Realizing at long last that the 4-ring circus at Chicago's Trinity Unity Church of Christ wasn't going to close between now and November, Barack Obama had no choice but to sever his connection to the church that Rev. Jeremiah Wright built. It was not an easy decision for him to make as reflected in the months of soul-searching before finally figuring out what everybody else had long ago concluded -- there was no way that Trinity United would ever metamorphose into a mainstream church acceptable to more than ten percent of Americans. On the contrary, its bizarreries only increased with time and now it was even importing crackpots from other denominations to grace its tabernacle.
Still, this church was his "spiritual home" and its pastor emeritus had been the mentor who forged his social conscience and inducted him into Christianity: we might add, a proto-Marxist social conscience and a Christianity informed by liberation theology, the Marxist variant of Christianity.
There was little stability in Barack Obama's early life. Shuttled from Hawaii to Indonesia, from mother to grandparents, from a Muslim madrassa to a Catholic school, uncertain of who he was, with a father who abandoned him at birth and no black role model or any black friends, Barack Obama craved a sense of belonging, tradition, stability and continuity in his adult life. Hence he attended the same church for 20 years; hence he has been attended by the same physician for 20 years. It must have been traumatic indeed for him to resign from Trinity United, the bedrock of his newly-forged identity, where he became everything he is today, alas.
Obama experienced the same difficulty disassociating himself from his church as he had earlier distancing himself from his longtime minister. At first, he said that he would no more disown Rev. Wright than the grandmother who raised him. And now he is making it clear that despite his resignation: "I'm not denouncing the church, and I am not interested in people who want me to denounce the church. It's not a church worth denouncing." He means, of course, that it's not deserving of denunciation. No doubt, like Rev. Wright, the church or its new minister will do something in the next 6 months that will obliged Obama to denounce it regardless of his having already publicly severed his connection to it or vowed never to denounce it.
It is worth noting that his letter of resignation was written by his wife and is signed first by her. Make of that what you will. She is certainly the more dominant personality, the strong-willed and well-connected spouse that Rev. Wright introduced to Obama (or, some say, chose for him). She is the more radical of the two as Hillary was once more radical than Bill, and, like Hillary in 1992, she has her eye on the main chance and is as influential in her spouse's campaign.
Obama can resign from Trinity United but he is still what that church made him. And, ultimately, of course, he can't resign from himself.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
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Amen: Obama quits his church
Excellent political driven move
A transparent political move, seems the wife wears the pants in that family, just like Hillary uh? who by the way won Puerto Rico.
Yes Vana it was a nice Victory for MRS Hill 68-32. It was a blowout victory. Los Puertorriqueños tradicionalmente han sido loyal to the Clinton clan. Hay unas raices muy fuertes. Recuerde she is the Senator of over 5 million Puerto Ricans in NYC. Estuvo aqui as a first lady in 1989 after Hugo Hurricane. 90% of Puertorricans did not know Obama as late as 3 weeks ago
Still Obama is closer to the nomination , thanks to the 14 Puerto Rican votes he obtained and for that he is grateful
Mat y su cantaleta....
Cuando vas a escribir algo contra McCain ?
Mat tiene sus dias contados para cerrar este blog. el lo anuncio hace unos dias que lo cerraria si Obama ganaba. Veremos si cumple su palabra , si es lo suficientemente caballero para llevarlo a cabo
Creo que si , Mat escribira algo en contra de Mc Cain mas rapido de lo que muchos de ustedes se imaginan
so Mat are you voting?
Mat said"
"I am an impartial spectator."
Ha ha ha ha ha
qua qua qua qua qua....
Manuel may close this blog, but I hope he opens another one, we the Cuban community in exile sorely need him, don't abandon us Manuel.
I am certain that there will be no need to close this blog. Obama will not win in November. His primary victories have been for the most part in states which no Democrat candidate has carried in 20 years. The nomination of Obama would be a heaven-sent boom for the Republican Party.
In the wake of Bush's calamitous tenure there would be absolutely no chance that a Republican could hold the White House except for Barack Obama.
Rest assured, Vana, RCAB is here for the long-run.
Looking forward to 2012 and assuming that the prophecies of doom from various religions and philosophies of the world do not come to pass that same year, we might very well be looking at Michelle Obama the Democratic Party candidate for her party's nomination to run against whomever the GOP nominee might be.
Posted by Allyson Whitey at June 1, 2008 09:48 PM
Allyson, I've deleted your comment. Is this more rumor-mongering? Are there any other Chicago residents out there who have heard this? God knows I don't want this man as my President, but making these scurrilous allegations is pretty low. Unless they can be proven with evidence I'm not willing to allow this on the site.
Posted by George L. Moneo at June 1, 2008 11:21 PM
Michelle Obama Vs Hillary Clinton in 2016 or 2020
Poor lonely Obama. If he continues to sever his ties with all of his associates from the quinta columna, he will have no more old friends left.
The comment was probably related to the persistent rumor within the gay community that Obama is....
Joe Garcia will be prominent under Obama leadership should he lose to Balart . He could be selected as the Head of Radio and TV Marti , could replace Frank Garzon
Emile Griffith was homosexual . He came out of the closet at age 70
Beware the homosexual inside of you
where is shorty
He owe us 15 cents
Is this Marino Martinez guy idiotic?
"El cubano fue el segundo pugilista en fallecer por los puños de su rival en un combate televisado a nivel nacional. La otra muerte ocurrió el 24 de noviembre de 1963 en el pleito entre Lee Harvey Oswald y Jack Ruby."
Doesn't he know that club owner Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin of JFK with a revolver?
Mmartinez @Elnuevoherald.Com
Recopilado del blog Los miquis de Miami
Machetico advirtió en el «Rincón del recuerdo» (El Nuevo Herald) algo que se justificaría ya solo si entraña un mensaje cifrado al exilio anticastrista o la disidencia interna en Cuba. Marino Martínez Peraza escribió: «Por el castigo recibido [en su última pelea con Emile Griffith, Benny Kid] Paret tuvo que ser enviado al hospital Roossevelt donde murió 10 días después (3 de abril [de 1962]) a los 25 años de edad. El cubano fue el segundo pugilista en fallecer por los puños de su rival en un combate televisado a nivel nacional. La otra muerte ocurrió el 24 de noviembre de 1963 en el pleito entre Lee Harvey Oswald y Jack Ruby».
Foto: El árbitro contempla cómo Jack Ruby noquea a Lee Harvey Oswald.
Publicado por Los Miquis de Miami en 2:38 PM
12 comentarios:
Pullita dijo...
¿Cuantos dedos de frente se exige para escribir en el Herald?
1 de junio de 2008 14:46
Ernesto G. dijo...
Miquis, expliquenme que estoy confundido. Esto es un chiste o que?
1 de junio de 2008 16:35
Ernesto G. dijo...
Todavia me estoy riendo. Que fue lo que tomo ese tipo? O es un mensaje cifrado?
1 de junio de 2008 16:36
Fray Candil dijo...
Así es. Andres Reynaldo deja que le empaten dos fotos como si fuera una; Rafael del Pino y la madre de Salvador Blanco escriben artículos de opinión. No debe asombrar que el tal Marino navege por el mar del del surrealismo deportivo.
1 de junio de 2008 16:44
de la Cova dijo...
El artículo del Herald omitió mencionar que un año después, el 23 de marzo de 1963, el boxeador David S. "Davey" Moore, peso pluma mundial, murió de los golpes que recibió en la pelea en Dodger Stadium con el mantancero exiliado Ultiminio "Sugar" Ramos. Bob Dylan le dedicó la canción "Who Killed Davey Moore" criticando el deporte del boxeo.
1 de junio de 2008 17:08
garrincha dijo...
honestly, no sé quién de la familia paret negó lo de la burla, pero varios historiadores han descrito la escena del pesaje de los boxeadores antes de la pelea, y relatan paret fue agresivo en sus burlas con griffith, quien al parecer era conocido en toooda la comunidad del boxeo por sus preferencias sexuales.
esta anécdota en el pesaje adquirió mayor importancia aún luego de la muerte de paret, como es obvio.
hace unos años la "sports illustrated" hizo un magnífico trabajo con y sobre griffith, y los antecedentes a la pelea están muy bien documentados.
ya sé que es un sorbeto, pero quería hacerme el informado.
1 de junio de 2008 18:02
Nelson Notario Castro dijo...
Cabellero, pero lo del cronista del Herald no tiene parangón. Tremendo cruce de cables. Y del editor, ni hablar. Estar en la luna con la trama de JFK es el colmo del despiste periodístico
1 de junio de 2008 18:14
PolO dijo...
Al fin se aclarò el misterio en el magnicidio de JFK: Lo matò Teòfilo Stevenson por òrdenes del Nuevo Herald.
1 de junio de 2008 19:43
Muela Inquieta dijo...
En el momento es que se tomaba esa instantanea. Fabian Escalande , seguia muy de cerca los acontecimientos en un hotel de Dallas, habia entrado desde Mexico en una avioneta privada.
El gobierno nortemaricano sabia de este viaje, jamas fue mencionado en las investigaciones. Por que?
1 de junio de 2008 21:37
Laz dijo...
Off topic: La cogen con Rafael Rojas e Ichikawa en Kaos
1 de junio de 2008 21:53
Anónimo dijo...
Muela inquieta, estas hablando mierda. ¿Que te fumaste?
Mr. Ñemerson
1 de junio de 2008 22:28
enrisco dijo...
como reportaje es un desastre. la noticia -la aparicion del libro con sus correspondientes confesiones- esta como en el cuarto parrafo. luego esta lo de Kennedy y encima al final al volver del tema de la homosexualidad dice:
"Su confesión pública a los 70 años de edad demuestra una vez más, que sin importar el ambiente donde el ser humano desarrolle sus habilidades, las apariencias suelen engañar y hasta el hombre más valiente también posee su 'Talón de Aquiles'". Aquiles era homosexual pero su "talon de Aquiles" no era su homosexualidad sino justamente su telon. se pueden decir mas tonterias en un articulo? puede ser pero este sennor lo ha puesto dificil.
2 de junio de 2008 0:12
Publicar un comentario en la entrada
so Mat are you voting?
Mat said"
"I am an impartial spectator."
Mat is not a US Citizen. He's still a Mambi
maybe you meant to say:
"Poor lonely Obama. If he continues to sever his ties with all of his associates from the quinta columna, he will have no more old LEFT friends."
The guy is a manipulator and a political animal, and now he has disavowed his chucrch of 20 years and his friends here as good political expedient move this late in the game. But the voters will see through that ploy clearly.
One cannot attend a church for 20 years where the pastor has been saying these things, and still claim that he never heard them. And as MAT said, the guy has won primaries in states where a democrat has never won a presidential contest. Big deal.
One cannot win the presidency with primary votes. The test is in November and there he is on the losing side. When the voters realize that this guy is a phony and not trustworthy on the very important issue of national security, he is doomed.
I almost forgot. We were a bit short on donations vs. expenses for this year's Cuba Nostalgia Convention, so, if you didnt get a chance to drop a few bucks in the till, please consider doing so now. Gracias.
Posted by Val Prieto at 08:12 AM | Habla (0) | Leenkaso (0)
Thank you.
Los demócratas no llegarán a la presidencia de USA, ellos van a elegir a Obama como su candidato para oponerlo a Mc Cain porque a Hillary no le perdonan que sea mujer y ella no cuenta para nada. Entonces, ¿Creen ustedes que los gringos, blancos, rubios, ojos claros, bonitos, ricos, elitistas, racistas a morir, antiterroristas, antimusulmanes, anticomunistas, van a elegir como su presidente a un negro de nombre Obama que les recuerde todos los días a Osama Bin Laden y al 11S? El presidente será Mc Cain, inteligente, preparado, veterano de guerra (que es un antecedente siempre apreciado por los gringos y con el que no cuentan ni Obama ni Hillary.), además Mc Cain es presuntuoso, sobrado, agresivo, autosuficiente, como les gusta a los gringos que sean los presidentes.
Obama's plan for gutting the American military in his own words:
Plus the article:
Is this man naive? In he an idiot? No, far from it, he has a master plan and is sticking to it.
Don't say later you did not know about it.
Those of you interested in reading the comment that was deleted by George Moneo on June 1 because it supposedly made "scurrilous" accusations against Barack Obama may find it reproduced in toto at Right Wing Nut House. It's under the post "Obama -- the Cowardly Lion" and is comment #12 in the thread:
Manny y tu realmente crees esa noticia amarilla?
James McGreevey.
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