The motto stamped on U.S. coins reads: "In God We Trust." This does not mean that American democracy was ordained by God to be indestructible. It is as fragile and volatile as any other. A fratricidal civil war (1861-1865), three presidential assassinations within the span of 25 years (1865-1901), the Great Depression (1933-1941) and the near ascension to the presidency of a Communist and Soviet spy (Henry Wallace) on FDR's death (1945) -- the U.S. has dodged a lot of bullets, but because it has been lucky thus far does not mean that its luck is going to hold out forever. The odds, in fact, are stacked against it and with Barack Obama the end of that winning streak may be in sight. True admirers of American democracy should be vigilant at this moment not complacent. Elections are still held in Venezuela, there is a legislature there and a supreme court, but no one would seriously suggest that democracy thrives there.
The institutions of American democracy may survive an Obama presidency, the Constitution itself may survive too, but institutions and constitutions can be and have been perverted in the past, and not only in so-called "banana republics." Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus during the Civil War; the denial for 100 years of the civil rights of black Americans though these were enshrined in three constitutional amendments adopted immediately after Emancipation; Wilson's suppression of free speech and imposition of a police state during World War I and afterwards; and FDR's scheme to pack the Supreme Court in order to undermine its authority and independence — all show that not only could it happen here, it has happened here and will likely happen again.
Marc, who admits that many of his family were fooled by Castro but doesn't mention that the main man wasn't, refuses to believe that what happened in Cuba could happen here. His own family history belies his optimism. Marc mentions that Castro killed his grandfather's cousin by firing squad in Cuba but fails to mention that his great-uncle Rolando Másferrer was killed in Miami by Castro's agents. Yes, Marc, it can happen here. All that is required is someone disposed to make it happen and enough people to tell themselves that it couldn't happen here.
The Rise and Fall of the United States: The Final Chapter
All Empires fall sooner or later, if we are not vigilant this great country too shall pass.
Dick Cheney a no show at Republican National Contention
Yes, it can happen here with 2 branches of government and a couple if not just one new supreme court justice and you have "the perfect storm". Those that believe it can not happen here are not seeing the big picture. Thanks for writing this.
It will not happen here, please STOP THIS NONSENSE OF SCARING PEOPLE
How could anyone fuck up this country more than Bush has?
Look at the mess you rafters crested in Miami!
Yes, Bush has "messed up" this country and the "Wet Foot/Dry Foot" policy, which he has upheld longer than did Clinton, shows that he cares absolutely nothing about the freedom of the Cuban people or the honor of his country. Odd that you should be repulsed by Bush when you support his treatment of the Cuban freedom seekers.
In any case, Bush is not running for reelection, and, if he were, he would still be preferable to Obama.
The U.S. will survive (has indeed survived) Bush's calamitous tenure. It's time to stop worrying about Bush and start worrying about Obama.
One good thing is that we still have guns in this country, and that we can guarantee some sort of insurgency. I was born in Cuba a long time after the revolution so I can't really say first hand if I would have known right away that Castro was to be a communist-fascist. My parents say they were fooled. However, Manuel is right, people should not feel overly confident that the US is immune to a nefarious revolution or golpe.
I predict no more than 20% of Cuban-Americans will vote for Obama,
If there ever would be a golpe in the USA, it will be led by rightwing military officers.
I predict no more than 20% of Cuban-Americans will vote for Obama,
Wrong, The Cuban vote does represent less than 1% of the total vote in US presidential election
Cubans will vote for Obama 60-40%
Anonymous said:
"Cubans will vote for Obama 60-40%"
Dead wrong. Cubans will never vote for Obama because they know where he is coming from and who his friends are. And although the votes of Cubans are only 1% as you say, they make up a good chunk of Florida's voters and they will count. If you do not believe it, ask Al Gore who lost because Cubans would not vote for him because of the Elian fiasco. Florida is very important to Dems but they cannot win without the Cuban and Jewish vote and Mr. Obama has neither. He will not win the state of Florida.
La policía de New Jersey detuvo a un hombre sospechoso de violar a unas 400 vacas, a las que mató después de terminar el coito, informó hoy el portal The Star Ledger
El sospechoso, identificado como Manuel A. Tellechea , de 63 años, fue detenido hoy martes, después de que un ganadero de Cranford, en el interior de NJ, le sorprendiera después de que supuestamente matara a tres vacas y un becerro de su propiedad.
En su declaración a la policía, Tellechea reconoció ser el autor de estos delitos y explicó que sufrió abusos sexuales a los 13 años, por lo que comenzó a mantener relaciones sexuales con yeguas y caballos y después con reses bovinas.
El comisario de policía John Cássio , citado por Star Ledger, dijo que el sospechoso declaró haber intentado acostarse con una prostituta en su adolescencia, pero que lo encontró “muy frustrante”.
El comisario, que investiga el caso de la muertes de las reses desde hace un año, afirmó que llegaron a sospechar de que los sacrificios formaban parte de rituales de magia negra, por lo que llegaron a bautizar al autor como “Chupa-Vacas”.
En total, se han encontrado cerca de 400 vacas asesinadas supuestamente por Tellechea , en un período de cuatro años, y siempre en granjas cercanas a Newark
It smells like fantomas.
Best line: "granjas cercanas a Newark."
Manuel do you have a good lawyer?
Manuel y las gallinas , tambien te las comes
I agree with you Florida will go McCain. The way I see it, the Cuban and Jewish vote is crucial in South Florida and North Florida is rural white and conservative ...
I do think Pennsylvania will go Democratic and Virginia could go either way right now...Michigan and Ohio I think are going to be crucial as well as some states that could be toss ups in the Southwest that were Republican for years.
Well, well. I look in my news reader and see that my name -- once again -- is mentioned prominently on your blog. And surprise, surprise! I find a refreshingly nice read. Thank you, Manuel. It's nice to see that you're finally coming around! :-)
I was thinking the same thing about you.
Never the twain shall meet... :-)
Fantomas posted this on his blog
Acabo de ver el programa de la Diva de hoy Martes 5 de Agosto y en el salio un cubano hablando de que estaba molesto con el termino " la mafia de Miami". Y aqui es donde yo veo el problema . Tal parece que " algunos Cubanos" erroneamente se creen Dueños y señores de la Florida del sur . Tal parece que mientras mas temprano hayas llegado a la Florida desde Cuba mejor persona eres.O sea que mientras mas tarde salistes de Cuba mas chance que seas un tramposo, mafioso, ladron , etc
La comunidad cubana de Miami " as a whole " es y debe ser una sola. Compartimos el mismo idioma, idiosincracia, el destierro. La division entre Cubanos propulsada por los que salieron en la decada de los 60 y sus hijos es bochornosa. Es pósible que la dictadura no existiese hoy si estos se hubiesen quedado en Cuba , luchando contra la tirania hasta derramar la ultima gota de sangre en vez de partir hacia el exilio
Las mafias cubanas siempre han exisitido , en los 60 y 70 los grupos como Omega 7, en la epoca de los 80 muchos cubanos se involucraron en la droga, mas recientemente se han dado imnumerables casos de cubanos involucrados en grandes operaciones mafiosas, lavado de dinero en bancos, mafias de juegos clandestinos, mafias de trafico humano, mafias de estafas al medicaid y medicare, mafias relacionadas con seguros de automobiles, la mafia mas grande de todas la del Anticastrismo.
Es esta mafia anticastrista que va desde la Venta de una camiseta , una bandera cubana , ventas de libros, exposiciones, festivales nostalgicos, hasta una radio y tv Marti repleta de personajillos que VIVEN con salarios astronomicos de la bondad de los taxpayers norteamericanos
En Cuba ha existido una MAFIA por 50 años. La mafia de la Sierra Maestra la gran culpable de todas las mafias cubanas despues de la de Batista ( que todavia tiene 2 o 3 batistianos realengos por ahi). El sistema imperante cubano nos ha hecho mafiosos sin quererlo a muchos de nosotros. Porque es asi como se ha sobrevivido en Cuba para subsistir. Robandole al gobierno, matando reses y cerdos, vendiendo, prostituyendonos ,traqueteando, sin moral, sin conciencia, esa es la legacia que nos dejara Castro
Y cuando seamos señalados, NO DEBEMOS PONERLE EL OJO AL ULTIMO QUE SALIO DE CUBA, carajo todos somos culpables " AS A WHOLE" los de antes los de ahora y los que vendran despues
wow, the longest ever written by someone on the cut-and-paste abajofidel (aka viva obama)
wow, the longest ever written by someone on the cut-and-paste abajofidel (aka viva obama)
Fantomas es como un drudge report cubano, el salva sus mejores escritos para este blog , usualmente en la seccion de comentarios
y por eso Manuel owes him
yes, fantomas is the cuban john candy
sounds like everyone is a mafia then, even a preschooler playdate. now we can hold hands in a mafia kumbaya
"it takes a mafia" to raise a child
El unico verdadero mafioso en todo esto se llama Fidel Castro Ruz , todos nosotros somos su Discipulos
George and Manuel.
Together forever.
Alex said...
D: The irony here is that Marc Masferrer is the one Babalu writer who has his own blog dedicated to the cause of political prisoners in Cuba. He's absolutely right that comparing Obama to the suffering of Cuban political prisoners is absurd and offensive. He's got the credentials and the years of work to make this point.
And then there are people like Ziva and Moneo who are truly beyond hope. There's no reasoning with them, they really consider anybody who doesn't think like them an enemy of the country. These are scary people.
August 5, 2008 10:49 PM
take 'em down said...
you know, with all the surveillance that the feds do of communications these days, you hope to hell they pick up on the kind of crap coming off of that blog. those people are sick and they are very, very dangerous.
i hope someone picked up on readytoshoot's comment before they took it down. ips really need to be tracked.
August 5, 2008 11:34 PM
anon13 said...
Meanwhile, gas is at 4 bucks a gallon, more evidence emerged today that hints of the current administration's lies to go to war, big oil is making billions, people are losing their jobs left and right, people are losing their homes, and their candidate wants to keep sending our sons and daughters into harms way in Iraq for another 100 years.
But let's focus on Obama as the ant-christ/the-next-Fidel because that's reality right there. That's what REALLY matters.
G*ddamn f****ing morons every g*ddamn one of those pathetic babalooooosers.....
August 6, 2008 12:32 AM
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UPDATE - I should have mentioned that I played second fiddle to Yoani Sanchez. She gave the moderator of the panel (Ted Henken) a 50 minute interview in Cuba a few days ago. We watched the video of the interview first and then Henken introduced me. I told the audience that they didn't know they had come to watch an episode of "el gordo y la flaca". I'm happy to play second fiddle to Yoani any day. Hopefully Ted Henken will post the interview on the web soon. I should mention that when asked about blogs outside of Cuba she of course mentioned Penultimos Dias. She also referred to Babalu as the "abuelo de los blogs cubanos." Of course I was very proud of that.
* * *
posted by henry conductor gomez
1 Varela Blog // Aug 6, 2008 at 4:15 am
Admiro a Henry pero al leer esto tengo que abstraerme de las ganas de joder y decir esto:
Babalu no es un blog que tenga humor cubano ni al menos el sarcasmo o desenfado de PD con Diaz de Villegas o la exactitud de Castillon o Reynel Aguilera, eso afecta al interes popular cubano en ‘español’. Tambien es un blog demasiado a la derecha “chambelona” de San Nicolas del Peladero–por conceptos culturales del rector, que refleja una parte del exilio cubano en el exterior–que no entiende a fondo la urticaria cubana y solo rasca la superficie, como todo cubanoamericano llegado a EEUU menor de edad o adolescente que adquiere por osmosis familiar–casi siempre de segunda generacion: abuelos–la cuestion cubana. Su mentalidad entonces es la de los abuelos porque es trasplantada, no vivida. El querer por nostalgia o regionalismo de retrato es algo. El luchar por conviccion de haberlo vivido es otra cosa muy diferente. Ver llegar a los balseros a Key Biscayne y encabronarse no es lo mismo que tirar la balsa en Isabela de Sagua y empezar a remar rezando. Traspasar la idea de que existe algo que se pueda llamar Blogs por Cuba es pintar en internet los avioncitos que antes tiraban volantes en la isla. Yoani, con toda su grandeza y su gloria, es un simbolo porque es novedad pero entre Yoani la Bloggera y Yordanka la Jinetera la diferencia no es tanto la decision de rebeldia como el laptop (defendiendo la moral de ambas). Cuando 20 mil chicas o chicos como ella tengan laptop, Yoani se diluye a los parametros normales internacionales. Henry sabe muy bien, porque viene del mundo del advertising, que la novedad vende en internet. Tambien vende la controversia y el sexo. No por eso vamos a suponer que controversia y sexo no es competencia con la novedad de la noticia y el buen comentario periodistico. Cuando habla de errores morales o eticos en la prensa escrita americana para minimizar el defecto de exactitud y seriedad en los blogs lo presenta–y es matematicamente insignificante–en proporcion de uno a cien mil. El blog es personal, antidemocratico y parcial. No aplica la antigua maña griega del forum y epicentricamente personal es antidemocratico siempre aunque permita comentarios sobre la madre. Ningun blog es creible. Asi como hay periodicos de tendencias mas a un lado que al otro en politica, uno le cree lo que quiera, de acuerdo al tipo de anunciante o posicion editorial, que son intereses creados en el mercado libre. En un blog se puede creer a cierto escritor… no al blog. El rector es quien la rige. Sin forum.
While we're all struggling to make ends meet because of rising oil prices and the domino effect it causes, Democrat Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, having closed Congress for a five week vacation despite appeals from Republicans and other Democrat members of Congress, is on a whirlwind tour hawking her new book, ironically and arrogantly titled: "Know Your Power."
She will be in Miami today at the Temple Judea, 5500 Granada Blvd., Coral Gables, at 7:30 pm.
Some folks are planning on meeting across from the venue to demonstrate and protest the Speaker's placing of her own self-interest before those of her constituents and the Americans she's supposed to represent:
A group of concerned citizens, worried about prices at the pump and Congress's refusal to deal with the energy crisis, will demonstrate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's book signing event at 5500 Granada Ave, in Coral Gables, across the steet from where the Speaker will be holding her event.
"It is disturbing that while American citizens are paying over four dollars a gallon at the pump, that the Speaker would adjourn congress for five weeks without allowing a vote on possible solutions to the energy crisis," said Armando Ibarra, event coordinator.
For more information,
Please conctact Armando Ibarra at 786-514-2965 or
If you can make it, take a few minutes of your day to let Pelosi know that she is supposed to act on behalf of the best interests of her country and countrymen, instead of what Amazon ranking her new book has.
Below the fold you can see all the dates and venues of her tour and you can bet your behind she aint traveling by hybrid car or public transportation or wind powered VW. I certainly hope she aint traveling on my dime.
Continue reading "La Pelusa Pelosi in Miami Today"
Posted by Val Prieto at 11:51 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)
Hola, alguien en casa
Se acabo, bye
I don't where to ask this? what ever happen to kill castro web site? I'm very concern them!!
This Blog is dead
I'm thirsty un poquitico de juguito kool aid please, de piña
Thought I'd say hi friends hope all's well with all of you.
Como jode Fantomas con el cut n paste!
Vana tu sueñas con fantomita, te deberias casar con el
Do not use fantomas name in vain. He is the life and blood of this blog.
Manuel y el Poodle estan de luna de miel.
Obama for President
The day the blog died
mira aqui:
Best quote
search of Moeno Toyota Tercel and hotel room
Hey Vana,
hope all's well in Cali and you're not rockin' and rollin... I see our troller is back posting anonymi and instigating ... ay!!
In with the new out with the old
Joe Mac Cain is yesterday NEWS
Hi, calabazita, vote por me
Paris, I must admit your ad was HOT!
Ms. Hilton,
who in the world is Joe McCain?
I think you need to lay off the drugs for a while.
Tal parece que la jauria de perros regresa a casa de amo buscando hueso. Donde estara El dueño de este blog? Sera verdad la noticia de la granja cerca de Newark
Recuerden practiquen el español conmigo ese es el que prefiero yo
Ms C:
All well's here no all's well in your neck of the woods
here is the real Barack Obama:
Agustin get a life compadre, Barack Obama will be our President
Get use to it
Commander in Chief Obama
this blog stinks
why don't you wait until the elections take place before you crown Obama as the president? Or don't you believe in elections? I think you have better wait until they take place before counting your chickens. Obama is a pseudo-marxist and a danger to the USA.
It is you who needs to wake up and smell the coffee.
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