25, 2008

WASHINGTON: John McCain's presidential campaign is in a troubled stretch even before his formal nomination, hindered by resignations of staff members, a lagging effort to build a national campaign organization and questions over whether he has taken full advantage of Democratic turmoil to present a case for his candidacy, some Republicans say.

In interviews, some party leaders said they were worried about signs of disorder in his campaign and about whether the focus in the last several weeks on the prominent role of lobbyists in McCain's inner circle might undercut the heart of his general election message: that he is reformer taking on special interests in Washington.

"The core image of John McCain is as a reformer in Washington, and the more dominant the story is about the lobbying teams around him, the more you put that into question," said Terry Nelson, who was McCain's campaign manager until he was forced out last year. "If the Obama campaign can truly change him from being seen as a reformer to just being another Washington politician, it could be very damaging over the course of the campaign."

Some leaders of state Republican party organizations said they were apprehensive about the unusual organization that McCain had set up: The campaign has been broken into 10 semi-autonomous regions, with each having power over such things as buying television advertising and the candidate's schedule, decisions normally left to headquarters.

More than that, they said, McCain organizationally still seems far behind where President George W. Bush was in his re-election campaign in 2004. Several Republican Party leaders said they were worried the McCain campaign was losing an opportunity as they waited for approval to open offices and set up telephone banks.

Anonymous said...

el enano troll de jardin de bubulu dice que ellos son un blog y no un forum. Que is RCAB? Que es la differencia? Ya Rick le contesto bien contestado,que peinsas tu? Por que babulu no quita los comentarios por completo? Inquiring minds quieren saber.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


George is again ostensibly replying to a comment which fantomas made on RCAB asserting that "Babalú censors like Fidel." This, of course, is something that I would never have written. Babalú wishes that it had the means to censor like Fidel, and, if it did, no doubt it would. But, alas for them, they do not. So they must content themselves to censor on a much smaller scale and with infinitely fewer resources. But, of course, just as earnestly.

We have chronicled over the last year as many instances of censorship as we could ascertain, though doubtless many must have escaped our attention.

George claims that Babalú has 1,368 unique commenters, which will certainly come as a surprise to those who are already used to seeing "0" comments on most Babalú posts.

Of those 1,368 commenters, George admits banning 61. Well, it must have been the 61 most active ones.

In any case, it doesn't matter whether its 6.1, 61 or 610. The effect is the same: to silence debate.

Babalú's reputation as the Cuban-American blog that censors all dissenters is too well-established and universally-known for George to dispute it. Which he does not. In fact, he acknowledges it and attempts to justify it.

He forgets, of course, that he, too, was a casualty of censorship at Babalú. His Feb. 25th post extolling Babalú's "magnificent cadre of writers" was deleted and he was banned for 3 months before Val consented to lifting the excommunication after George had performed the requisite penance.

If George ever summons up the courage to address me by name rather than by innuendo or through third-parties, I may deign to answer him in a post. Not till then.

Anonymous said...

"I can name several prominent pseudo-intellectual nitwits who, having only one outlet to vent the frustration of a miserable existence"

el enano esta hablando de si mismo verdad?

"on those of us who actually do something"

que hacen? dime?

"and being deficient in even the most rudimentary understanding of what free speech is"

ahora el pseudo-intelectual nos va a ensenar, jajajaja!

Anonymous said...

Fire Sale

Venta Especial

Pantalaone Baggy a 89centavos Kmart hialeah

2 for 1

Only today, hurry

Anonymous said...

Manuel el perro poodle de babalu no se aparecio en Nostalgia el Sabado , el sabia que fantomas estaria merodeando el lugar , por eso no fue ..entonces lo sacaron el domingo a mear y lo llevaron


Anonymous said...

su mami le compro Oshkosh nuevos

Anonymous said...

cual de estos eres tu de acuerdo a Moneo?

"malcontents, imbeciles, idiots, liberals, leftists, commies, dialogueros, infiltrados, and general all-around assholes"

Anonymous said...


jajaja! se me habia olvido que prepotente se hace el enano!

Anonymous said...

Moneo starts off with a quote from Adlai Stevenson. Stevenson was almost as guilty as Kennedy for the betrayal of Brigada 2506.

Anonymous said...

val = lagrimitas
george = jorgito meneito

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


You are very right. The only one besides George Moneo who still quoted Adlai Stevenson was the even more execrable Arthur M. Schlesinger, who died last year.

Schlesinger's diaries were published this year and could have been subtitled: "My Unmanly Obsession with Adlai Stevenson and JFK."

For more on Schlesinger's responsibility for the betrayal of the Bay of Pigs:

Fantomas said...

cual de estos eres tu de acuerdo a Moneo?

"malcontents, imbeciles, idiots, liberals, leftists, commies, dialogueros, infiltrados, and general all-around assholes"


Fantomas said...

review this tonite from 8pm until 11pm en vivo...i be there with the nostalgia recap

Fantomas said...

click where it says en vivo ahora

Fantomas said...

many with your permission i will start answering some of the posts made at the other blog since the cadre always visit you here they will relay the message

H G wrote
Are we to believe that Obama can convince raul to abandon 50 years of totalitarian rule and to for the first time tolerate political opposition?

my answer is

yes, fidel is not relevant anymore ..esa es la diferencia

Anonymous said...

ya no estas en el blogroll in babulu. que paso?

Fantomas said...

no voy a entrar en el quita y pon en mi caso yo no voy a quitar nada en mi blog regardless, es mas iam considering putting the magpies back on my roll , coming soon and ziva too, what the heck, and alex too

Anonymous said...

que cobarde eres cono.

Fantomas said...


"Negative feelings can affect your physical as well as psychological well being"

Cobarde fue Fidel Castro ese ha sido el gran cobarde

Fantomas said...

I'm feeling like Obama just now

I want to build bridges ant talk to anyone, friends or foes

I feel good today

I found the damn car key at the airport

Anonymous said...

fanto que te hicieron las magpies ?

Anonymous said...

gran debate sobre censura en el blog de rick. Dificil apoyar a un lado porque es entre el enano Moneo y Rick. cual es peor?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

News Alert

It is over.

Fantomas is now a non-person at Babalú. They have banned their longtime associate and removed his blog from their Blogroll. Longstanding debts to him have been renounced and vouchers for past services abruptly cancelled. He has been left an orphan in the storm, flotsam in the wind.

What high price he has paid for the boon of learning by experience rather than listening to wise counsel.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


George and Rick are too wet sticks trying to start a fire.

Anonymous said...

fantomas is looking foster home --

Angel Garzón said...

More than three hours have elapsed since the proof of being a true Santiaguero questionnaire was posted by me for Fantomas (as per his request) to confirm the veracity of his claim. No answers have yet been provided by Fantomas, even though he has posted some comments on another post after the questionnaire was published.

IT IS OFFICIAL, Fantomas cannot answer any of my Stgo. queries because he IS NOT from Santiago de Cuba, Fantomas is a Puerto Rican that pretends to be Cuban, he knows that Orientales from La Campiña (guajiros) speak with a cadence that's similar to that of Puerto Rican peasants (jibaros.) One more label that can now be added to this Fantomas character. What say yee Fantomas?

P.S. For the sake of clarity and transparency, I must state that I have been married for almost thirty years to a Jersey Rican, born and raised in New Jersey, of Puerto Rican parents.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas\'s blog is still on the blog roll, under cubiches as of right now.

Anonymous said...

mat said:
"We will review another blog besides Babalú".

We ???? "who" is we ?
You and fantomas?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Babalú is nothing if not predictable. The same sleight of hand was seen at the time of George's expulsion: the sidebar disappeared and then appeared again. Moneo was there and then he was not. Eventually he was not for good. So, too, shall it be with Abajo Fidel until Val accepts fantomas' oath of loyalty again.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Yes, you've discovered our secret. Fantomas is our reviewer of blogs other than Babalú. He is very indolent and unreliable. That's why you haven't seen the promised review yet.

Vana said...

I suspected fantomas was a wanna-be Cuban, Manuel heard him once on his radio hour and did say he sounded Puertorican, that's why he wears the condom over his you have been found out.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Do you mean that we must now put fantomas beside Betances, Hostos, Rius Rivera, Pachín Marín and Lola?

Angel Garzón said...

Mr. Tellechea:

My sincerest apology for having posted the same comment on three of your posts, it was not my intention to hijack your topic(s.) thanks in advance, for your courtesy and understanding.


Just for the record, I have NO quarrel whatsoever with you, we may not always agree vis-a-vis Cuba, but as far as I am concerned, the worst that would happen between us, will be that we will agree to disagree. I hope you feel the same way I do. Thanks.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


It is true that I have always suspected that fantomas was really Puerto Rican. This would actually raise him in my esteem since I believe it is the duty of every Cuban to fight for our country's freedom, but a special virtue in those who are not Cuban. Of all Latin Americans, Puerto Ricans, with Dominicans, are the only ones I consider our brothers.

Fantomas said...

angel no seas bruto buscalo buscalo ya respondi tu pregunta de santiago a long time ago, you did not see it?

Fantomas said...

estas ciego o sera que Manuel erased it?

Fantomas said...

bueno aqui va por si no la habias visto

naci en Stgo de cuba en la avenida Garzon, clinica de los angeles para ser mas especifico, cerquita de la plaza marte

Fantomas said...

no manuel , en mi pasaporte NorteAmericano dice bien clarito



it doenot say PR anywhere at least I dont see it , how could you


Angel Garzón said...

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


It is true that I have always suspected that fantomas was really Puerto Rican. This would actually raise him in my esteem since I believe it is the duty of every Cuban to fight for our country's freedom, but a special virtue in those who are not Cuban. Of all Latin Americans, Puerto Ricans, with Dominicans, are the only ones I consider our brothers.

I agree with you, but why would he go around pretending and stirring up trouble a.k.a. Trolling?


I did not call you any names, so please for YOUR own good, it would be best if you were to address everyone in the blogosphere without resorting to name calling and personal attacks, as this would improve your reputation, which has been tarnished by you and no one else.

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fantomas said...

no what i want you to do is see

the answer that i gave you about santiago thats what i want you to focus on , were you borned en el baño de tu casa en Santiago o tambien fuistes a la misma clinica

no me jodas chico

5/25/2008 11:41 PM

Fantomas said...

who is a troll, Fantomas?

No way , never , no, no, no, Fantomas doesnot troll at all


Angel Garzón said...

The questionnaire was posted @ 6:50 PM in the comments on Post Titled: "Cry Me a River, Val"

Fantomas said...

and i answered you a long time ago also

Angel Garzón said...

Fantomas, you claim that your name is Enrique, but a source I have says that your initials are J.L.M. I was given the name, middle name and last name, but I will not post them anywhere, the initials will suffice.

Fantomas said...

oye bro yo no tengo que probarte a ti un carajo donde yo naci ok

a ti ni te conozco

creelo si quieres no gano nada con mentir

Angel Garzón said...

Fantomas said...

and i answered you a long time ago also

No you did not. Go to that post and find my questionnaire @ 6:50 PM and answer my questions, if you want, if not, I stand by my statement.

Fantomas said...

i answered you somewhere around that time , if you dont find it maybe it was erased by manuel, look for it in other threads..

besides i went to the radio station from 8-11 was not closed to a computer

Vana said...


I have apologized to you at Cry me a River Val, I will do it again here, it was never my intention to upset you in any way, fanto generalized and so did I, please accept my heart felt apology.

Fantomas said...

ok i understand what you are saying now i responded the clinicas de los angeles question bur never got to see the other questions until now

i will try to answer some of them now

Vana said...


Yes you did, you called it months ago, you said fanto sounded Puertorican and that it was odd he lost his Cuban accent, you caught on no one can fool you my friend.

Angel Garzón said...

Vana, scroll up to 11:27 PM right here...We are good.

C'mon now, we be good, girl!!! Yeah!!!

Tsk, unfortunately, Blogger does not allow musical notes tags, so just imagine the lyrics being sung by James Brown (R.I.P)

Fantomas said...

Generic answer Fantomas, generic, it's common knowledge to most Orientales that are familiar with Santiago that "Clinica Los Angeles" is the preeminent neonatal and hospital facility in the city. Not good enough.

What are the names of the most well known comparsas that have been traditional rivals for decades in Santiago?

la placita, los hoyos, karabali, san agustin,

What is the colloquial name of the cinema house that's across the street from the Cathedral?


Where is the main library located?

heredia por la calle de la casa de la trova

no me acuerdo si en heredia

What sport is practiced at a facility that's just one block West of the main library?

What specific, world known hobby has a shop among many, three quarters of a block around the corner from the library?

What was the name of the most modern cinema house that was destroyed by fire (arson) after the family that had owned it left Cuba?

no me acuerdo del cine pero estaba frente a la iglesia escuela y habia un parque cerca que vendian gastronomia , helados

What's the most common place where many of the city's young people like to go to see and be seen by their young peers?

parque cespedes frente a casa granda

Which verbena is so well known, that just about everyone from Moncada & Los Hoyos neighborhoods flock to it during the carnavales?

la trocha

Name the restaurant that's in Reparto Sueño near the Entranda de Vista Alegre?

no me acuerdo

Name the very famous hotel & night club that was in the carretera al aeropuerto?

San pedro del mar

Name the brand of municipal transit buses that were acquired by Cuba in the late 1960s to replace the old GM ones that serviced intra Santiago?


Name the brand of cars that were used to replace the old Volgas for the police and taxis in the late 1960s?


Name the location of the radio and TV transmitters (antennas)

la gran piedra?

What well known building was turned into a school & museum by the commies and what world known soft beverage brand had a bottling plant near it?

cuartel moncada

What's the name of the key (cayo) in Santiago Bay and what is the species of fish that loiters by its main ferry dock?

punta gorda,

Name the club that was across the bay from the old refinery and name the refinery

en alameda? only remember 300 night club

te falto preguntarme por la calle padre pico, cine cuba, sastreria ricardo, siboney, la pescaderia, la casa de velazquez, el caney , y muchas cositas mas, solo vivi en santiafo en la epoca de los 70 not in the sixties

5/25/2008 6:50 PM

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fantomas said...

Yes you did, you called it months ago, you said fanto sounded Puertorican and that it was odd he lost his Cuban accent, you caught on no one can fool you my friend

te lo dije vana no hablo como los habaneros, eso JAMAS, SOLAVAYA

Vana said...


Thank you, I shall be proud to call you a friend.

Fantomas said...

You have been served angel , any more santiago questions, i kinda liked it

Vana said...


Fanto probably has a santiaguero friend who told him the answers, don't let him fool you.

Fantomas said...

no vana , it was easier i found all the answers thru google

lol lol lol

Angel Garzón said...

What are the names of the most well known comparsas that have been traditional rivals for decades in Santiago?

la placita, los hoyos, karabali, san agustin,

Comercio and La Placita

What is the colloquial name of the cinema house that's across the street from the Cathedral?



Where is the main library located?

heredia por la calle de la casa de la trova
no me acuerdo si en heredia


What sport is practiced at a facility that's just one block West of the main library?

Fencing (Esgrima)

What specific, world known hobby has a shop among many, three quarters of a block around the corner from the library?

La Filatelia

What was the name of the most modern cinema house that was destroyed by fire (arson) after the family that had owned it left Cuba?

no me acuerdo del cine pero estaba frente a la iglesia escuela y habia un parque cerca que vendian gastronomia , helados

OK, Pass, before your time

What's the most common place where many of the city's young people like to go to see and be seen by their young peers?

parque cespedes frente a casa granda

for tweenies, yes, for teenagers El Boulevard (Stgo.'s Copelia)

Which verbena is so well known, that just about everyone from Moncada & Los Hoyos neighborhoods flock to it during the carnavales?

la trocha

almost right, Trinidad, but fair enough

Name the restaurant that's in Reparto Sueño near the Entranda de Vista Alegre?

no me acuerdo

Las Américas

Name the very famous hotel & night club that was in the carretera al aeropuerto?

San pedro del mar

Versalles, but S.P. del M. was on the same carretera

Name the brand of municipal transit buses that were acquired by Cuba in the late 1960s to replace the old GM ones that serviced intra Santiago?


close, Hino

Name the brand of cars that were used to replace the old Volgas for the police and taxis in the late 1960s?


before Ladas, Alfa Romeo

Name the location of the radio and TV transmitters (antennas)

la gran piedra?


What well known building was turned into a school & museum by the commies and what world known soft beverage brand had a bottling plant near it?

cuartel moncada

correct, Pt II: Coca-Cola

What's the name of the key (cayo) in Santiago Bay and what is the species of fish that loiters by its main ferry dock?

punta gorda,

Cayo Smith, a.k.a. Cayo Azul. Pt II: Barracudas

Name the club that was across the bay from the old refinery and name the refinery

en alameda? only remember 300 night club

no, by the bay, Club Nautico, we were members

te falto preguntarme por la calle padre pico, cine cuba, sastreria ricardo, siboney, la pescaderia, la casa de velazquez, el caney , y muchas cositas mas, solo vivi en santiafo en la epoca de los 70 not in the sixties

I also did not ask you the name of my family's business, but....LOL

You pass, but you are an adopted Santiaguero, not a true born and raised, no problem, we are kind to all who came in good faith, heck the whole country was like that, that's probably why we got shafted, we were too good for our own good.

BTW, the comment about the initials was all B.S., I made it up to bust your chops, see how you handled it. They are a friend of mine's initials, he's originally from Marianao, but lives in Bayamón, P.R.

Angel Garzón said...

P.S. The refinery that was across the bay from the Club Nautico was owned by Texaco

Centurion said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fantomas said...

You pass, but you are an adopted Santiaguero, not a true born and raised, no problem,

Incorrect , sorry, I pass 100%, by the way what was your family business and i will tell you what i know about them

not adopted by anyone including the comunists, true born and raised , no problem

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angel Garzón said...

by the way what was your family business and i will tell you what i know about them

It was intervenido in January or early February of 1968, I have to check with my father for the exact date, this caused my grandfather to go into an irreversible state of depression, which eventually lead to his untimely death that same year, he had built the business from the 1920s and by the 60s he was semi-retired, my father was the oldest of his children so he ran the biz, it was located in Pio Rosado, near the Floridita Restaurant, just up the block from it, I can't tell you the name, you know that the commie MININT reads all of this.

Fantomas said...
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Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fantomas said...



Tal parece que las dos urracas have come to their senses..y ya estan aceptando que si el pueblo de Cuba prefiere que Obama hablando concastro puede traer el fin de su miseria que asi sea..Las Damas de Blanco ya le escribieron a Obama , el tide se mueve a favor DEL UNICO CANDIDATO CAPAZ DE HABLAR CON EL REGIMEN SENTADO EN LA MESA de tu a tu con raul, esta vez sera diferente poruqe fidel ya no cuenta y raul no es tan astuto como el mauqeavelico fidel por lo tanto señores dejemos que Obama trate , creo que este hombre puede hacer algo que ningun republicano inclyuendo a Ronald Reegan pudohacer por Cuba....y ya obama lo dijo el embargo no sera removido at once ..todo dependera de las fichas que mueva raul, si no las mueven se joden

what the fuck hilda molina mother is in argentina y nadie habla de eso, ellos mismos agradecen a raul el gesto, no me joden hardliners intransigentes comemierdas de miami , no me jodan

y a los amigos de miami solo les digo , hace muy poco yo pensaba como ustedes , pero he cambiado de opinion ..con la retorica y el hardline NO LOGRAREMOS NADA, TENEMOS QUE APRENDER A perdonar , y aunque raul tenga sangre hay que engage with him , after all this is only a stepping stone, raul will probabably die in the next 10 years, seran los lidere futuros de cuba in about 10-12 years lo que propiciaran el cambio final a la democracia ..pero no va a ser ahora

aqui esta lo que escribieron los amigos del otro blog...

The Trojan Horse gambit
It is easier to defeat the enemy when you are inside their fortress.

The stupidity, the ego, the greed of EL EXILIO HISTORICO and the hard liners has brought this upon us.

Vana, you are absolutely right. If that is the only light they see, they MUST embrace it.

Now, comes the real battle between the Cubans who matter and the Cubans who want to be the conquerors.

I DO hope that as they did with Yoani, AMERICAN/cubans do not turn this into some kind of propaganda against the Ladies in White. If they do THEN all their cards we will be on the table and what we have been saying for 3 years will be clear as water.

These pricks NEVER wanted a free Cuba.

I can not deny my ambivalence to this, but it was brought about by those who I hate the most, the Diaz-Balart’s the Ileana-Roth and the Miamian's who THINK they have anything to do with Cuba 2008.

How fucking stupid must Bush and the usual pricks must feel just about now.

And Julio you are also on the nose. You can pressure cook all you want but until you open the pot you do not get to eat ANYTHING!

Now, we must forget about the distractions of the so called “pundits” and concentrate in CUBA.

Shame on every single person who was at that Veinte de Mayo charade !

Sunday, May 25, 2008 11:23:00 PM

Anonymous said...

What's with the cut and paste of copyrighted material?
Can you -Fantomas- just give due credit to people?
All the material Mr. Fantomas posted here was lifted from KillCastro, as it was the concept of Obama as the Manchurian candidate that they are flaunting now at the Cuban American Pundits. Just to clarify things, if one writes "manchurian candidate" on KillCastro's search box one gets a few articles with that phrase, and concept, way back then.

Fantomas said...

All the material Mr. Fantomas posted here was lifted from KillCastro

seras bruto killcastro of course i lifted your material enteramente y fue reproducido copy and paste on purpose

aqui esta empieza donde dice

the troyan horse gambit

lo de mas es de mi autoria anormal

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

I delayed the publication of my review of Cuba 21 herein announced because I had not expected that this blurb would grow into a 76-comment thread. Rather than preempt the discussion, I decided to delay the publication of the review till Monday, which being a holiday is an extension of Sunday.

Meanwhile this thread metamorphosed into a discussion of censorship as practiced by Babalú and defended by George Moneo in a post published the same day.

Since we declined to engage Moneo on the question of censorship, considering the matter to have been settled long ago, a toothless debate developed between George and Rick on this issue. If George were not such a numbskull, he could easily have emerged the winner.

When it comes to censorship, George is small fry when compared to Rick, who deleted 100,000 comments in one day when he closed Stuck on the Palmetto last year.

Still, poor bumbling George tried to prove that Rick was a censor by lacing a comment on Rick's blog with sundry obcenities, knowing that Rick is an old schoolmarm when it comes to cuss words and would delete it.

Thus George claimed victory with one deleted comment while ignoring 100,000.

George's position is that it's not censorship to delete comments if you call your blog a "log" instead of a forum, while Rick holds that it's wrong to censor unless you have a blog policy that allows censorship.

In fact, George and Rick's positions on censorship are identical: they both like it and practice it.

It's that simple.

Vana said...

George and Rick, George and Henry, George and Val, all the same face in a coin.