Thursday, August 28, 2008

Babalú's Deleted Post About Gorki

[Since its inception, RCAB has provided a home to Babalú's orphaned comments and even the occasional throwaway post. We do not claim that we have been able to restore everything they have deleted but enough to make them rethink their policy of making objectionable comments or inconvenient content disappear. A serious blog is not a quilt with removable panels: it is an integral whole. And we shall continue to insist that if Babalú wants to be taken as a serious blog then it must behave like a serious blog. The reason offered for deleting this post — and this is only the second time in Babalú history that Val & Co. have felt compelled to justify their deletions (the flag desecration post being the other) — is the necessity of maintaining a united front and offering a single response to Gorki's incarceration. Personally, I am no believer in united fronts or unitary responses because I'm not disposed to sacrifice principle to expediency. So long as our support for Gorki is explicit, then tactical differences should not be concealed. Censorship or self-censorship is certainly inimical to everything that Gorki stands for and seems the worst way to champion his cause. Charlie Bravo has reproduced the entire exchange on his blog Black Sheep of Exile, which is accessible only by invitation. He has also published there (and here) his reply to Henry's rebuttal. We shall, of course, be offering our own opinion of BUCL's latest campaign in a forthcoming post].

From Babalú:

August 27, 2008

An accusation and a response

As you can see from the post below we decided to throw a campaign together quickly to get the word out about Gorki's arrest and pending "trial" in Cuba. This was a gut reaction to what I saw in Ziva's post, in the CNN report and Maria Elvira's TV program in Miami last night. I received the email below late last night from a blogger that we used to be friendly with but now, not so much.

Subject: You are not autorized to ask for money on Porno Para Ricardo's behalf.
Date: August 27, 2008 2:06:40 AM EDT

Porno Para Ricardo has not authorized you to ask for money on their behalf. You are free to ask for as much money as you want, but not on their behalf, since they never authorized you to do so.

I didn't authorize the use of my graphics on Babalu (Ziva's post) nor the use of my words (Ziva's post) or my audiovisuals (your post asking for "donations"). I don't want to give the impression that I am friendly with Babalu, because.... I am not. So, the same as I do not use any material remotely related to your blogging endeavors, leave mine alone, if that's not much to ask.

We -Charlie Bravo, Gorki, Porno Para Ricardo- are not by any slight chance or even by mistake associated with BUCL.

What follows is the official position of PORNO PARA RICARDO.


Porno Para Ricardo and Charlie Bravo do not have a thing to do with BUCL, and the only official campaign to liberate Gorki is being conducted at their website. We have not been approached by anyone in BUCL and we do not know anything about their campaign and what do they plan to do with the funds they hope to collect. We are collecting donations, but mainly we are selling records by Porno Para Ricardo in order to establish the Gorki Legal Defense Fund and to contribute to his family. I repeat, we didn't' solicit by any means that BUCL or anyone else would be part of our campaign the campaign is ONLY conducted by Porno Para Ricardo on their website.

To the dismay of the organizers of BUCL we are proud to announce that we already contacted the press in several countries, the governments of those countries and prominent artists and musicians all around, including FREE MUSE and the Nobel institute with our own resources without asking for a penny to anyone.
Thanks but no thanks.

And Google is your friend, look at the coverage that Gorki and Porno Para Ricardo have obtained without your campaigns.
By the way, why don't you ask for moral support and help to the Cuban American stars who are so silent about this? That would make for a good campaign for them to show a modicum of solidarity with their colleagues in Cuba.

Since you asked for money on the open, I will reserve my right to send this communication to whomever I see fit.

And now read my Spanish note for the lads:

Gorki, Ciro,
Para mi sorpresa acabo de descubrir que hay un grupito aqui pidiendo dinero para liberar a Gorki. No para pagar abogados o para ayudar a su familia, no, se trada de "liberar" a Gorki con "comunicados de prensa" lo cual ya hicimos gratuitamente en diversos medios de comunicacion, desde la television de la ciudad donde radica este grupo, Miami, hasta otros medios en distintos lugares, como Mexico, España, USA, Canada, Brasil, Francia, e Italia, mas websites independientes y medios latinoamericanos.
Le he dicho que la unica campaña de donaciones se hace a traves del website, y que lo que preferimos es que la gente compre los discos en lugar de dar dinero sin obtener nada a cambio, aunque claro tambien las donaciones puras estan bienvenidas.
Aclaro que Porno Para Ricardo no tiene nada que ver con la "organizacion" de estas personas, ni ha pedido nada de ellos, ni ayuda ni dinero.
Al final les digo que si quieren ayudar, podrian pedir apoyo moral y ayuda a los artisas cubanos en el exilio que se mantienen tan calladitos.


This is my response:

Subject: Re: You are not autorized to ask for money on Porno Para Ricardo's behalf.
Date: August 27, 2008 8:46:07 AM EDT


Let me explain something very clearly to you. I became aware of Gorki's arrest through Ziva's post because I don't read your blogs. I was not aware of any relationship you have officially with Gorki. I, like everyone else who has bought Gorki's music in the past was disturbed about the arrest. That said, the regime has engaged in a scheme of catch and release lately and I thought that perhaps that's what this was.

Then I saw the CNN article by Morgan Neil that said he was going to stand trial on THURSDAY. This elevated the sense of urgency in my mind. Gorki wasn't going to be released, he was going to be tried (and obviously convicted).

Last night on Maria Elvira's program, the former Cuban attorney Camilo Loret de Mola, was on and said that Gorki could be sentenced from 1 to 4 years and that the only way to prevent this from happening was through international pressure. Given the short amount of time I made a decision to launch a BUCL campaign.

Our efforts don't interfere in any way with yours (whatever they are):

1. Our readers and the people who give money for this are not generally your readers, this isn't taking money away from Gorki or your effort.

2. We have access to different people who can lend their voice to Gorki's cause, I know you do as well, but the more people the better.

I want you to understand something. I don't make any money on BUCL campaigns. In fact I've spent more than $500 of my own money during the three campaigns we've had to date.

Our biggest expense is putting press releases on the PR news wires. It costs just under $1000 to put a press release on the English and Spanish wires, more if you want the international circuit. I can't afford to do that on my own so we enlist the help of our readers and our contributors.

Gorki is a public figure and an important one. We have resources and contacts that we want to use to put that international pressure on the regime. Your description of our activities is at best inaccurate, and at worst, dishonest.

I'm not going to argue with you about this.



I want our readers and supporters to know that the worst thing about trying to conduct these public awareness campaigns is raising money. It sucks. I hate to ask people for money but the idea is that if we all put in a little it can amount to a lot and with money you can buy things that help get the word out.

Let me speak a bit about the news business and how it works. Reporters don't walk the streets looking for stories. They sit at their desk and wait for stories to come to them. They get email alerts and such from services like Business Wire and Hispanic PR Wire. If you want to reach a lot of journalists in a short amount of time you can put a press release on the wires but of course that costs money. The amount varies depending on the circuits you want the release distributed to. It could be domestic regional, national or international. The larger the circuit the more it costs. In the past, the circuits we've distributed our releases on cost about $500. That's just for English. We also do a release in Spanish for Hispanic PR wire. And that comes out to about another $500. In addition to putting the release in front of journalists, these wire services syndicate the content of the releases to many news oriented web sites. Here's an example of a release we did for a previous campaign. If you do a google search for the right keywords " Joins Dr. Darsi Ferrer" you can see how our information is perpetuated throughout the web because of the wire services.

Thanks for your attention and support.

Posted by Henry Louis Gomez at August 27, 2008 09:20 AM


How ridiculous.

It's causes like this that should incline us to stand together...some people can't look past their nose and act like bratty children.

De Madre!!

Posted by: AmandaD [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 09:44 AM

Typical dysfunctional Cuban American whining on this guys part - that's why Castro is still in power all these years and we are so divided - because everyone wants to be El jeffe Indio. I can't believe that guy's e-mail - God, when someone offers help, especially in a case like this, you take every little bit of support you can get.

Que pendejada!

Posted by: mandingo [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 09:53 AM

For this person, what Gorki is going through is secondary to the hatred for the opinions expressed herein and the disdain for the conributors of this blog.

of course, it's only a matter of time before we find out that Gorki's arrest has absolutely nothing to do with his music or opinions or that he lives and expresses same under the jackboot of a dictator, but because of the evil Miami Mafia.

Get your egg timers ready.

Posted by: Val Prieto [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 10:02 AM

Way to go Charlie! that's just what we need - to be devided.

Posted by: nurian [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 10:21 AM

Henry, you have my complete support.

Posted by: ORGULLOSADESERCUBANA [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 10:30 AM

Damned if we do. Damned if we don't. We must be doing something right.

Posted by: George L. Moneo [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 10:31 AM

Henry, you are doing the right think and for the right reasons. At this point, any international clamor to Free Gorki, should be welcomed by anybody interested in Gorki's and Cuba's freedom. After almost 50 years, it is high time we Cubans came together on who are the real enemies of Cubans everywhere! Enough with petty jealousies y protagonismos! Basta ya!!!

Posted by: Jose Aguirre [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 10:34 AM

Does the owner of CubanUnderground get a cut from the sales of cd's? If so, I don't think he's got any moral high ground here.

Posted by: jsb [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 10:45 AM

I don't know how they have structured the sales of Gorki's work and frankly I think that's irrelevant. Gorki is a public figure who has been detained by the regime. We are a group of interested individuals trying to promote his plight to the world. There is no ownership issue here.

Posted by: Henry Louis Gomez [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 10:51 AM

If Poro Para Ricardo doesn't want me posting from their "site", then perhaps they should inform the webmaster not to email me. I posted about Gorki's arrest after I received the following email:

From: Cuba Underground
Subject: FREE GORKI! (cobardía y represión)
Date: Monday, August 25, 2008, 2:57 PM

FREE GORKI! (cobardía y represión) Hace pocos minutos la policía castrista detuvo a Gorki Luis Aguila Carrasco, leader de la banda Porno Para Ricardo en su casa, cuando se disponía a grabar las últimas canciones del proximo disco de la banda.Ciro, el guitarrista del grupo, siguió al auto policial en bicicleta hasta la estación donde los esbirros de la dictadura han llevado a Gorki, que no se encuentra bien de salud, y que se disponía a hacer un esfuerzo para grabar los temas pendientes.Gorki tiene una inflamación en los pulmones y falta de aire, y fue sacado de su casa por un policía que dijo cumplir órdenes del delegado del poder popular, un tal Jesús y sin orden de arresto, en el mejor estilo comunista.En la mañana del sábado estuvimos hablando e intercambiando ideas sobre el diseño de la portada del disco y opiniones sobre algunos de los nuevos temas, además de algunos detalles relacionados con la producción de este álbum, el website de la banda y haciendo chistes.Naturalmente, la creación artística independiente en Cuba se premia solo con persecuciones y órdenes de búsqueda y captura por parte de la policía de la dictadura.El testimonio de Ciro:Cuando nos disponíamos a empezar a grabar tocan la puerta. Gorki abre y desde el cuarto escucho, "¿Usted es el Ciudadano Gorki Aguila?" era un policia que le pidió que lo acompañara, el preguntó por qué y el policía le dijo que él solo cumplía órdenes.El policía se dirigió a él siempre en buena forma. Yo los seguí al sector de policia y esperé en la esquina para por si les daba por cargar conmigo también y no quedara quién avisara.Cuando se fueron me acerque al sector de policia y estaba allí el mismo que lo vino a buscar, le pregunté que para donde lo habían llevado y el me dijo que para la estación de 3ra y 62 llamada popularmente la 5ta.De regreso me encontré con el padre de Gorki que al enterarse se puso muy nervioso y fué a la 5ta a averiguar por su hijo.Esto no es nada nuevo. Como los aficionados recordarán, se fabricó ya una vez un caso en contra de Gorki, que fué arrestado bajo cargos falsos y condenado a cuatro años de prisión. En aquella ocasión se filmaba Habana Blues y el régimen mantuvo a Gorki encarcelado impidiendole de participar en la película sobre la nueva música independiente y underground de Cuba. En realidad, el delito de Gorki es solo uno: tener los cojones necesarios para denunciar los atropellos de la tiranía contra el pueblo cubano y la ilegitimidad del régimen heredtario impuesto a Cuba.Esto no es mas que la continuación del acoso al cual ha sido sometido Gorki por parte de la policía y el delegado del Poder Popular, que cuenta con la colaboración de vulgares chivatos barrioteros. Hace solo dos meses, el 17 de junio, Gorki fue llevado a una estación policial por el mismo delegado del Poder Popular, quien lo amenazó con la cárcel por su conducta "antisocial", de un modo bastante gangsteril como quedó recogido en la la grabación clandestina que hicera Gorki de esa citación policial, en la cual tambien puede escucharse su elección de seguir con su arte y el rechazo a la pretensión del delegado a que firmara un acta de peligrosidad.Este nuevo episodio de acoso y persecución ocurre justo cuando Porno Para Ricardo se encuentra en medio de la grabación de su nuevo disco, lo cual elimina cualquier posibilidad de que este escalamiento represivo pueda calificarse de coincidencia?. En Cuba, la voz de los valientes es silenciada por el régimen, que no vacila en utilizar intimidación y fuerza.Por tanto, y en consonancia con el clima de opresión que reina en Cuba -según nos informa el padre de Gorki- lo tendrán detenido hasta el jueves, hasta que le hagan un juicio por peligrosidad y la condena que le impongan puede ser de uno a cuatro años. Ese es el precio de vivir con valentía, pensar por si mismo, y de hablar sin pelos en la lengua. Por favor distribuyan esta noticia a todas sus listas de correos, blogs, programas de radio y televisión. ¡Que liberen a Gorki! ¡Free Gorki!

This message was sent from Cuba Underground to It was sent from: Cuba Underground, P.O. Box 60541, Santa Barbara, CA 93160. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below.

Also note that the photo I posted was copied from Zoe Valdes' blog whom I credited. Also note, and I can't prove it because I didn't copy the info that the info at Cuba underground I linked on my post has been changed so that the particular text I linked to is now something else, last I checked penned by Charlie Bravo.

CB's right about one thing, we are not friends and have nothing to do with each other. The reasons are obvious. I said it before and will repeat it here, to paraphrase Marti: There are two kinds of men, those who love and build, and those who hate and destroy. I prefer to associate with the former.

Posted by: Ziva Sahl [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 11:20 AM

I feel really bad that I can't contribute to this cause. Money is really tight at this moment, but if I had the chance I'd definetely put something in the piggy bank.

As for the letter from Charlie, there's no time for "he likes me - he likes me not" business. There's someone that's going to be sentenced to jail for speaking his own mind. Set your differences aside and unite to help Gorki.

Posted by: j2tharome [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 11:20 AM

The best I can do for this cause was write to the person in charge of Latin American coverage for the L.A. Times and explain to her the situation. I doubt anything will happen, but hopefully they can look into this.

Posted by: j2tharome [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 11:35 AM


Don't sweat the donation. It's important to get the word out. Send emails to your entire address book.

Posted by: Henry Louis Gomez [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 11:37 AM

Are we going to have to get an "authorization" from Cuba's eleven-million enslaved residents to advocate for their freedoms now too?

When did worthy causes become copyrighted material?

Posted by: albertodelacruz [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 12:03 PM


Stop being such a sangano and be proud that folks like Henry and Val care and are action oriented when things like this happen.

I can tell you the Castros love it when we bicker amongst each other because that negative energy is what has kept them going for so long.


Posted by: mandingo [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 01:11 PM

Mr. Bravo,

You exhibit a severe case of "displaced anger" towards the Cuban-American community as if they were or are responsible for the sinister system that has made Aguilar its latest victim; But only its latest. You apparently feel uniquely victimized, but after nearly 50 years of brutal repression millions of lives have been destroyed by the Castro tyranny. Millions of those lives are represented, both literally and figuratively, by the Cuban-American community who has lost fathers, brothers, sisters, friends and perhaps most devastating, a homeland.

So while you draw attention to the plight of Aguilar do not lose sight of the fact that he is hardly the regime’s only victim. There are hundreds sitting in Castro’s jails and thousands who served stints over the years for similar “offenses;” Millions sitting in far away lands separated from loved ones; Thousands lost at sea trying to escape the despotic rule. Millions suffering daily repression on the island prison. Courage comes in many forms and is hardly exclusive to Aguilar. Ultimately, the problem isn’t a supposed lack of solidarity from Cuban-American artists; the problem is the Castro tyranny.

I wrote an article last year critical of the politically active celebrity culture in the US and their lack of real courage when compared to the actions of the outspoken Aguilar.

I do not know Aguilar or his political views, only that he should have the right to express those views as a free human being. But bear in mind his views are no more important than the views of any other victim of the despot, Castro. In the end, if you and Aguilar are seeking support from only like minded people than you truly do not understand the concepts of freedom and self-determination.

Posted by: Grateful American [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2008 01:34 PM


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'll call that a Chinese fireworks show, they really went medieval on me. But it really reads Monty-Pythonesque.

To honor the truth, I received a letter from one of the people who attacked me in that thread, whom I am not going to out even if I get water-boarded by the their Inquisition type tribunal. Bad news if they wanted to know who wrote to me and who ended up respecting my position. They will have to debrief everyone.

The person in question and myself got to an agreement, as I exposed my points in a civil environment, not in that electronic version of a meeting the repudio, complete with misplaced Marti quotes. It reminds me of "abajo la escoria, que se vaya la gusanera, y arrastren al gusano" so many times heard in 1980. Of course, they yelled "burnt the witch" in Salem and "Kill the jew" in Berlin, and "Lynch the nigger" in some backwater town following the same type of mob attack fashion. Did I conduct a mob attack on Henry? I didn't.
The pattern is disturbing, since the mob mentality is typical of totalitarians and it's very well used by a particular tyrant who cannot go to the toilet anymore.

To be honest, I accepted a truce (not proposed by me) because my only objective is the freedom of Cuba and in this case the liberation of my friend Gorki.

By the same token, I would not tolerate that anyone used his name to collect money for a press campaign or anything else, when a press campaign was successfully in place, and it is still running strong. Such campaign was engineered in silence, by a group of people in five countries, and worked pretty well. We didn't ask a penny to anyone.

I will respond to an insidious comment by one of the members of the lynching mob featured in the thread of this post:
Cuba Underground does not make a penny on the sale of a Porno Para Ricardo record. This is how it works: the records get pressed by an independent company, and they get mailed to the buyers. The only money that does not go to Porno Para Ricardo is the money spent in the production of the record, the printing of the covers, and the mailing. The rest of it goes directly to Porno Para Ricardo (sorry lynchers I know you don't agree with remittances being sent to Cuba) or used at their request to buy recording material, musical instruments and others supplies which are taken to Cuba by a whole variety of people (sorry lynchers, I know that you area against travels to Cuba)

To put this matter to rest, I would like to say that I feel as honored to receive the electronic -and harmless- shrapnel of my newly minted enemies as I did when I was on the receiving end of a repudiation act by the communists.

Both kind of people behave very similarly, they do not tolerate that one speaks one's mind. I would love to know what they would do if they met the band. They will probably label them as commies, too.
And of course, they would try to silence them too....

My cause, and the cause of Porno Para Ricardo is freedom and democracy vs. oppression and tyranny. And we are against all kinds of totalitarianism, including but not limited to the behavior exhibited by this lynching mob and his cyber repudiation meeting. They cannot understand that this is not about Charlie Bravo, or any other individual person, this is about the freedom of Cuba. We do not have to march together, nobody should be forcing anyone to toe their own particular brand of "the party line" I didn't do it in Cuba, I won't do it here.

Should I open another blog called "la bête noir"?

This was my never published reply to Henry's reply:

Derecho a replica.
Since I don't post in Babalu, I post here in the most read weblog by all Babalusians:

Well, let's see if you post my reply to you, Henry -note, he never did.

(Curiously, I don't have your e-mail in my mail-box. I was directed to Babalu by someone else)-note: Henry's letter was in my spam folder, I apologize for that.

There's no accusation, I just pointed out at what you said, that you were campaigning on Gorki's behalf and asking money for it. It still does not have his authorization, or the band's authorization.

About "friendliness" I don't see how can I be friends with people who blatantly out us, and put our families and friends in danger in Cuba. That, by association, includes Gorki and the band.

You can do what you want, but you have not been authorized to do it on Gorki's behalf. You can do whatever you want independently, but nothing and nobody's gives you the right to use the name of somebody who is not acquainted to you, and who has not asked for any help or association with you.
There's no other cost associated to writing press releases than your own writing time. So, you can do it very well without asking for money on Gorki's name, given the impression that you are doing something for Gorki.
Yes, it's good to be redundant.

You are the one throwing the accusation of dishonesty here.
Which I will laugh off, because given the high degree of success of your campaigns I can afford to do so.

Next, you don't read my posts. Well, you can ask for a subscription to the Black Sheep of Exile. I maybe send you a courtesy invitation, I don't know. Ask around, maybe somebody copy the posts for reading pleasure.

I don't care what you do, as long as you don't use a Cuban in jail who has not authorized you to do so, as a bait to obtain money for your high geared campaigns. Google the results of our free campaign, and you will see how effective it has been. Do you want to contribute? Be my guest. But do not use Gorki or his name to ask for money for writing press releases.

As per his legal defense fund, we certainly will not accept money coming from you or your camp -you make your own definition of how wide your camp is if you want to do so. Aren't Cubans in the island cowards? Aren't they ball-less? Live up to those words now, help the ones who want to be associated with you, do not force your "solidarity" on those who don't want it or do not need it.

As per arguing, I am kind of busy trying to help Gorki and his family, and the band to release their next album in this critical moment. Maybe when we get to the end of this nightmare, I will argue with you if you so wish.
It could include a friendly game of chess, a cook-off, or whatever type of competition feels your heart with content.

Charlie Bravo

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Remember that our boy is a Sting fan. His heart really isn't into saving Gorki's body as it was into saving Sting's soul.

Anonymous said...

Well, certainly the musicians, Cubans or otherwise, are not showing a lot of solidarity for Gorki.
Of the Cuban musicians in exile, only Paquito D'Rivera, who never disappoints, have made his voice heard. I don't know of others, as far as I can tell you I have not seen support from others. Still, I am coal roasted in that post and thread and nobody dares to ask those "stars" for a statement or pronouncement on this case involving a fellow musician.
They don't support him, fine, it's their right... but they won't see one of my dollars, that's simple.
Again, what's happening in Cuba is not one of Sting concerns, but it should be the main concern of all Cubans (musicians or not, in exile or not) As per Sting and others, we are less exotic than the Tibetans, and I blame for that the flourishing industry of the che t-shirts, which has made the Cuban tyranny into a chic product of consumerism.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


It is true that Tibetans are more exotic than Cubans and they are blessed with an internationally recognized leader, which we are not. Besides, in the minds of liberals, Red China is big and bad because it is a corporate state and Communist Cuba is small and good because it's still ideologically "pure." While tyranny in Cuba remains untainted by free markets, it shall have the support of all anti-American dupes here and abroad. They really do map their political cosmology in those terms.

jsb said...

"I will respond to an insidious comment by one of the members of the lynching mob featured in the thread of this post:
Cuba Underground does not make a penny on the sale of a Porno Para Ricardo record."

Thanks for answering my insidious question and thanks for all you are doing to spread the word about Gorki's arrest. Best Wishes.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

And speaking of exotica:

RCAB got a most curious query the other day, perhaps the most curious that ever brought anyone to this blog.

A googler was looking for confirmation that:

"Obama looks like a Cuban guy"

Well, he didn't find it here. Barack Obama looks like no Cuban I ever saw. Kansas and Kenya do not a Cuban make.

I suppose that in the goggler's imagination anyone who looks vaguely exotic is presumed to be Cuban. Undoubtedly, we have many striking combinations that are rarely encountered elsewhere, but no Barack Obama lookalikes.

There are Cubans on the island as lanky and ematiated as Obama but not because they consciously cultivate that look. There are certainly Cubans who are Obama's color, but now you can find that same color in profusion in Germany or Britain. There is absolutely nothing about Obama that would lead one to think he's a Cuban.

Vana said...


Babalu should have directed it's readers to Cuba Underground just as you and Charlie did, the money for Gorki is being collected there not at Babalu or BUCL, money is not needed to disseminate information, it's dishonest that they started a BUCL campaign on Gorkis behalf, wonder where the money is going? as always deleting posts is one of their favorite pastimes.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, JSB for your understanding.
I am sorry I didn't reply to you at Babalu because I do not comment at that blog. By the way, the new album will be out as soon as we can press it, and it will be readily available in Porno's page. We were considering to have it for download, as iTunes, but it puts an incredible burden in the webmaster precisely at this time when were are all so busy. So it will be in the form of a physical disc.
Thanks to you, and to all others for the support. We do not do remotely as much as the band in doing in Cuba.... we just try to be of some help. Also, the press campaign is doing great. We've been receiving support from all quarters, even from "dissident" musicians in San Francisco who now know what's the life of a real dissident like, when you're thrown in jail just for existing and daring to speak your mind. Those are the converts we like. Again, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Zoé Valdés nos hace llegar los mensajes de Miguel Bosé y Alejandro Sanz:

"Con espanto recibo la noticia de la detención de Gorki Águila, así sin más. Sin más, como de costumbre... Eso me hace pensar que las cosas no cambian, que van p´atrás. Con eso lo único que se desvela es la enorme fragilidad de aquellos que detentan el poder actual, y su miedo hacia las ideas que son libres, algo que ellos ni son, ni conseguirán serlo jamás.
Pido en nombre de decenas de colegas españoles que no sólo se libere de inmediato al compañero Gorki Águila, si no que además se den explicaciones sobre las causas de su detención.
Todo mi apoyo y solidaridad hacia Gorki, familia y amigos.
Miguel Bosé.

y este viene de Alejandro Sanz:

"Querida Zoe, cuenta conmigo por favor, ya sabes lo que pienso respecto a los abusos en general y contra los artistas en particular.... No tengo computadora aqui, te estoy escribiendo desde la blackberry, si tienes que añadir mi firma te ruego que lo hagas por mi, si necesitas algo mas no dudes en decirmelo...
Mil besos negrita"

Rafelito said...

Seria bueno que en el concierto de hoy por la noche , se puedan repartir flyers clandestinamente

Hay que tener mucho cuidado la seguridad del estado estara muy representada hoy entre el publico

Tienen cubierto todos los puntos cardinales y las brigadas de respuesta rapida estan listas para entrar en accion , maxima alerta

Aun asi, no podran encarcelar a 100 200 o 300 muchachos por gritar, tenemos informacion que hay muchas pérsonas con celulares con camaras y camaras de video que estaran listas para filmar cualquier ataque del gobierno contra los jovenes

La opinon publica mundial esta atenta a cualquier incidente que pueda surgir hoy

Anonymous said...

Update, from Havana:
En el día de hoy, la artista Sandra Ceballos se presentó el la unidad policial donde tienen detenido a Gorki y los esbirros de turno trataron de engañarla diciéndole que la causa del arresto se debía a que Gorki no portaba consigo el carnet de identidad. La falsedad cae por su propio peso, porque en el momento de la detención -o secuestro, porque Gorki fue conducido a los calabozos sin orden de arresto- cae por su propio peso ya que al estar en su casa, su carnet de identidad no podría estar muy lejos.
Al ver que Sandra no caia en el engaño, le dijeron que Gorki había sido trasladado a otra unidad, y al llegar ella a la falsa destinación al menos le pudo sacar los policías la confesión de que Gorki habia sido detenido siguiendo órdenes de "muy arriba" y no dijeron más, ni de cuán arriba "viene" la orden, lo cual nos hace sospechar que el delegado Jesús -mejor se llamaría Judas, o Herodes- es solo peón en este juego y que hay una conspiración oficial de mayor envergadura puesta en contra del cantante constestatario.
Al parecer la esbirrada está preocupada por el enorme apoyo inernacional que Gorki ha recibido, con lo cual no contaban.
Es hora de aumentar la presión y de demostrar al mundo que se vive en Cuba bajo una dictadura militar con todo tipo y estilo.

Anonymous said...

somber thougths

Charlie, el abogado nos cuenta lo que el está acostumbrado a ver. Esos no son juicios en el pleno sentido de la palabra sino que se trata meramente de representaciones. El dice que los jueces tienen mucho miedo de contradecir a la policía y siempre aplican sanciones. O sea a Gorki lo tiraron en una máquina de moler que si no es trabada lo muele. Ni el abogado, ni el juez, ni los testigos traban esa máquina, solo órdenes de los superiores pueden hacerlo.

I just got this from Ciro.... and wanted to share with y'all....

Rafelito said...

Seria bueno que se acelere el proceso de sacar el ultimo disco y si es posible incluir en este algun tipo de cancion relacionado con lo que vaya a ocurrir mañana por supuesto tendria que ser cantada con otro lead singer si gorki continua preso.

Y ahi esta el plan b , considero que si Gorki es enviado a prision la banda debe continuar su lucha con un vocalista nuevo que pueda reemplazar a Gorki hasta que el salga de la carcel

Anonymous said...

Tanya nunca me decepciona!


Les escribimos para comunicarles que hemos puesto nuestra pagina al servicio de la libertad de Gorki, y que hemos comenzado ha enviar miles de correos, unos 4 mil aproximadamente, a favor de Free Gorki con el afiche que ahí hemos colocado.

Tanya, la cantante cubana de Pop Rock, famosa por la canción “Ese Hombre Esta Loco” y nosotros quienes manejamos su carrera, también ya estamos en proceso de planificar, si no hay inconvenientes con ustedes, y si al final mañana viernes Gorki es condenado, un concierto vigilia en la ciudad de Miami como para dentro de unos 20 días y, donde se invitarían a otros artistas cubanos a unirse. Todo seria gratuito, tanto los artistas como para el publico. El posible lugar pude ser el Teatro Artime que tiene capacidad para unas mil personas. Ahí se puede presentar una retrospectiva de la historia musical de Gorka y su grupo Porno para Ricardo, además de todas las veces que ha sido reprimido injustamente. Nosotros buscaríamos el auspicio necesario para hacer algo memorable y que principalmente ayude a Gorka y a los que como el en nuestra patria, artistas y no artistas, viven bajo el sistema represivo actual.

Anonymous said...

Centurion, estoy a cargo de terminar el disco con Ciro, es nuestro compromiso con Gorki.

Anonymous said...

Represion brutal en el concierto!
aqui claudia

nos dieron golpes
no se donde estan ni Hebert ni Ciro
Yoanis escapo
creo que se llevaron a alquien pero no se a quien
la prensa lo filmo todo
llevamos una pancarta y gritamos
la gente corria en masa y la seguridad daba golpes
por unos segundos el concierto fue un caos
no estoy en mi casa
no he vuelto porque estoy sola en calle
si puedo mando mas noticias
llamen a casa de Gorki, les dejare mensajes con Luis

Rafelito said...

Charlie, alguna noticia desde Cuba , con tu gente alla , como transcurrio el concierto?

Favor notificar por este medio para su divulgacion inmediata

Rafelito said...

Gracias por la noticia, seguiremos su curso

Anonymous said...

Acabo de hablar con el bateria, Renay....
La policia, enfurecida por los gritos de Gorki, Gorki, y la pancarta que sacaron Ciro, Ever, y Claudia arremetio a golpes contra ellos y Yoani, entre otros muchos.
Yoani pudo escapar en el caos
Claudia tambien
La policia parece que se llevo a Ciro y a Hebert.
La policia golpeo sin compasion a los participantes en la protesta.....

Mas a media noche.


Anonymous said...

Along with my own vetted VP Biden , we WILL BRING LIBERTY FOR GORKI AND ALL CUBANS


NOV 4, 2008

Vana said...

Thank you Charlie for all these updates, I knew there would be beatings, they are a bunch of goons

Fantomas said...

Ernesto Hernández Busto dijo:

Agosto 28, 2008 , 21:52
Lo que pasó en el concierto, según Yoani Sánchez
August 29th, 2008 · 5:30 am · 3 Comentarios

Acabo de hablar por teléfono con Yoani Sánchez a La Habana. Está un poco afectada por lo sucedido, pero muy coherente. En efecto, fue golpeada: le dieron con un pomo, piñazos, un jalón de pelo, etc. Su relato de los hechos (que ella misma hará mañana o pasado en su blog si logra conseguir acceso a Internet) es el siguiente:

El concierto empezó poco después de las 19:15 hrs, en medio de una fuerte presencia policial. De cada cinco asistentes al concierto, calcula Yoani, tres eran de algún tipo de fuerza represiva. “Evidentemente, dice, lo estaban esperando”. Cuando el concierto llevaba una hora de empezado, justo al final de una canción que estaban entonando juntos Polito Ibáñez y Pablo Milanés, un grupo de seis personas aprovechó el fade in del audio para gritar tres veces “¡¡Gorki, Gorki!! y levantar un pequeño cartel que decía solamente el nombre del rockero preso: GORKI. Al instante se creó un círculo de violencia extrema, en el que policías de civil y otros vestidos de verde golpearon a las mujeres y se ensañaron con los hombres que estaban alrededor del cartel. Hubo tonfas, golpes de kárate, patadas, sobre todo con Ciro y Hebert, y una persona de nombre Emilio Marill, de quien hasta el momento se desconoce el paradero. Se hizo un cerco y se armó una confusión localizada, que pudo ser vista desde la tribuna por los cantantes.
Tanto Yoani como las otras personas (salvo Ciro, que fue retenido) salieron en desbandada del lugar, así que no sabemos si luego de los hechos hubo alguna declaración de los músicos al respecto (Los Aldeanos estaban programados para las 10 de la noche). Tras la piñacera, que fue bastante localizada, el público prosiguió con el espectáculo; hubo gente que estaba más adelante que ni siquiera se dió cuenta de lo que había pasado.
Al parecer, había otras personas que habían ido a protestar, pero no se encontraron con el grupo que fue reprimido. Dice Yoani que se dió mucho golpe alrededor del cartel, pero al que más duro le dieron fue a Ciro; para cada uno de los varones presentes había 4 policías golpeando.
Estaba la TV española, que entrevistó a Hebert y a Ciro poco después de empezar el concierto. Es posible que hayan tomado imágenes de la golpiza. Había también, según Yoani, corresponsales de DPA, BBC y Grupo Reforma.
Resumiendo: están libres Claudia, Yoani Sánchez, Hebert González y Renay Kayrus, con quien también hablé por teléfono. Se encuentran ahora mismo en paradero desconocido, al parecer en una estación policial o en algún recinto de la Seguridad del Estado, el integrante de “Porno para Ricardo” Ciro Díaz y una persona que se llama Emilio Marill.

PD: El juicio a Gorki mañana parece que empezará antes de las 9 de la mañana, que era la hora para la que estaba originalmente previsto. Se espera que vaya mucha gente, sobre todo la prensa extranjera.

Vana said...

Gracias Fantomas

Henry Louis Gomez said...

Someone from Cuba Underground contacted me about the situation with regards to BUCL and the campaign we're working on. I stated my case which is that we are activists and we will denounce any abuse of human rights regardless of who the victim is. I explained why the campaigns we organize cost money (because we use vendors like PRWEB and Hispanic PRWire to distribute our releases) and I also explained that we would never present ourselves as representatives of Gorki or his band.

I also explained that I attempted to send an email to Cuba Underground to let them know what we were doing and why but that I inadvertently sent it to someone on their email distribution rather than to them (I had received a forwarded message from Cuba Underground earlier in the day).

The person from Cuba underground who I had this exchange with was very civil and understanding. The person asked if I could do something about the post you are referring to here because it distracts from the matter at hand.

I agreed and thus I removed the post and replaced it with the one you now see.

I'm sorry that this disturbs you so much Manuel, but that's my prerogative as the editor of Babalu. If I want it to be a quilt then it will be, because I'm the person charged with the responsibility of taking care of it.

And you can do as you like here but I prefer to act in spirit of the request of the anonymous person from Cuba Underground who wanted the feud to end in favor of some degree of unity.

Fantomas said...

Mientras mas avenidas existan para canalizar la situacion de Gorki mejor sera para el , su grupo y todos los cubanos que sufren alla

Nadie es dueño de la noticia , cada cual que aporte su granito como mejor pueda . Siempre considerando que no hace falta el protagonismo. YA ESTAMOS HARTO DE ESO

Cari said...

I'm saddened to see this feud, although I do think Charlie is justified.

What makes me sick is the hypocrisy of Henry. When he feels that he's being miss-represented he can come here and defend himself. But when the Babalunians ridicule, twist and contort Manuel's ideas on their blog, no one is allowed to counter it.
They are truly despicable.

They're in solidarity with Gorki now because he's famous, but what about every obscure Cuban who dares to voice his opinion and is rotting in jail? Those unknown Cubans don't matter to Babalunians who have stated that Cubans are cowards. The truth is that ALL Cubans (including the goons) are prisoners of the regime and everyone is only one step away from jail, beatings or worse if they don't tow the party line.

I would have respect for Babalu if they remembered Matthew 25:40 and did something for the least of our brothers.

Anonymous said...

To quote Gorki, all this back and forth about who is standing taller for him is a bunch of "delirious shit."

The fact of the matter is that many of those now taking up his cause are usually silent when much lesser known Cubans are arrested and imprisoned because of their alleged "dangerousness." They seem more concerned about boosting their credentials as another right-wing, anti-Obama blog, and in doing so they forget about Cuba ---until it is easy and convenient for them to jump on their high horse. On Gorki, a logical conclusion is that they care more about getting the credit via press releases, fundraising, etc., than actually in the fate of those persecuted and prosecuted by the dictatorship.

One side in this feud has proven its credentials in the continuing struggle for Cuban liberty. The other side is just BUCLing.

Vana said...

Those are the facts, the Babalunians get to come to this democratic blog and defend themselves, yet we are not given a forum at Babalu, can they not see how lop sided that is? NO because Babalunia is a TYRANNY.

Anonymous said...

no hay problema, Val esta almorzando con Emilio y Gloria hoy.

Anonymous said...

y la cocina de val , ya se termino?

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