Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Visit From Henry to RCAB (Round 1)

[The following comment was left by Henry Gómez in the previous thread. It is his first at RCAB (at least the first published under his own name). My answer will follow in short order. I wonder what would happen if I tried to publish my answer as a comment at Bababú? What a silly question. — MAT]

Henry Louis Gomez said...

Hey Manuel,

Let me ask you a serious question. What did I ever do to you to deserve for you to tell the most vile lies about me?

Is it because I didn't defend you when Val banned you from commenting at Babalu?

Or is it that I didn't care when you told me you were starting this blog?

Or perhaps it's the fact that I have completely ignored you except for the one time I called you a liar for, well, for lying?

I really want to know.

Are you really that insecure that the only way you feel good is by tearing someone else down?

Just curious.
4/15/2008 1:05 AM

Hello, Henry:

How can I be guilty of telling "the most vile lies" about you when all I do is simply quote your words, as I did in this [the previous] post. Let me suggest that it is you who write in haste and do not fully consider what it is that you are saying. In many cases I suspect (or hope) that it is the opposite of what you really mean. Of course, I can only deconstruct your words, not your intentions.

I have no personal animus towards you. I do not consider you an enemy. None of the reasons that you cite have influenced me against you in the least. I will confess that your refusal to say even one word on behalf of Elenita after I practically begged you did color my thinking about you and changed for the worse the good opinion that I had formed of you during the Martí Moonlighter Affaire, when my praise embarrassed you as my censure now seems to hurt you.

I never thought for one moment that anything I wrote about you re Babalú caused you hurt. Why would I? Your placid silence confirmed me in the opposite belief. I thought that it all just rolled off you and I admired you for that. At least you did not make a fool of yourself by trying to engage me, as did Val Prieto. In fact, you have on more than one occasion written about how personally flattering it is to you to have a blog (or several blogs, as you put it) dedicated to your writings (this is an exaggeration) and how it proves that you must have something important to say. So, excuse me, Henry, if I did not see your hurt feelings behind the smokescreen that you set up to conceal them.

On the one ocassion that you did address me directly on Cuban-American Pundits (never Babalú) you referred to me as "Jerkey" or "Jerkey boy," or some such infantile title, which, rather than annoy me, verified to me that you took my criticism in the right spirit (the spirit in which it was intended) and understood my humor even if you could not match it. Then, also, there were the blogs parodying RCAB which you and other Babalunians started to convey the impression that you took my blog as a "big joke." Well, apparently it was never a "joke" to you. Painful truths are rarely funny.

It is not you but your views that I often find objectionable and it is your views that I attack. Not on Babalú, of course, because no voices of dissent are allowed there as you have made quite clear on numerous occasions with less humility than you have shown in your comment.

Let me tell you a little secret: If Babalú stopped doing to others what it did to me — if it actually adopted for itself the democracy that it claims to want for Cuba — I would devote this blog to my thinking on Cuba exclusively and not to refuting yours. But so long as you continue to delete comments and whole threads because you want to limit or stifle debate, so long as you hold yourself and your other editors as above criticism, and so long as you continue to ban commenters because their political opinions don't jive with yours, there will be a need for a blog like mine to call you to account each and every time.

So here's my offer to you: Stop and I will stop.


  1. Hey Henry, dont get those pink panties in a bunch again.

    MAT is simply telling the truth about you!!

  2. Did Henry revealed Mat's real name?

    Mat check with your family in Cuba to see if they were paid a visit by the G2 forces


  3. MAT please Welcome Henry to RCAB

    I'm sure the comments section will increase ten fold

    Nuff said

  4. MAT, does this mean that HG is an avid reader of this blog?

  5. Now papa Val will ban Henry for coming here?

    I hear war at Baba

  6. I just want to know why Henry donated funds to have Elian Gonzales back to Cuba.

  7. Anonymous:

    Henry is not an avid reader of this blog. He is a rabid reader of this blog.

  8. you meant rabbit

  9. Alex:

    Val used to comment at RCAB in the beginning. I should not be surprised, however, if Val were upbraiding Henry right now for doing so.

  10. If they decide to comment here periodically , it will mean the end to babalu blog

  11. john:

    Henry has always been welcome to comment at RCAB. At least seven other Babalunians already have, including Val Prieto.

  12. rin tin tin:

    Is that you, Val, again?

  13. Rin Tin Tin,
    Yo' dog, you're full of fleas!

  14. Yes, just like Srchobia, Henry didnt get the "No Speak on RCAB" memo, which is distributed in the "Weclome to Babulu" strict user guide.

    I suspect Henry's implusive question orginated from Mat correcting him about the defintion of "score." After all, often boast about his degree in Economy. But never learned that "score" meant twenty.

  15. Mat said: At least seven other Babalunians already have, including Val Prieto.

    Wow, you mean i missed the "Shire" himself!!

  16. MAT , did you call your family in Cuba yet ? I heard your cousin received a beating along the bridge last night


  17. MAt, how much was your tax bill?

    How much did you pay?

  18. BRE

    Manuel estoy pensando escribir un post en mi blog quizas hoy, sera en español y te doy la primicia a ti solamente ( Vana apunta)

    EL TITULOS SERA ALGO ASI... Fantomas cambia de posicion

    ESPERENLO , va a ser un bombazo

  19. You know what is funny & sad? That Val and Henry can only post under their real names in their own blogs. All other blogs require them to cloak themselves in anonymity. Even in RCAB, where Mat has graciously welcomed them, and afford them protections from me. They persist on posting anonymously. It speaks volumes about their insecurity about actions, and their corrupted message!!

  20. Mat,

    And i am sure you know by my ip that comment #3 was not posted by me. As i no vested interested that you receive more traffic than Babulu. However, some else apparently has a vested interested.

  21. Henry feels free to come into this democratic blog and air his issues, but we cannot comment in Babalunia because the regime there wont allow it, well, well will wonders ever cease.

  22. Vana:

    Not only that, Vana, I actually turned his comment into a "Guest Post."

  23. I guess Henry thinks that "nobody" is suppose to take issue with his edicts. That as the supreme co-spokesman for the Cuban exile community. His words shall not be challenged or questioned. Especially by those he deems as mere peashants, which includes "everybody" but Val and himself.

    The fact that someone has the audacity to hold up Henry's edicts for scrutiny is considered blashpemy by him. Unfortunately for Henry, he does not possess the necessary intellect or balls, to defend the very same words he ignorantly holds out for all to be commanded by.

  24. John:

    Nor the authority to inspire respect for his commands.

  25. Mat,

    And that is exactly what makes Val and Henry so dangerous. They actually think that they do have this "authority."

  26. rin tin tin said: MAT , did you call your family in Cuba yet ? I heard your cousin received a beating along the bridge last night


    And this: Did Henry revealed Mat's real name?

    Mat check with your family in Cuba to see if they were paid a visit by the G2 forces


    First, i cant believe i missed that. The two above quotes can locially be construed as a possibility of outing you.

    Mat, becareful, as it is obvious that you are drilling deeper than they ever expected.


    As a side note. Have you ever notice how Val and Henry uses nicknames like, rin tin tin, jerky boys, and pee wee? They go way back into popular American culture. That is how i know that Henry is Pee Wee (Herman!!)

  27. john:

    Fantomas claims to be "Pee Wee Herman," too, from the old Miami's Cuban Connection.

  28. Manuel recuerda que alli se robaban los nicks every day

  29. MAt dijo

    So here's my offer to you: Stop and I will stop.

    Mat si el muro de Berlin se cayo y los palestinos a veces se reunen con los judios yo no veo porque no puede haber reconcilicacion among bloggers . Eso es muy beneficioso para la causa

    Espera a mi post ESTA NOCHE ENTRE LAS 8PM y 10 PM donde hablare de kill castro blog para que te des cuenta de lo que digo


    Ya pagastes la dolorosa? 4-15

  30. He couldn't catch crabs off a 10 dollar hooker.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. "He couldn't catch crabs off a 10 dollar hooker." -- Alex Hernández

    How did Oscar Corral enter this discussion?

  33. john:

    Fantomas claims to be "Pee Wee Herman," too, from the old Miami's Cuban Connection.

    4/15/2008 2:18 PM

    No, I "know" it was Henry. W

  34. Henry Gomez=Chivato

  35. Manuel could you check the ip of the person who is anonimo de las 6.36pm..

    creo que un buen administrador deberia poner orden en casa y no permitir acusaciones falsas

    o sera que llego la hota de cerrar los anonimi , a ver explicale a tus lectores porque permites esto

  36. fantomas:

    It's called freedom of expression and you yourself are one of its greatest beneficiaries on this blog.

  37. si pero se pasan de la raya y ya cae en algo incoherente , malevolo e insultante...

    pon orden en la casa chico, solo te pido eso, no te pido que censures a nadie

    Al alex ese que vive en el bronx dejamelo a mi yo me encargo de el

  38. lol, watch this!!

    In my opinion

    Henry Gomez=chivato


    And Val Prieto is a chivato too


  39. hahahahah please, enrique Dogs that bark don't bite. I don't live in the bronx, sorry...You do not scare me.believe that Enrique.

  40. You're like an egg. You only got laid once and that was by your mom.

  41. I understand enrique, It's hard to get the big picture when you have such a small screen.

  42. Hey, Pet Rock Keep talking. I always yawn when I'm interested.

  43. Now go away or I shall bust your flea ball a second time.

  44. Alex:

    What a pretty display of flags!

  45. Hahahaha yes, sure is I love my Cuba flag. Lovely flag

  46. Hey, Enrique

    You're the best at all you do - and all you do is make people hate you.

  47. you forgot to add "yu know what I'm sayin"

  48. Alex dime cuando fue la ultima vez que hicistes algo por cuba..

    menos mal que ya conozco tu estilo infantiloide,, acuerdate lo que te dije una vez puedes ser mi hijo, respete a los mayores y a los sabios, te falta mucha escuela todavia ..te espero en Nostalgia

    Oye Mat deberiamos hacer una recolectapara enviar celulares que no usamos para cuba , por ejemplo yo tengo 3 que ya no uso los cambio cada 3 meses.Maybe we can organize a cellularthon ..what do you think of this brilliant idea

  49. See ya later..Watchin my favorite Show... All about cuba...

  50. alex que tu sabes de lo que yo estoy haciendo dentro de cuba ,

    absolutamente nada

    mejor dejemoslo ahi

    you will find out soon

  51. que estas viendo una pelicula de cuba gooding jr

  52. I just checked my watch and it says 8:00. And guess what? Yup, you guessed it, Val Prieto and Henry Gomez are still CHIVATOS.


  53. mala mia...fuistes a ver los muñequitos ok

    hablamos luego tranquilo

  54. The question is who is providing backing for these chivatos, like Henry Gomez and Val Prieto. And how much they recieve per outing.

  55. proud chivatos

  56. well paid chivatos, too.

  57. y que pasa pol aqui ...
    polque etan metiendose con mi

    el sienpe fue muy bueeeeno
    muy nooooooble

    la tia de fantomas

    fantomasiita De La Reina

  58. I dont know about the rest of you. But i dont have a fondness for chivatos.

  59. So if I submit to you and run the blog the way you want it to be run you will stop distorting what I write and making up lies about me out of whole cloth?

    Yes, that's very democratic.

    No, thank you.

  60. Tellechea will never stop lying. He is a consummate liar.

  61. Cada cual señores que corra su blog como quiera. Lo que no debemos permitir es que NINGUN blog sea la voz del exilio. ES DECIR DEBEMOS REPUDIAR AQUELLOS que quieran manipular la opinion publica del asunto cubano . TODOS NOSOTROS SABEMOS MUCHO DE CUBA Y SABEMOS NADA PORQUE NO VIVIMOS ALLI


    NINGUNO DE NOSOTROS TIENE LA VERDAD , CADA CUAL omite su opinion privada y punto . Asi debe ser . Democraticamente

  62. Fantomas:

    Y tu consideras que un acto de repudio es democratico? me parece que tienes mentalidad Castrista.

  63. Vana,

    That's funny. This whole blog is an acto de repudio.

  64. And you're part of the rapid response brigade.

  65. Henry:

    You are an asshole, go back to Babalunia before we admit you into The Madhouse, I would say it's Babalu that is an acto de repudio, the way you treat people there is shameful, free speech is never allowed, if anyone dares critizise the writers they are verbally abused, deleted and banned, I would say all of Babalu is an acto de repudio, and surely YOU are the rapid response brigade.

  66. Oh Henry almost forgot, you and Val are nothing but CHIVATOS!!

  67. Vana deja la histeria por favor , que tiene que ver los actos de repudios en esta conversacion

    dejame decirte algo fui victima en cuba y mi familia de actos de repudios

    te aconsejo que no hables de lo que no sabes , salistes de cuba de chica, quiere decir esto que no sabes ni papa como se mueve el mambo alli, eres una cubana a medias , en mi libro no perteneces


  68. oh vana i almost forgot

    usted es una pobre diabla

  69. Vana,
    the mighty God Fantomas has spoken! Well, you are not considered Cuban anymore. Who does this idiot Fantomas think he is? So now he is the guy in charge of determining who is Cuban and who is not deserving to be Cuban? How presumptuos of this jerk to think that he can determine who is Cuban and who is not.
    Fantomas, go put a pail on your head and spare us your boring diatribes and stupidities. Try to stick to what you know best: insulting people with foulmouthed stupid comments that no one cares about.

  70. Agustin:

    I know I'm Cuban to the core, fanto's opinions are just toilet paper to me.

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