Monday, April 14, 2008

Breaking News!!! Henry Louis Gómez Endorses Raúl Castro's "Reforms"

"I betcha [Fidel] didn't predict that he'd be shitting out of his side into a plastic bag. Or that his ever faithful little brother wouldn't even wait for him to achieve room temperature to start undoing some of the mess he created with capricious and arbitrary policies.Henry "Economist" Gómez, "Castro Was Nostradamus," Babalú, April 14, 2008

In "Castro Was Nostradamus" Henry ridicules Hugo Chávez and Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni for hailing Fidel Castro as a soothsayer for supposedly predicting the fall of the dollar and the rise in the price of oil. Of course, it doubtful that either Chávez or Museveni traded their dollars for euros or increased the production of oil in their respective countries on the strength of Castro's recommendation. In fact, it is doubtful that Castro himself followed or profitted from his own hunches even if he remembered them from one day to the next. Most likely, he never made those predictions or they were pulled from a tangle of meaningless verbiage that could have pointed in any direction. Chávez and Museveni are obviously trying to flatter the sapient vegetable. Henry, of course, will have none of it. He knows that John Dorshner, not Fidel Castro, is the reincarnated Nostradamus and has devoted a 9-part series to analyzing his predictions in Tropic magazine 20 years ago. The fact that Dorshner's predictions were completely overlooked until Henry discovered and publicized them on Babalú and continue yet to be ignored by everybody despite Henry's best efforts only confirms in his mind the Biblical injunction that no prophet is honored in his own land (nor a prophet's voluntary publicist).

Surely that holds true for Castro also whose hopeful forecasts about Cuba's future have proved astoundingly wrong while his warnings of forthcoming locusts have all invariably come to past. Henry is more optimistic about Raúl's powers of divination. If you believe Henry, Raúl was the suppressed voice of reason who cried out in the desert for 49 years "Toasters, Toasters" while Big Brother countered in louder tones "Not One Amp More!" According to Henry, now that Fidel's own voice is feeble, Raúl is finally free to bestow "consumer freedoms" on the Cuban people. Forget about political liberties and all that bourgeois stuff. It is electrical appliances that Cubans want and Raúl will provide (well, not exactly provide but allow them to gawk at and perhaps even heft).

I don't see how this entails "undoing some of the mess that Fidel [and Raúl, Henry, don't forget Raúl] created." The mess remains untouched and pretty much untouchable since any substantial change might cause it to shift and bury those who created it. The "changes" Raúl has introduced are literally window dressing. The drab revolutionary showcase now has a few novelties which it did not before. The people will stand and stare and then move on, as when the first Christmas tree in 37 years was displayed on the eve of Pope John Paul II's visit. Nothing will change for the better in their bleak lives. If anything they will merely confirm just how bleak their lives are. This is no exception to the regime's "capricious and arbitrary policies" and will change nothing except what it was intended to change in the first place — Raúl's image. Not in Cuba where he is too well-known a quantity for a crash makeover; but abroad, where Little Brother has only begun to come from behind Big Brother's shadow. It will be a while yet before foreigners (and Henry) discover what Cubans have long known — that Fidel and Raúl are a distinction without a difference.


  1. Al paso que va Raul Mat , mejorandole la calidad de vida a los cubanos , a diestra y siniestra
    sera muy dificil para los cubanos que viven a alla, No los que estamos aqui, no querer , amar y sentirse feliz con raul castro, y agradecidos por todo lo que raul les esta proporcionando

    Raul el gran salvador de la desgracia de fidel...El que salvo a Cuba

    y nosotros , en exilio, bien gracias

    mira lo que van a hacer en el puerto de mariel los arabes con raul, se convertira en el gateway de las Americas , a billion dollar proyect , que los americanos no podran bid


  3. This place gets more boring every day. Now Fantomas is the only one still around.
    El ultimo que salga que apague la luz. :)

  4. nah, yo solo pase por aqui pa no perder la costumbre , ahorita saldran los muchachos no te preocupes deja que Mat los llame , vendran , vendran

  5. anonymous:

    There is no perpetual motion machine, though in both the long and short run RCAB will always prove more interesting than our opposition and attract more commenters. That point has been proved constantly over the last year. Freedom assures diversity. The lack of freedom kills it.

  6. fantomas:

    So you are now an even bigger cheerleader for Raúl than Henry?

    Nothing surprises me anymore about you.

  7. No Mat, lo que no quiero es covertirme en un dinosaurio del exilio historico, de historico no tengo nada. el cubano que vive en cuba hoy no habla como tu. para el tu eres un extratereste, vamos a poner los pies en la tierra y dejarnos de boberias

  8. P.S: Fantomas, you have said nothing about your appearance yesterday on internet tv. I suppose it must have been a great failure. Did you have to wear blue make-up as in television's early days?

  9. Apago la luz, esto se acabo, que suba el cementerio de RCAB

  10. Mat sorry you had your chances, you will have to wait another year to see me , unless you go to Nostalgia, i be there firmando autografos al que lo pida

  11. Rebeldes a la vista

    Luis Cino

    LA HABANA, Cuba, abril ( - En su afanoso wishful thinking por atisbar el final de la dictadura cubana, algunos cubanólogos y cierta prensa extranjera hablan de una aguda rebeldía juvenil en Cuba.

    Discrepo de la opinión de Brian Latell y otros cubanólogos. Que me perdonen la mala noticia, pero yo, que vivo aquí, no la veo por ninguna parte. Al menos, no en la forma y magnitud que la ven ellos.

    En su lugar, veo una masa de muchachas y muchachos aburridos, desorientados, con pocas esperanzas y demasiadas frustraciones, que buscan desesperadamente vivir. Sólo eso. Vivir. Por desgracia, suelen no conseguirlo del modo más aconsejable.

    Sucede que la vida choca con los intereses de un sistema tan cerrado como el que impera en Cuba y eso provoca inevitables encontronazos. Con los jóvenes, que rebosan de energías, los choques suelen ser más agudos.

    Siempre fue así. Cada vez es peor. En diciembre de 2005, el canciller Felipe Pérez Roque se quejó y advirtió del peligro que representaban para el sistema la apatía y la alienación de una parte de la juventud cubana.

    Absurdo sería imaginar que las expectativas de los jóvenes cubanos coinciden con las de los septuagenarios y octogenarios que los gobiernan, Pero no hay que magnificar la importancia del conflicto generacional.

    Los jóvenes son rebeldes por naturaleza, pero que no me vengan con el cuento de la rebeldía juvenil de los energúmenos que apedrean guaguas, vociferan palabrotas a cada paso que dan, se emborrachan a ritmo de reggaeton porque no hay más nada y le roban al estado si los fuerzan a trabajar.

    En el desierto, es frecuente ver espejismos. Aunque Cuba lentamente se esté pareciendo más a una estepa pos-totalitaria del Asia Central que a un desierto propiamente dicho, el oasis repleto de jóvenes que se enfrentan al régimen no deja de ser otro espejismo más.

    Los jóvenes cubanos crecieron repitiendo en los patios de las escuelas, hambreados y con los zapatos rotos, que serían como Ché. Hoy, cínicos y hedonistas, rechazan los mitos y los valores de un sistema que no respetan, pero temen. Tienen motivos. La mayoría de los presos en las más de 200 cárceles del país son menores de 30 años.

    La falta de miedo del grupo de jóvenes que participaron desde un lugar indeterminado de La Habana en la video-conferencia con la Universidad de Miami, no es representativa del temor paranoico de los jóvenes cubanos por “el aparato” o la Gestapo, como suelen denominar a la policía política. Son pocos los que se unen a la disidencia. Prefieren enfrentar los tiburones o la Corriente del Golfo que la llamada a la puerta de los segurosos.

    El fenómeno de los bloggeros es otra señal del malestar juvenil para los analistas. ¡Atención! La mayoría de los inter nautas, aunque coinciden en la urgencia de los cambios, dicen ser revolucionarios y partidarios de perfeccionar el socialismo. Prefieren no revelar su verdadera identidad. Escogen ser Chuncha, Peter, Floreal, Jovellanos o sencillamente “un cubano de a pie”.

    El incidente de Ricardo Alarcón con los estudiantes de la Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas fue una muestra del descontento estudiantil, pero no nos engañemos. Allí no matricula cualquiera. La UCI no es el hervidero de ciber disidentes que algunos suponen. Además de materiales contrarios al régimen, lo que más descargan de Internet los chicos son películas, música y pornografía. Generalmente, para vender.

    Los jóvenes cubanos, aunque los autoricen ahora a comprar cacharros que no tienen con qué pagar, están perdiendo el miedo a quejarse de cómo viven. De ahí a rebelarse frontalmente contra el régimen, va un tramo.

    A este paso, puede ser que pronto los cubanólogos presenten las “fiestas house”, donde con bastantes cuc, confraternizan en la recholata, los hijos de los funcionarios con los de los macetas, también como otra muestra de rebeldía juvenil.

  12. fantomas:

    You have answered all my questions. The mask must have come off in the middle of your presentation and now you would prefer everybody to forget your tv debut. Perfectly understandable. However, what makes you think that you will be asked back next year?


    fantomas tv coming soon , stay tuned

    raul will be my guest

  14. fantomas:

    Will you appear in costume and will it be suitable for children?

  15. What a change for Henry the Radical, now he praises Raul, wonder how Val feels about that? never thought I would hear anything like that from Babalunia.

    Just read on the internet, Cubans are queing up for cell phone service, am sure most cannot afford it, so sad that even though Raul is bestowing certain liberties, they won't be of any use to the common man.

  16. Vana se ve que te fuistes de cuba hace mil años...en cuba si hay miles de personas con dolares y no solo eso

    MILES DE MILES DE CUBANOS DEL EXILIO QUE LE ENVIARAN SU PLATICA ESPECIALMENTE PARA LOS ENSEERES Y LOS TELEFONOS, NO SE CONFUNDAN MAS con el deseo genuino de los cubanos de cuba en obtener cosas que abuelo fidel no les dio y tio raul les proveyo

  17. vana usted no tiene que salir de aqui no buscar nada en el internet de los celulares poruq fantomas ya le hizo el favor a usted y a los lectores del blog, si usted lee detenidamente el comentario 2 de este thread se dara cuanta que es un link para noticiero digital y ahi esta todo lo de los celulares

    lea instruyase amiga vana

  18. fantomas:

    It is Fidel and Raúl who decreed that Cubans had to live for 50 years without the creature comforts which the Castros and their clique always enjoyed. Now that they are finally allowed access to these items they are priced beyond their means. Since it is the regime that has impoverished them and the regime also that robs them of their remittances with mark-ups for consumer goods that are not even seen on 5th Avenue or Rodeo Drive, there is no reason for the people to be grateful to Raúl who has merely found yet another way to exploit them and enrich himself.

    If you believe that Raúl is giving away free cellphones, why don't you go to Cuba to get yours?

  19. "Al paso que va Raul, MaT, mejorandole la calidad de vida a los cubanos, a diestra y siniestra, sera muy dificil para los cubanos que viven alla, no los que estamos aqui, no querer, amar y sentirse feliz con Raul Castro, y agradecidos por todo lo que Raul les esta proporcionando.

    Raul el gran salvador de la desgracia de fidel... El que salvo a Cuba y [a] nosotros, en exilio, bien gracias.

    Mira lo que van a hacer en el puerto de Mariel los arabes con Raul, se convertira en el gateway de las Americas, a billion dollar proyect, que los americanos no podran bid."
    4/14/2008 9:19 PM


    I think it is wise to save this comment of yours before you erase it as it will no doubt prove of use in the future.

  20. Fantomas:

    Si me fui de Cuba hace miles de años, y que? you tengo primos alla, yo les mando dinero, que te crees tu que yo no cuido a los mios, te equivocas como siempre.

  21. Y otra cosa fantomas, tu te crees que alguna vez yo copio las mierdas que tu pones aqui..JAMAS, pa' que lo sepas.

  22. Hey Manuel,

    Let me ask you a serious question. What did I ever do to you to deserve for you to tell the most vile lies about me?

    Is it because I didn't defend you when Val banned you from commenting at Babalu?

    Or is it that I didn't care when you told me you were starting this blog?

    Or perhaps it's the fact that I have completely ignored you except for the one time I called you a liar for, well, for lying?

    I really want to know.

    Are you really that insecure that the only way you feel good is by tearing someone else down?

    Just curious.

  23. OMG...Monsieur G. est ici! Vive la liberte!

  24. Y otra cosa fantomas, tu te crees que alguna vez yo copio las mierdas que tu pones aqui..JAMAS, pa' que lo sepas.

    Vana lo que traigo siempre aqui es caviar, cada vez que yo ponga algo aqui , recomiendo lo utilices, usualmente son cosas de primera mano que nadie tiene, no te confundas nunca con un fantomas aun si ese es kinder y gentler

    dile a Mat que te explique que van a ser la gente de UAE en el puerto del Mariel

  25. I think it is wise to save this comment of yours before you erase it as it will no doubt prove of use in the future.

    Mat quien eres tu? Agente de laseguridad del Estado , seguroso, que tu haces copiando lo mio?

  26. MAT, every time I think you might slow down, you spin even faster.

    Poking fun at Henry, well, he may have earned it. But to cast him as praising raul? That's plain dishonest.

    You pathology is showing. Put it away, before the children see it.

  27. If you believe that Raúl is giving away free cellphones, why don't you go to Cuba to get yours?

    4/14/2008 11:54 PM

    Mat regardless lo caro que sean , LA OPORTUNIDAD de tenerlo legalmente es lo que vale... NO IMPORTA SI ABREN UN BIGMAC EN CUBA Y RAUL TE COBRA 20 DOLARES POR UN BIG MAC, NO IMPORTA SI HOME DEPOT ABRE Y TE COBRAN 40 DOLARES POR UN GALO DE PINTURA, NO IMPORTA , lo que importa es la novedad, importa que alguien ha cambiado el curso de mas de los mismo en 50 años, importa que ya no es la mesa redonda la que coge los headlines, ni las 7 horas de fidel hablando, ahora lo que importa es como llamar a los familiares fuera de cuba, para mandarles el dinero para comprar COSAS que le hara la vida mas placentera a la poblacion , y no importa que sean 3 o 4 millones los que se beneficien y el resto no..en los paises capitalistas sucede lo mismo estan los haves y los haves not..Asi es la vida ...Capitalism at its best already lurking in Cuba now to the masess at a high price thanks to tio Raul

    fantomas April 15, 2008

    dont forget to pay your taxes

  28. Manuel:

    I read the same thing at Babalu and said "what the hell?" It does sound as if Henry is trying to say that Raul really wants to fix the mess. Doesn't he know that Raul is one of the creators of the problem.

    The new "reforms" are only for foreign consumption, as young Cubans are still fleeing and dying in the Florida Straights.

  29. Poking fun at Henry, well, he may have earned it. But to cast him as praising raul? That's plain dishonest.

    Not only dishonest, it is insulting ..For mat to say that We praise Raul is totally crazy...In my case what iammsaying is ( I wrote an earlier post) that if Raul can win the economic Revolution ...WE WILL BE FUCKED

    so far he is well ahead in the race and more changes are in the horizon , a lot more...

    50 more years of communist rule a la china is around the corner..
    will the miami exiles have a chance?
    probably not , never, while the commies are in power

  30. Fantomas never ceases to amaze me. Now he is a defender and praises Raul for the "novelties" he has allowed the Cuban people to buy. Before, he was praising Barack Obama and was sure he will win in Nov. (Go Obie,Go!)
    And naturally, all the time saying his only interest is the freedom of the Cuabn people. No wonder he uses that mask to show the world, because his real face must be very ugly indeed. Some people never know when to keep their mouths shut and make other people think he is a fool, instead of opening their trap and confirm it.

  31. Agustin usted no sabe leer, aparte de que eres tremendo idiota

    que edad tienes? me imagino que pasas de 60 ya

    dedicate a otra cosa viejo, esto te queda muy grande

    me importa un coño si gana obama o no, pero te digo algo parece un candidato duro de roer, esta en la contienda todavia y puede ganar

    Raul nunca dejara de ser un tremendo hp y asesino eso lo reconozco aunque venda ice cream in disguise en una esquina habanera

    no te confundas conmigo papo

  32. Mat hasta que numero quieres llegar en este thread

    dime solo tengo que hacer una llamada

  33. nonee:

    Have you lost your ability to read along with your ability to think?

    Assignment for today: Re-read Henry's comment quoted in this post.

    The only "pathology" which I have is to take people seriously who do not deserve even to be noticed.

  34. Mat, Fantomas is right in many aspects. Listen to him , he is my hero

  35. Re-read it, MAT. You're still full of crap on this one.

    You and I both agree the measures will have marginal effect, if any, in real terms of improving life for 99% of the Cuban people. I think Henry believes this also.

    Is it his observation the raul may be undoing some of the mess which fidel has created and maintained? That is what translates into praise for you?

    How can you deny, in absolute terms, that the measures are not at least a nominal improvement over the previous status quo? It is not even close to being close to beginning to be enough. But it is not the same.

    Will you accuse me of praising Raul also?

    Por Dios, MAT. El desorden con orden.

  36. Will you accuse me of praising Raul also?

    Por Dios, MAT. El desorden con orden.

    4/15/2008 9:58 AM

    MENOS MAL QUE SON MUY POCOS YA EN EL EXILIO que piensan como Mat con la mentalidad de mc Cain de no hablar con la dictadura y usar las mismas tacticas de la fallida guerra fria...

    Señores ya el cubano demostro ser o cobarde o inepto o por la represion que en cuba no se puede luchar por las armas para sacar a los bandoleros... que carajos queda entonces?

    negociar con ellos a su manera o NADA...


  37. Easy, fanto... No me ayudes tanto.

  38. noneee:

    You need to re-read it again. I never took you for a slow learner.

    So it's you, Henry and fantomas on this one? You should watch the company you keep.

  39. No mat it is a lot more people than that, it is kc , vana, alex, calabazza, agustin, lo que pasa es que ellos te respetan y no te quieren hacer daño para que no cierres el blog, ya tu sabes siempre toman el juguito que tu le das


  40. So it's you, Henry and fantomas on this one? You should watch the company you keep.

    That should tell you something. One I don't like, the other I don't want to know.

    You should heed your own advice, MAT. Having everyone in the room agree with you can leave you a bit ossified. Your stationary bike is not doing the trick. Perhaps a walk outside? The fresh air will do you good.

    Some of us just never learn, no matter how slow.

  41. nonee:

    Everyone is free to come here to love or hate.

    That's what distinguishes RCAB from Babalú.

    I don't make the hate disappear.

  42. Noone made a poem:

    Easy, fanto...
    No me ayudes tanto.

  43. And you still think I'm slow.

  44. noone:

    You are slow when you want to be like a possum.

  45. I mean it MAT. Sorry if you don't agree. I'll keep tapping you on the shoulder when I think you're shading the truth. And I'll agree with you when I think you're right.

    Is it possum when you don't answer the question? I forget.

  46. noone:

    Shall I try one more time in smaller pieces?

    It is not Fidel Castro alone who made the big mess in Cuba. Raúl bears just as much responsibility for it, more, in fact, as regards consumer goods, because he has always controlled Communist Cuba's military-industrial complex.

    Yet now you and Henry (and, yes, your unwanted ally, fantomas) praise him for supposedly clearing up his own mess.

    And how has he "cleared-up" the mess?

    By reforming himself?

    Hell no.

    By talking credit for "reforms" that are not reforms but literal window dressing.

    Hoy se mira y mañana se compra."

    That "mañana has been postponed for 49 years and will never dawn as long as Fidel/Raúl or their henchmen are in control of the island.

  47. Exactly how does observing that the status quo has changed, albeit imperceptibly, amount to praise?

    Yes, responsibility for Cuba's unnatural disaster has always been a family affair. No one denies it. And the speculative motivations for the measures have been well covered. But there they are.

    Why do you blow everything out of proportion? You're way past being black and white on this. You can have an opinion on this without the calumnies. They detract from your intellect and reduce it to mere coincidence.

  48. noone:

    Ah, noone.

    I'm beginning to think you are a lost case. Now you are seeing "calumnies" when all that has transpired is someone being taken at his word. Your intuition must be a marvelous thing that transcends the meaning of words. As for myself, not gifted with your power to see into men's hearts, I must be content with taking their words as indicators of their thoughts.

    Ah, me.

  49. Simply take the "praise" comment back, and we're good. Until you screw up and offend my rather narrowly-tailored sensibilities again.

  50. noone:

    Well, if you don't praise him for it, do you condemn him? It seems I have taken you one whole turn around the merry-go-round.

  51. Manuel,

    Taking one sentence out of the context of the hundreds of sentences I've written about raul and his so-called reforms is dishonest and that's why even your greek chorus is taking you task.

    I never implied that raul has no responsibility in Cuban tragedy, but rather I was highlighting the fact that even among murderous communists with faulty ideas that fidel was in a class of his own when it came to making capricious and arbitrary rules.

    That's not an endorsement, except in the mind of a man who has lost touch with reality, if he ever was in touch with it to begin with.

    In judging whether my statement was an endorsement of raul's "reforms" or a simple statement of truth the reader should ask himself this question:

    If he were alive and conscious, would fidel have ever allowed even these cosmetic changes that are being passed off as reform?

    I believe the answer is no.

  52. That's not an endorsement, except in the mind of a man who has lost touch with reality, if he ever was in touch with it to begin with.

    Mat you have been exposed once again by your peers. It is time for you to take a vacation into the madhouse..

    give me the key to your blog I will handle it in your ausencia

  53. It is not even close to being close to beginning to be enough. - Me.

    Up yours. With all due respect, the roundabout is in your head. Where I come from, it's called a circle jerk.

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