Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Advice for McCain As He Embarks on His Crusade to Save America from Its Domestic Enemies

Don't be afraid to attack Obama aggressively and relentlessly. Expose his Marxist connections and the fact that he has built his political career on embracing America's enemies and advancing their interests. Your constituency won't object even if the media crucify you for it and all the lapdogs of liberalism are unleashed against you. Jim McGreevy, who was shielded by the media for years from the effects of his indiscretions, is nobody's hero now and neither will Obama's reputation survive the exposure of his sordid past (present?). Don't feel restrained because Obama is an African-American. His race, or, rather, the side of his ancestry with which he choses to identify himself, should be no concern of yours. No presidential candidate in history will win fewer African-American votes than you though no Republican has been a more consistent supporter of equality and opportunity for all Americans. Whites who don't vote for Obama, especially if they are Democrats -- and there will be a lot of those -- will be condemned as racists. The fact that almost no black will vote for you shall not be seen as a reflection on them but on you. Again, don't try to accommodate the race mongers or race baiters. There is nothing that you can do to convince them that your experience trumps Obama's experience, or to disabuse them of the notion that words that say nothing are more redolent of hope than are solid achievements.

Isolate President Bush like a virus. Your own native sense of loyalty prevents you from breaking ranks with him, and, of course, you would never blame him for the failure in Iraq when success there seems at last within reach. Still, you must keep him, or, rather, yourself as far away from Bush as you can, physically and with your vision "thing." Yes, I know, Gore lost the election because he did the same thing with Clinton. But there is a difference. Clinton was more popular than Gore even at his most unpopular and his fellow Democrats remained in his corner to the last. Clinton was an untapped asset for Gore. Bush is no asset for you. Certainly, the media has contributed the most to making him a pariah, but there is nothing that you can do to rehabilitate him now. He must do that for himself as Truman did, and Nixon did and Carter did. Worry instead about what the media will do to you. Their blatant unfairness to Hillary Clinton during the primaries will be nothing compared to what they have planned for you in the general election. The left is not through torturing you. Their water boy will remain respectful because he can. But every superannuated 60s liberal will make it his business to see to it that the Vietnam War is lost again in 2008. These unreconstructed radicals are in control of the media and academia and have educated and trained their successors to hate all the people that they hate. You are pretty much at the top of the list.

Do not squander your political capital, or narrow your base of support, by courting the Know-Nothings and other fifth-columnists within the Republican Party's big tent. They may bluster and fultimate, but, in the end, the prospect of an Obama presidency will reconcile them to you without you having to make any overture to them. If they do not support you, then we are not talking about Republicans but anarchists vent on destroying not only the party but the nation. Their support you do not need and should not want.

Do not choose as a running-mate any of the tribe of weasals who ran against you in the Republican primaries. Mediocre would be a generous assessment of them as a group, though as individuals some don't even reach that threshhold. Pitiful indeed they must have been to have positioned themselves to the right of you and yet failed to win the support of conservative Republicans. It would be difficult if not impossible to decide which is less unctuous or less insincere. Choose, instead, a running-mate who matches your strengths not one who supposedly compensates for your weaknesses. Do not fall into the trap of picking someone as young and inexperienced as Barack Obama. That kind of "balance" the ticket doesn't need as it would dilute your ability to challenge Obama's monumental gall in presuming that he is qualified to be president of the United States and leader of the free world on the basis of three lackluster years in the Senate where he was playing hookey most of the time and an equally undistinguished career in the Illinois legislature.

Seriously consider an Hispanic as a running-mate. Obama isn't liked by Hispanics and any half-credible Hispanic vice presidential candidate could split the Hispanic vote. No Cuban-Americans, please. You are already guaranteed the Cuban vote, anyway, and other Hispanics wouldn't vote for a Cuban in any case because they dislike us more than they dislike Obama. And, yes, forget about the governor of Florida, too. Again, you don't need Governor Crist because Cuban-American support (and the support of all of crackerdom) will guarantee your victory in Florida. Besides, selecting Crist would be like balm applied to Obama's Achilles foot and I've already warned you against attempting to clone Obama in a running-mate.



    Reaparecistes por fin , saliste de la cueva?

    leete el post que puse en mi blog que dice ojo miami... sino puedes abrir este link

    ya sabia yo cual era la conexion tuya con chomsky

  2. MaT,

    your best post EVER. I wish I could fax this to McCain.

  3. Calabazza go to mac cain site and send it , the have faxes , e mail etc

  4. The above is the first picture I took at the White House. Among the people there that day, it was a photograph in front of his portrait that was most coveted. As I stood there in front of that portrait, I couldnt help but remember white guayaberas.

    Take a close look at Val Prieto elegant two piece suit tailored for him by no other than G Armani. Thanks to all the babalunians who send donations to Val's Blog all year round.

  5. Loved it, MAT.

    Who, in your opinion, are the Know-Nothings and other fifth-columnists within the Republican Party's big tent?

    I also may be running slow, but was the big tent reference subtle sarcasm?

  6. I can only hope McCain reads this advise coming from a very wise man who knows what he's talking about.

  7. thanks for the great post Mat. In your opinion--who should be McCain running mate ?

  8. Yes, yes, an excellent post. Wonderful. But do you (or anyone) know who would be a good Hispanic running-mate?

  9. i think there's only one non-cuban hispanic in the GOP, Alberto Gonzalez

    Not sure hispanics are warm and fuzzy with the gop, something about immigration and bigotry tends to turn them off

  10. Corgiguy,

    sorry, I don't think I would hire Alberto Gonzalez to read the fine print of my toaster warranty. . .

  11. OK Mat,

    I think we have a problem . . . no (non-Cuban) Hispanics to think of for VP position in the Republican Party.

  12. Corgiguy: I hope you are being sarcastic -- really i really really hope......

    McCain should stay away from everything Bush ....

  13. ok, i withdraw alberto's nomination. sorry mat no hispanics left on the gop, oh wait maybe linda chavez is she still around?

  14. No, Henry Gomez will not get the Republican VP nod

  15. Talking about the party of exclusion

    How about a black Republican for VP

    Colin Powell?

    On the other hand Bama should not use Hillary as VP, big mistake if she is elected

  16. Como esta mi gente?

    Saludos para todos

    Dime Manuel cuando abrimos el chat automatico aqui

    Avisame si lo deseas para enviarte el codigo

  17. nonee:

    The Know-Nothings are the Republican xenophobes like Tom Tancredo who, by their visceral hatred for Hispanics, will assure that the GOP goes the way of the Whigs or the Know-Nothing Party itself when Hispanics become the majority population in the U.S. around 2050.

  18. walter mercada:

    Colin Powell would be the worst possible choice that McCain could make other than Tancredo. Like Obama, he, too, is an admirer of Fidel Castro and, in testimony before a Senate committee, praised in the fullest terms the Revolution's bogus "achievements" in the area of health and education. He may also have endorsed Obama already. I recall reading something to that effect though Powell is so insignificant now that it's not even worth checking.

  19. The idea of Condi Rice was floated a month or so ago. To me a black woman would be pretty revolutionary.

  20. ms. calabaza:

    Yes, it will be quite a challenge to find a suitable non-Cuban Hispanic Republican to be McCain's running-mate. I have formed a one-man exploratory committee to find a suitable candidate who meets that criteria. I will report on my findings later.

  21. Mat did you cross Henry Gomez off that list. He is not Cuban, remember?

  22. fulano de cal:

    Too close to George Bush, indeed, his own creation. Rice does have something in common with both Obama and Clinton, though neither affinity necessarily commends her.

  23. "Accelerate the demise of Castro's tyranny"

    "The day that the people of Cuba are finally free is going to be a great one for the Western Hemisphere"

    - Condi Rice

    At least she has the right perspective..

  24. Mat te envie un e mail , lo recibistes?

  25. mercado/a:

    Henry Gómez hates McCain's guts and would love nothing more than to see him defeated.

  26. Manuel , the poodle is taking over at Babalu. He is everywhere now , averaging 3 or 4 comments per posts. He even called Val royalty

    What is this world coming to?

    The end is near

  27. MaT,
    I would be honored to be part of your exploratory committee if you are interested in having a woman's perspective (ala Caroline for Obama). Let me know, and I will begin to do research from my bunker. . .

  28. Corgiguy,

    Linda's out, she only hires undocumented mexicans. . .

  29. Linda's out, she only hires undocumented mexicans

    that is a racist remark, I´m sorry

  30. Manuel,
    great post and a great analysis. I wish that McCain would get to read this, honestly. You have hit the nail right on the head.
    Hopefully someone on his campaign will pass this on to him if you send it there.
    Great perspective on the Hispanic vote and the unwanted folks around McCain that will only hurt him.
    This is the kind of postings we love to get from you.
    Now, all I have to do is translate it into Spanish for my wife. Her English is still a little deficient, but she is improving rapidly with a little help from me daily.

  31. manny,

    creo que el poodle te quiere hacer un trabajito.


    Don't worry man - I just visited "El Indio" in Union City. It'll be gone by tomorrow.


    Posted by CubaWatch at June 5, 2008 05:04 PM

    Union City, NJ? Hmmm. Who is this, "El Indio" fellow. We may need his services again...

    Posted by George L. Moneo at June 5, 2008 05:17 PM

  32. anonymous,

    it was certainly not my intention to be racist. One, Linda is Mexican; Two, she was disqualified for a cabinet position precisely because she had an undocumented worker. I was trying to make a joke out of that situation. Not a good one, I see. My apologies.

  33. charlie bravo dijo y fantomas respondio aqui porque alla censuran
    --------------------------Gracias Mat

    Para entenderlo hay que vivirlo
    That's what they say in Cuba, to understand this (system) you have to live (under) it.

    Habanero Spanish is very synthetic. It's a language of ideas and images, of things that are said, and of things that remain untold.

    Since I've been writing about the elimination of restriction in travels and remittances, I've been receiving a lot of letters. I have to recognize that I have not received hate mail -thanks for not writing to me!- but a lot of letters both from Cubans in Cuba and from Cubans in exile offering a lot of insight on why they want those restrictions to vanish in thin air.

    Para entenderlo hay que vivirlo.
    Only very few people who don't have close relatives in the island can understand this concept very well. People here can take care of their families, visit them, show at the front door unannounces with a present or empty handed, and all they want to see -as sensible humans- is the smile of a father, the bright eyes of a mother, the affection of kids, and so on. Apparently, those of us who left our loved ones behind are forbidden from experience the same pleasure. And when our families are not well fed, live in fear and opression, we are even expected to turn our backs of them. Talk about double standards, and believe me, I am very familiar with double standards in Cuba -you were requested by the government to forget about your gusano family, we never did, and neither did so many other Cubans but there were people who did and to this day they regret it. Simirlarly, there are people in exile whose myopic vision is such that they request from the newcomers to do exactly what the commies request their families to do in Cuba: to forget about each other.

    Para entenderlo hay que vivirlo.
    Anyone who ever rode a bike during the special period (has it ended yet?) under a castigating sun in Cuba, with an empty stomach, under surveillance, and after have scrounged all day to take a meager meal to the family table knows what I am talking about. Those who didn't can have an idea, but just as a photograph shows an interpretation of reality, an idea does not correspond 100 percent to what reality is like.

    It has been said that remittances relieve the regime of a certain pressure. That's not true. The regime could live -and did- without the help of remittances. The idea that the people is miserable because the regime doesn't have money is an erroneous one. The people of Cuba is kept in poverty because it's convenient for the regime to use hunger and scarcity as a mean of social control, socialized misery is the first element of control in a communist society. No economic independence guarantee government control over the individual.

    Money sent to Cuba makes it to the government coffers, that's a popular assertion. It could. But it goes a long way before some of those dollars actually make it out of the black market circuit or before being used to pay one's way out of Cuba to a smuggler or to buy a fake passport to board a plane. Families are fed with that money, and dissidents can do their work thanks to it.

    Pressure cooker theoricists should adhere to their preferences.
    They should park their cars, stop working for a week.
    During that week, they should shut down their computers, and only watch Cuban TV shows, listen to Cuban radio and Radio Marti, shut down the water valves, use electricity only eight hours a day, and specially not visit (or receive any visits from) any relative not under this very same regime, and more importantly they should not put anything on their family tables that do not correspond to what a regular Cuban family eats on a weekly basis through their rationing card.

    They could this experiment a couple of steps further, and live in a communist theme park for a couple of months. No visits or kisses to Mom. No phone calls to Mom, only from Mom, and such calls are to be thought as tapped. They should imagine that their neighbors are communist snitches, and that only a few of them can be trusted. They should walk and ride bikes everywhere, and fear the police and unknown men in guayaberas.

    At the same time, they should keep chicken inside the garage, have a porker in the tub, and a 55 oil drum with dirty water full of tilapias in the backyard. They can grow onions and garlic in the planters, or even plantains and bananas. Then they shall fear a particular family in the block, the committee, since they will have to barter or sell those "crops" and the eggs for sustenance. Ah, don't forget the pressure on you for being gusano, for being a believer in God, and for sin of sins, have family abroad.

    I will offer them money, and a way to escape that nightmare.
    Then a neighbor who is not living under those conditions will say "No!, you can't help them with money! that money goes to the tyranny!".
    Tell me how much you loved that neighbor again, please.

    Also, I will smuggle your family -leaving you behind- to a safe house where their relatives are leading a normal life. But.... there's a law! if your feet get wet with their lawn sprinklers they are returned back to your "communist house of horrors" and your neighbors in freedom are going to say "yes, they are not real refugees, they are not real exiles, they have to go back to where they belong".

    Furthermore, I will get one of your children to freedom, the healthiest of your children or your first born out of that nightmare and place him or her in a normal household where all the benefits of freedom are to be enjoyed, and where the fruits of his/her labor allow for a decent and comfortable life. And he/she will offer to help you, and will send some help to the rest of the family.

    Then I will get a bunch of well-fed, comforts-of-life-ladden, good-car-driving, and healthy people to scream at him/her that he/she cannot help you, his/her mother, or his/her ill sister, that he/she cannot send you any money, that he/she cannot call you -you know, Castro benefits from phone calls too!- and that he has to understand that any help he gives to you is just an act of treason because he/she helps the tyranny. Of course, I will get those neighbors to chastize your first born because he/she wants to go back to see you.

    Please tell me again, how much love are you growing for those neighbors?

    Para entenderlo hay que vivirlo.
    posted by Charlie Bravo at 9:24 AM 3 comments
    ------------------------Fantomas response
    Obama es el que mejor opcion tiene de eliminar esas trabas

    pero eso no te importa y no haces campaña para que salga, desprecias a Obama

    what kind of double shit talk is this

    the same people that are writing to you from cuba see in obama hope, ask the ladies in white

    ahora te toca entrar al hueco tu

    es verdad hay que vivirlo bro

    oye grow up and stop erasing the commets

  34. azucarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    se prendio el panal

    las moscas se revoltearan esta noche

    llegamos a 200 en este thread

    Oye Fantasma, las urracas te van a picotear

  35. ms. calabaza:

    I welcome you to the exploratory committee. Anyone else who wishes to join it is also welcome.

    We are going to have to explore a whole lot to find what we are looking for. This, in itself, is somewhat disconcerting.

  36. RCAB nation seriously, if mccain courts hispanics he risks an insurgency with the core conservative base, you those longfellow republicans. is a kabuki dance. black vote forget about it.

    so his best bet is to go after the idependendet voters and the angry white hillary voters. He should pick a female governor. Sarah Palin from Alaska, that's the ticket. Then he can say he is for change.

  37. chango:

    "El Indio" is in the Bronx, not Union City, N.J.

    Although I don't see why George would have to recourse to him since Val has more than enough coconuts and dead chickens on his lawn to answer any possible contingency.

    I wonder why he isn't auctioning some of those (his "battle scars," as it were?)

    I'm afraid he may actually be eating them.

  38. corgiguy:

    Not too many electoral votes in Alaska and McCain already has a lock on them.

    I think, however, that you are unto something: a female Hispanic would be the most desirable of all running-mates.

    As for the Republican xenophobes, what choice do they have? They're certainly not voting for Obama. At this point, McCain can cram anything down there throats and should.

  39. Manuel no te hagas el loco y responde
    Cuanto recibe Mc Cain de Social Security los dias 3 de cada mes?

    Y eso que no le hace falta dicen por ahi que su esposa tiene una fortuna billonaria

  40. mat, is not about the alaska vote, is about a female candidate, that can attract new voters to the gop and match mcccain maverick message.

    that governor matches mccain style, she's a woman, attractive young, good looking family. Read More

    Don't forget is all about those western states.

  41. corgiguy:

    OK, but why not tap a female from a swing state rich in electoral votes? Why not the cherry on the cake, too?

    Again, I am convinced that you are right about choosing a female for the #2 slot. This would attract Hillary's disaffected female supporters and enable them both to vent their anger against the Democratic establishment that denied her the nomination as well as to bring women that much closer to the presidency. Better an actual Republican vice-president than a Democratic also-ran presidential candidate.

  42. sure, but i don't if there is such person, i'm sure you'll vp committee will have some ideas.

    anyway that's my pick

  43. Manuel Val can't auction those chickens and coconuts--- He eats them---Yes he puts them on the bbq---- k-mart Val is soooooo cheap

  44. Fantomas , que le hicistes a Alex H?

    Habla camaleon

  45. The work el babalao did on Val is working great

    They have the culprit up their noses and still have not figure out who he or she is

    Word has it the work will remain on until Joe G gets respect from the entire cadre

    Even El niño bitongo had " some problems" while fishing

    Interesting , the little dog will be next

  46. Manuel, you may want to eMail Rick Davis, the McCain Campaign Manager: rickdavis at johnmccain dot com

    My suggestion for V.P. would be Leslie Sanchez (not to be confused with Leslie B. Sanchez, the Miami based model) Founder & CEO of Impacto Group LLC, her website is LeslieSanchez dot com

    Disclosure: I was a McCain for President volunteer in 1999-2000, I currently support the Senator and have donated money to his campaign in 2007 and 2008, I am not currently actively involved with Senator McCain's campaign, although I reserve the right to become active at any time I desire, the same applies to my wife.

  47. Estamos pensando demandar al Babalu blog por el uso indebido de la cancion Mami que sera lo que quiere el negro. Una directa burla hacia el senador y candidato a la Presidencia de los Estados Unidos Barack Obama

    Repudiamos este acto barbarico de racismo que aun continua en la comunidad de Miami. Muchos de estos refugiados cubanos mantuvieron sus costumbres aristocraticas y racistas al llegar al exilio.

    Nosotros los dominicanos hemos sufrido la censura de parte de la comunidad cubana en el pasado con el incidente de Sergio Vargas y la camisa del Che , Andy Montañez tambien fue victima de la extrema derecha miamense

    Indignados estamos y pelearemos por nuestros derechos. Pedimos la inmediata cancelacion de la cancion Mami que sera lo que quiere el negro colocada en el blog por el editor Gomez Prieto

    Los dominicanos no discriminamos por el color de la piel

  48. There is NO censorship at Charlie Bravo's or KC's blogs, Charlie and KC prefer to be straight and to the point, the fact that they fumigate flies does not entail censorship.

    People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.

  49. the fact that they fumigate flies does not entail censorship

    The can not handle the heat, are cowards, they DO CENSOR plus they are chivatos too

    ask them

  50. Angelito Calzoncillos: they do censor-- in that respect they are no different then babalu.....

  51. llego el F factor

    Quien anda por aca

  52. Angel que carajos tu sabes de censura en KC cuando eso ocurrio tu no estabas por estos lares
    No te me hagas el chivo loco ahora quien te dio esa informacion
    Te lo advertire una sola vez

  53. Veo una sola mosca por aca esta noche, vamos a calentar esto que se hace tarde

    Donde esta la ganga kool aid, Vana, Agustin, Corgy, Serafin,joep,Manuel,Calabaza,pedro el panadero,rin tin tin, longjohn, cheche chea, walter mercada,mosca#1,el chinitodel restaurante,los anonimos ,fariñas, kc, alex h,alex, noone,rick

  54. Si no comentan me voy a dormir

  55. The best way to prevent fly problems in a home is to exclude them by screening, failing that, FUMIGATE!!!

    Certain people believe that because they (i.e. the multiple personalities participant within the clinical disorder) are successful at self-deception, they are simultaneously capable of deceiving everyone else, however, none of those personalities suffering from the clinical disorder know IT, they deceive themselves into believing that they know IT, because they can use a few scripts that they have downloaded from script-kiddies' sites who think that makes them capable and qualified hackers, the truth is that none of them know IT, or even its meaning, now they're going to rush and enter the term on a search engine to figure out what I am talking about. FUMIGATE!!!

  56. tomate la pastillita y vete con ese sermon para otro lado bro

  57. Breaking News

    Obama goes personally to Hillary's

    meeting alone for more than two hours

    enfilan sus cañones ahora contra McCain

  58. angelito garzoncillo:

    oye asere--- polque no traduses esas cosas español brodel... yo acabe de llegal en una balza y no entiendo ni papa chico... alme el favol brodel

  59. Bueno, empezo la funcion

    El circo llego



  60. Alas, at least one of the multiple personalities has chosen to raise a flag that has a huge white canton next to the staff.

  61. Mat quien es este "señor" que esta insultando a nuestro querido y distinguido amigo fantomas...

    Para la casa de locos ( the madhouse ) --- pa fuera pa fuera

  62. Angel sabes cuantos Fantomas escriben en este blog?

    At the same time

    Take a guess

  63. oye serafin eso de distingido es lo mas maravilloso que me han dicho en este blog

    te quiero

  64. Garza: so, you have a blog-- but is only open to inveted guess... how can I get invited ? how much do you charge ?

  65. serafin tu no ves que ese es Mat jodiendo con nosotros

  66. no paren keep the flow of comments
    se hace tarde ya

  67. Really... yo pensaba que Mat solo era 2Humid.... a Mat tambien le gusta la jodedera....

  68. Donde estara metida Vana? en California es temprano todavia

    Se le habra perdido el perrito?

  69. Oye Santiaguero tu eres como los murciegalos ---

  70. coño a quien no le gusta eso

    Señores el que coja esto de blogear seriamente va a acabar como en mazorra. habra revolucion para rato y hay que joder con todo esto y reirse lo mas posible sino perdemos nosotros y ellos ( los pejes gordos de cuba) alla riendose de nosotros disfrutando de la buena vida comiendo caviar , langostas viajando a -europa y nosotros preocupandonos por el futuro de la isla aca de gartis sin cobrar un centavo

  71. Vana esta aprovechando .... pero tiene que regresar a casa antes de las 12....

  72. Oye Santiaguero tu eres como los murciegalos ---

    6/06/2008 1:52 AM

    Serafin por que ofendes ? Explicate

  73. Vana esta aprovechando

    Aprovechando de que , de la venta de Kmart?

  74. bro .. estas despierto a toda hora.....

  75. Voy a hacer una confesion una sola vez, primicia en RCAB, nada de muercielagos

    ahora sino lo apuntan no lo dire mas

    El movimiento Fantomas tiene 5 fantomas con un solo password en dos ciudades escribiendo 24/7 en este blog. Puerto Rico y NY por eso Mat siempre vera esas dos ciudades en el sitemeter constante

    esa es la razon, lo dije una vez y no lo repito

  76. "...Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?..."

  77. Llego Manuel, ya era hora

  78. te la sabes todas.....

    me voy echando ... mañana me voy a Hong Kong... cuidame esto por aqui... no dejes que las urracas agan de las sullas ... regreso el Jueves que viene....

    si tengo tiempo .. conecto de HKG

  79. "...Van Leuwin, why don't you just send a team to check out LV-426?..."

  80. si conectate desde alla, a lo mejor muere fidel en el interim

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. y antes de irme : fantomas don't use my name.... lo tengo patentado... busca tu propio sobrenombre......


  83. The Chinese love to eat dogs, just ask Alex H.

  84. Oye Manuel en tu cuenta de amazon en la venta de libros aparecen estos titulos

    Manuel Tellechea's Profile

    • The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey by Ernesto Che Guevara
    72 Reviews
    5 star: (36)
    4 star: (21)
    3 star: (9)
    2 star: (3)
    1 star: (3)

    See all 72 customer reviews...

    • Memoria de mis putas tristes by Gabriel Garcia

    parece mentira que a estas alturas te pongas a vender libritos del che

    Eso te queddo feo, no ma hagas ir a Union city a buscarte para recoger esos libros y quemarlos

  85. no te preocupes el color azul en el nombre es el que vale, los nombres con colo negros son impostores del otro blog haciendo daño aqui

  86. Angel gracias yo vi el video de alez donde mataban a los gatitos y perros , gracias

  87. Remember to take your Thorazine pill before hitting the sack.

  88. Angel will Big Brown make it Saturday?

  89. before you take the Thorazine answer this; What did you do to Alex H., where did bury the body?

  90. Answer my BIG B question?

  91. Solo te dire algo. Alex is in a comfortable place

  92. He was dealt with respect and dignity

  93. McCain will take care of the kasstro goons, he's no dubbya, he will get them back for what they did to him at the Hanoi Hilton, you mark my words, the tyranny's days are numbered. Vote for McCain.

  94. Next on the list are: Hugo, Evo, Noriega and the Ecuadorian

  95. bro estamos hablando de big brown de pastillas y dealex y ahora tu me sales con Mc Cain

    oiga vaya a ver a un shrimp tommorrow

  96. Did you take the Thorazine, man?

  97. fantomas:

    That is a bogus Amazon profile and the kind of infantile thing that my enemies consider either humorous or mischievous.

  98. que es bogus que vendas los libritos del che o que vivas en Jersey?

    explicate con detalles desde el principio

    te escucho

  99. fantomas:

    I don't think it is you who created that Amazon profile but some jokester obviously did and it entrapped the kind of fool that it was meant to entrap.

  100. i got nothing to do with your amazon profile

    What is wrong with you selling books there?

    i just dont like the selection of your books

    have the account close if it was a joke

    write to amazon people

    why so upset?


    i would really love to meet you personally one day.

    just to see what you really like

  101. Caballero que gandinga hay que tener pa' meterse a fantomas, no es lo que jode, sino lo seguido! llevatelo viento de agua.

  102. Vana , Fantomas is the life and blod of this blog

    Ask Manuel Tellechea

  103. Fantomas said...
    "un shrink"

    Well folks, there you have it in his own words. He is calling for a shrink loud and clear.

    Lucky for us maybe he has finally come to the realization that he needs mental help.
    Who knows, with the right kind of medical help and some Thorazine, we may even have him turn his back on the Messiah Obama.
    Oh well, I know he is beyond help but, it was a thought I had in a moment of pity for the poor wretch.

  104. I nominate FANTOMA for the minister of information in the obama adaministration.

  105. Agustin:

    He should have never been released from The Madhouse, he's in dire need of help, profesional help of course :o}

  106. Corgiguy:

    I see you really want to sink

  107. Vana cuida a tu perrito que el chinito is after him

  108. Corgiguy,
    yeah, that's the ticket.I even like the name of "Fantomas Goebbels".
    Sounds real good and besides it has something of a historic ring to it. And last but not least,
    the name goes well with his rubber head too.

  109. Fantomas is the life and blod of this blog. -- anonymous

    What is a "blod?"

  110. My advice for McCain on how to beat Obama.
    1)Don’t try to be hip or cool and try to outdo Obama on this. You are of a different generation and should be proud of it.
    2)Make emphasis on Obama’s age, after all he was just a snot nose kid of only 6 years old when you were languishing and being tortured in a dungeon in North Vietnam while you were serving your country.
    3)Talk about your experience in The Senate working with the Democrats, and hammer the fact that yours expands for over 20 years while his is only 3. You have authored several Bills and Obama in 3 years in the Senate, has done nothing.
    4)Is Ok to have some character or as portrayed by the MSM media “temper”, since today’s world is not a playground, and tyrants and dictators respect backbone. Bring the example of Winston Churchill who was famous for his temper and yet Hitler respected him, while he mocked Chamberlain for being a coward and a worm.
    5)If he goes off on a rhetoric tirade during the debates, shake your head as in disbelief. (younger guys are always puzzled as to why older men do this)
    6)Bring up your service record (Obama has none) and how you are qualified to be Commander in Chief and he is not.
    7)Emphasize your work in the Senate across the aisle working with the opposition party to get legislation through by making compromises.
    8)Hammer his naiveté in foreign affairs, he is weak in this regard and can't compete with you.
    9)Don’t be afraid to bring up with past relationships with avowed enemies of America, like Jeremiah Wright, and specially the radicals who have a terrorist background and who were part of his campaign when it was launched in Chicago. This goes to judgment in choosing one’s friends and you can be sure that if the shoe was on the other foot, he would use it.

  111. Fantomas is the life and blod of this blog. -- anonymous

    What is a "blod?"

    b l o o d

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