Thursday, May 22, 2008

Of Crabs and Men

While the world awaits the story of "Mr. Prieto Goes to Washington," Val has regaled his readers with a "Cubanish Aesopean [sic] tale" about an old Cuban fisherman who doesn't use a lid on his crab trap. Why? Here's the punch line: Because they are Cuban crabs. "When one crab tries to climb out, the rest pull him back in."

Well, I've told Val's "joke" in 20 words instead of his 300 and it still isn't funny. And it certainly isn't "approproiate [sic] on many, many levels."

In fact, not only is it greatly unfunny as a joke it is also greatly uninstructive as a parable. But more than that, it is offensive and untrue on all levels.

No people in history have shown greater solidarity in the face of adversity, or given more signal proofs of their willingness to help their fellow man at great personal risk and even at the peril of their lives than have Cubans over the last 50 years. It would have been impossible for Cubans to have survived our long national crucible if they had not been able to rely on one another. Certainly they had no one else to rely on.

We all know that Val Prieto is opposed to family remittances or visits to the island by exiles who want to help their relatives survive the material privations that Castro has inflicted on them. (He might make an exception of cellphones since sending these to Cuba now has Bush's blessing). Val opposes these visits because he believes that Cuban exiles return to the island to carouse like other tourists. For him, Cubans helping other Cubans is an aberration whether it's Cuban exiles reaching out to their relatives in Cuba or Cubans on the island lending a hand to other Cubans. In his eyes, we are the most wretched people on earth, incapable of love, loyalty or empathy. That is, something below even the order of crustaceans. And, like crabs, Cubans are only fit to be dropped in a pot of boiling water or seethed in a pressure cooker.

Yes, we already have Val's recipe.

Perhaps he even shared it with President Bush.


There is apparently one Cuban family at least where love, (blind) loyalty and empathy have not been extinguished. Of course, it is the Prieto family. This is what Val's niece Amanda wrote about her uncle's trip to Washington, D.C. to witness the last Cuban Independence Day presidential charade:

"I do not have the words to express how proud I am of my uncle. I told him over the weekend that this is his calling. He was meant to be a voice for the Cuban people. I don't know anyone with as much passion and determination for a cause as he has for this one, and I'm an honored to be his niece. "

The poor child obviously expects that the next time her uncle visits the White House it will be as president of Cuba.

I didn't think there could be something worse for Cuba than a President Barack Obama.

I was wrong.


  1. Was that supposed to be a joke? I would love to know what's so funny?

    Manuel I met a recent arrival, I asked her what it was she missed the most besides her family of course, she told me it was her neighbors because when they ran out of some staple they were willing to share with them, now I ask is that the kind of people that hold you back?

    Val's getting grosser by the day, everytime he opens his mouth I dislike him more and more.

  2. mat= envidioso

  3. No doubt that Tellechea is the best proof there is about the "Cuban crab."
    He hates everyone who succeeds and spends his time trying to pull them down into his own hole.
    Poor loser :)

  4. anonymous:

    I would not travel 2000 miles or even 2 blocks to see George W. Bush. If that is your definition of "success," I will never qualify.

  5. I'm disgusted by val's "joke". Has he ever met a "real Cuban" ?

    cada dia que pasa me doy cuenta que no sabe absolutamente nada de Cuba.

    Que pesao !! Que pujo !! No hay quien se lo trague.

  6. Mat esoy considerando to blog less or to quit blogging and commenting for a while

    Any tips how to do this?

    My Miami trip has disgusted me, our situation stinks por donde quiera que lo veas

    No end in sight for our suffering, los protagonistas de la novela cubana cada cual tiran por su lado, no hay lider capaz de unirnos a todos

    Iam afraid to accept the fact que los comunistas tienen todo el tiempo a su favor, we dont


    Last week RCAB scooped Babalú on the pre-arranged reconciliation of Val Prieto and George Moneo at Cuba Nostalgia, which was in fact the "big surprise" promised for the Convention but as yet unannounced. Though George has not yet rejoined Babalú's "magnificent cadres" his presence continues to grow larger there. Today Henry linked to a video on George's blog. The stage is being set for George's rehabilitation and return to Babalú. There will be no explanation for his return just as there was no explanation for his departure. It is the Babalú way. It was also the Stalinist way.

  8. Fantomas:

    Or, in other words, everything is as putrid as we always said it was.

  9. Tellechea's new name: El cangrejo viejo

  10. MaT,
    allow me to try to interpret Val's crab parable. The implication is that you are envious as are a lot of Cuban-Americans who bring others down for succeeding.

    This theory is so TOTALLY wrong. Cuban-Americans have been compared to Jewish-Americans for years in their solidarity and the way that we are known to help our own first.

    Although there are cultures that actually do attempt to stop individuals from succeeding (I can think of the gangsta-rap culture) in education and business, Cubans are NOT like that. In fact, we are the example on the opposite.

    As for having criticism of other Cubans, hell yes we will always dialogue about each other if we disagree. In fact, wasn't it Val that came up with his put-down of Ana Menendez the other day when she was awarded the Fulbright Fellowship? So, is Val envious of Ana???

    Once again, Val is into Val, and his suffering and his dedication and his selflessness and his having to deal with dead chickens and his blah, blah, blah . . .

    He was just a prop for the Bush Administration. He really needs to just say he enjoyed his time in the Capitol and get over it.

    Just my opinion, and I do have one.

    PS - Fantomas, what happened? Did you see the light?

  11. Guess fantomas came home disgusted with the Babalunians.

    It's so obvious that anon doing a poor job of insulting Manuel is one of the Babalunians.

  12. So little Georgie porgie will soon be back amongst the fine "cadre" of writers at Babalunia, seems they made up at Nostalgia, wonder what the price was? ho much did he have to lower himself in front of dictator Val to be allowed back in? just wondering.

  13. Nostalgia Review

    PS - Fantomas, what happened? Did you see the light?

    La luz siempre la he visto

    Lo que pasa es que una vez te acercas a los protagonistas o estas a 90 millas de los " otros protagonistas" entonces la luz se hace mas resplandeciente..

    Nostalgia 2008 estuvo un poco lento este año comparado con 2007. Quizas se debia al calor o a los precios. Me atrevo a decir que quizas habia menos gente este año

    Actualmente hay un gran incendio forestal en la Florida que desde el viernes pasado esta afectando la calidad de vida. Se siente bastante fuerte el olor a quemado especialmente en las mañanas y al atardecer. Las temperaturas altisimas y una gran sequia estan afectando al sur de la Florida

    Para los que no vivimos en Miami el hecho de estar alli nos acerca mentalmente a nuestras costumbres culinarias , forma peculiar de hablar, andar , actuar etc..

    Fue gratificante ver , hablar y compartir personalmente con otros blogeros. Independientemente si estamos de acuerdos con sus puntos de vista o no.

    Creo que existe un respeto mutuo entre la mayoria de los blogeros cubanos.

    Tuve la oportunidad e hablar con " el gusano" Potts , George Real Cuba, Jose Varela ( el cual me obsequio su libro) y muchos otros mas.

    Converse con Tany Perez ( Big Red Machine), tome cerveza Hatuey ( la cual sera reelanzada otra vez por Bacardi Corp)y disfrute de las delicias de la comida cubana

    Para resumir, no es lo mismo ir a Nostalgia la segunda vez ..Creo que la novedad del asunto tiene mas efecto , cuando se repite se pierde un poco la emocion

    El booth de Babalublog estuvo siempre lleno, muchas personas firmaron la peticion " online" para la liberacion de los presos politicos en Cuba

    La situacion actual de Cuba para mi no tiene arreglo inmediato. No creo que estemos listos para asumir el rol de liderato desde el exilio. Los cubanos exiliados que estamos aca pensamos y actuamos muy diferente a los que se han tenido que chupar al regimen por mas tiempo y creo esa brecha sera muy dificl de cerrar. Percibo mucho odio entre nosotros mismos . Los cubanos exiliados estamos divididos en 3 o 4 renglones .. los exiliados de la epoca del 60 y 70...los del mariel, los balseros y los actuales... Cada grupo tira para su lado es intransigente con el otro , mira con desprecio al que llego ultimo... Hay diferencias de razas marcadas cubanos blancos y no blancos, hay tremendo racismo entre nosotros mismos, siempre se humillara al negro o al menos inteligente y esas son cosas que ha muchos no le gusta hablar..

    En Miami nadie tiene la verdad, nadie tiene la razon, nadie sabe mas que nadie, pero no todos los cubanos son iguales

    Y esto se demuestra en lo demografico, la mayoria de los cubanos con posibilidades viven en las mejores areas coral g, miami beach, kendall etc , mientras que los otros se han quedado rezagados en hialeah, calle 8, sw , flager etc..

    El sur de Miami tiene sus areas lindas pero tambien sus areas malas donde se palpita la pobreza..
    Me llamo mucho la atencion no ver anglos en toda esa area , ahora entiendo porque algunos norteamericanos piensan que el sur de la florida es una republica latina como otro pais..latinoamericano

    Sin embargo una vez te mueves al norte o al oeste en lugares como Miramar, Pembroke Pines en el condado Broward enseguidas notas la diferencia en la calidad de vida . Es otro mundo . Un mundo mejor

    Escuche en la Radio miammense que estan tratando de dividir a la Florida en dos ..Es decir el norte se desprenderia del sur y se formaria otro Estado o un commonwealth ..It is an idea in the early stages for now .. pero tiene mucho que ver en los recaudos , taxes, seguros etc

    Si desean ayudar a la deportista judoka cubana campeona que se quedo en la florida pueden llamar al 1 305 952 2715 para enviarle ya sea dinero o ayuda material. el dueño del versailles le ofrecio trabajo en dicho local .

    esto es todo por ahora

    el viernes Obama almuerza con la gente de la fundacion ...

    veremos que dice concretamente

  14. Fantomas,
    I loved your comments as they seem heartfelt. Furthermore, you have a nice writing style in Spanish. A whole other side of you, I had never experienced. Wow!

  15. Parece que el viaje a Miami afecto profundamente a fantomas, lo noto mas calmado pero triste, es muy dificil la desigualdad entre nosotros, pero asi a sido siempre.

  16. Vana,
    years ago I had a disturbing situation happen to me while vacationing in Miami. I was invited to Miami Beach to a party/BBQ in one of the big hotels. While there a volleyball game was going on and I was invited to play. I took my place and started playing with virtual strangers and was having fun until I started speaking English to one of the girls in my team. She looked at me kinda confused and then her friend, another girl in my team said something like "aqui te hablan en Ingles porque se creen superiores". I was shocked. I immediately turned to Spanish and told her that I hadn't seen the sign on her forehead that said that she didn't speak English and that I had no problem speaking Spanish. There were Anglos on the team so out of courtesy I chose to speak the language that I assumed everyone understood. I find it rude to speak Spanish in front of people that don't understand it. Sheesh! That was the first time that I encountered the change and divisions in Miami Cubans and I was very disappointed. I understand what Fantomas is saying. Miami is NOT a friendly place, trust me.

    A few years back, I went to Miami with my son and we were taking a walk. Since I live in a small town in Northern Virginia I am used to saying good morning, or hi or smiling at people who pass me by. After a few dirty looks, my son who lives in Rhode Island starting laughing and said "Mom, you can't do that here, they think you're weird... just keep walking and don't make eye contact" . . . sad, but true.

    Once, my brother-in-law from Miami came to visit us and he and his family stopped by the side of the road to take some pictures. Immediately a car stopped behind them and they assumed they were going to be told off. The people in the car just wanted to know if they were alright and if they needed any help. My brother-in-law was shocked and amazed. He was ready and set to tell these folks off and instead was left dumbfounded. I dunno, maybe there's just too many people in South Florida and we humans need space . . . but my experience is that Miami is a very divided city.

  17. My critique towards Miami is real but we have the same situation here in PR or worse..Here if you say good morning or thanks they may think you are related to E. T

    I went to Versailles Monday morning y la cajera ( habanera) was very rude. They dont have the customer service mentality I was so accostumed when I lived in Ohio

    a smile and a thanks was a no show on my Miami trip

    Otra cosa es esa no offense hacia los habaneros pero cojones que pedantes y que feo suenan hablando

    solavaya , I cant digest them , sorry

    Nosotros los orientales si sabemos hablar

  18. Fantomas,
    is it hotter in Miami than in PR? People tell me in Cuba it was never so hot as Miami but I don't know if that's just that they see everything in the past as better.

  19. in PR i live near the ocean so the cool breeze helps aun cuando es humid

    but miami was hotter , yes

  20. ms. calabaza & vana:

    Fantomas' comments on this thread do exhibit a serenity to which we are not accustumed and also a certain melancholy. These qualities, as they hallmarks of of careful and measured reflection, add an authority to his words which is both novel and welcome.

    I will not challenge his observations because I have never lived in Miami and have spent no more than 20 days there in the last 40 odd years.

    Still, I am sure that life there is no different - that is, no better or worse - from life in any other expatriate enclave. The breach is not between Cubans but between our present and our past. Yet underlying all the superficial differences, there is a common culture and the common identity that flows from it which is an unyielding buttress against all pressures and shifts which might undermine our unity.

    At the hour when it most matters, when the fate of our country hangs in the balance and a united front alone can save us, I have no doubt that all Cubans will come together to help our country regain her freedom and independence.

    Unity among ourselves is the easy thing. What will be the hardest challenge for us is the unity of others against our country. It is this which must be confronted and overcome.

  21. ms. calabaza:

    You have an interesting perspective which escaped my attention. Perhaps this little crab tale was intended for Val's fellow bloggers whom he may perceive envy him for the "distinction" of being invited to President Bush's last May 20th scam. There may indeed be such individuals, even among Babalú's magnificant cadre of writers and its satellites.

    However, I have never shown any but the greatest disdain for Bush and if Val thinks that I envy him for breathing the same air as "W" for an hour he couldn't be more wrong.

    Or more pathetic.

  22. ms. calabaza:

    The strange thing is that Bush's embrace of "Cellphones for Freedom" shows that he thinks along the same continuum as Raúl, who came up with "Cellphones in Place of Freedom." Cellphones, of course, have nothing to do with freedom. It is the speech itself, not the conduit, that must be free.

  23. MaT,
    yep, but who is advising President Bush? What is he thinking? Makes you wonder . . . just how safe we are as a country when he can't figure this out.

    Otro Bush'e de esperanzas

    Todos los años por estos días el Presidente Bush me regala una esperanza, aparte de la enorme cantidad que me regaló en aquellos días gloriosos cuando hacia campaña para la elección presidencial donde llegó a prometer hasta entregarle la bandera a los cubanos en una Cuba libre y después en su reelección donde reconoció públicamente haber llegado a la Casa Blanca debido al masivo apoyo de la comunidad cubana, siempre tiene algo que darme, algo que prometerme, alguien a quien invitar o a quien mencionar para complacer mis ilusiones, incendiar mis pasiones y engordar mi añoranza.

    Hoy me regalo otra esperanza, hoy me endulza con la posibilidad de autorizar a los americanos a mandarle teléfonos celulares a los cubanos pero ¿es que acaso eso estaba prohibido? ¿No me digan que estaba prohibido mandar celulares a los cubanos dentro de Cuba desde aquí de los Estados Unidos? Eso creo no lo sabia nadie, y que no lo repita de nuevo porque el mundo se va a sorprender cuando sepa que la administración americana tenia prohibido mandar teléfonos a Cuba. No deja de sorprenderme este Bush, tiene cada cosa.con tal de regalar esperanzas cada 20 de Mayo mete la delicada pata.

    Ya no habrá otro 20 de Mayo que pueda repartir esperanzas, sin embargo, le voy a dar un consejo para que antes que abandone la Casa Blanca pueda quedar bien con la comunidad a la que tanto él le debe: "En lugar de regalar celulares debe buscar la posibilidad que las compañías celulares de este país autoricen a los cubanos que viven en Estados Unidos para que abran cuentas aquí para pagar un satelital con recepción allá, permitir que los cubanos de acá puedan pagar satélite acá para ver televisión allá y por último, permitir que se pueda entregar allá a la oposición la cantidad de dineros que quieran acá. No espere señor Bush al próximo 20 de Mayo, antes de irse, por favor regala su último Bush'e de esperanzas".

  25. one of the magpies hablo

    When will this end, who needs to be killed so this nightmare for Cubans in the island goes away? Do we need to actually vote for a bigot, named Obama with Hussein in the middle someplace, so perhaps things will actually work out for the Cuban people?. Not for the invitees to the white house not for the hyphenated pricks and cunts THE FUCKING CUBAN PEOPLE! Is that what we need to do? Vote for Obama Bin Hussein? You know I think it we are being pushed in that direction. It will destroy the USA (if it is possible to do any more damage to this once GREATEST of countries) but enough man, stop sticking your tongue to the Cuban in the island while pretending you are helping them.
    Now, if anyone of the assholes who came up with this half assed, INSULTING, contradictory, offensive little cell plot, can sit back and answer how in fucks name a Cuban in the island is supposed to use this cell phone, I would be more than grateful.
    In the meantime I STILL DO NOT KNOW WHO MY ENEMY IS!
    posted by KillCastro at 8:13 PM 2 comments

    Mat te acuerdas que dije que iba a escribir a tremendous post a while back, well aqui esta , pero va a ser corto

    Yo soy partidiario que ninguno de los partidos republicano o democrata han demostrado un genuino deseo por acelerar los cambios en cuba con politicas acertadas . Han pasado 50 años y nacariles. Ejemplo de esto es el anuncio estupido de bush de permitir celulares en Cuba. Es risible la oferta

    Obama podra ser un desastre de presidente , es verdad , pero estoy dispuesto a darle un chance , sino sirve tenemos la oportunidad de revocar su mandato en 4 años..

    Entonces tienes a un magpie que ahora dice que quizas we are being pushed to vote for this guy


    si este personajillo killcastro ( que de matar a castro no tiene nada) fuera lo suficientemente cojonundo el hubiese dicho hace rato que MAc Cain seria un continuador de las mismas politicas bushitas y obama lo contrario..

    Debio este magpie hace rato acoger lo nuevo por lo viejo pero no tuvo los cojones de hacerlo

    y que pasa si obama logra quitar the wet footpolicy, y elimina prohibiciones a las remesas y los viajes que es lo que el magpie quiere , direct contact with the cuban people

    Mat solo te digo esto aqui porque alli lo borrarian , pero este killcastro es un estupido a la quinta potencia , un don nadie con un fucking blog que nadie lee

    misericordia con ellos, they are alone

  26. ms. calabaza:

    Daunting as it may sound, things may actually get worse after January 20, 2009. Obama may be the ruin of this country and the salvation of Georg W.'s reputation. The only hope for a presidency as calamitous as George Bush's is a more calamitous successor. Who knows if in his heart of hearts Bush isn't praying for Obama to defeat McCain?

  27. Luís:

    That is a splendid idea except that George Bush does not require Raúl's permission to implement it. Through a technology known as WI he could blanket the entire island tomorrow with free internet and the regime would not be able to jam it as it does Radio and TV Martí. It could be done with existing satellites and cost practically nothing. Why it hasn't been done already is anybody's guess. After the regime's own minister of computer technologies declared that Cubans have no need for the internet, it should be clear to everybody that they do.

  28. Fanto,
    te tiraron bien duro en Babalu- El poodle esta molesto contigo

  29. i dont know that person . Never met him in my life.

    I am not sure what he is talking about my disgut with what I saw had nothing to do with the people in Nostalgia

    i am talking about the whole picture , cuban politics in Miami in general, radio, political leaders etc

    dont worry about it me importa un pepino lo que diga ese individuo

  30. Fanto,
    no se puede criticar a Babalu o los perros se enrabian. CUIDADO mano que volvio el pitbull, jajajajjajaja

  31. where is Manuel t?

    Se revolvio el Baba panal

  32. yo confio en mi fantomas

    El es el unico capaz de enfrentarse a Manuel, a Kill C a Moneo a chavez a Evo a Raul a Yohandry a Rui y Armengol at once

    My money is on Fanto easily

  33. el babal panal! jajajajaja

    pa ya fue Fanto a pelear con el poodle. Cuidado estos perritos chicos muerden los tobillos y no sueltan, son peores que los perros grandes.

  34. manny: you are clairvoyant. George is back like you predicted.

  35. clairvoyant Manuel , where are thou



    Admission $ 20.00 No pets Allowed. No Fantomas permitted on the premises

    Proceeds will be sent to Martha Beatriz Roque

  36. Here I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe the trip did fantomas some good, then he comes back in here and slams killcastro and tell us the Habaneros speak ugly, give me a break we taught the Orientales what they know, still jealous that the Capital was moved to Havana uh why are the Orientales so desperate to flee to Havana, to gain some culture I'm sure.

  37. Oye Fantomas, ¿que le hiciste al enanito que se puso tan bravo?

  38. Ese Babalu esta lleno de chivas, ahora echaron a Fantomas p'alante como el carrito'el hela'o.... Diciendo el nombre del ecobio y todo....

  39. Tabacon mi socio!
    Parece que el Fanto abanicó a Ziva sin darle porque ella tambien le enciende los carnavales al muchacho.


    I suppose that it's only fair. I have blogged about hundreds of posts and comments at Babalú and now George Moneo, newly rehabilitated in the best Stalinist fashion, devotes his first 2nd-era post to lambasting a comment which fantomas made here about his experiences at Cuba Nostalgia and Miami in general (see above).

    I always credit Babalú when I cite it, but, of course, they are too afraid of RCAB ever to mention its name, which gratifies me greatly. Last time Henry allowed himself the luxury of merely writing "Tellechea" this blog got 988 hits. So, yes, it is most prudent never to mention us.

  41. Vana easy with el Fanto, he's from Oriente, bring him la cutara y el balde, y el domino hasta el doble seis.

  42. El enano y Phyllis Diller (Ziva - que moco)le estan tirando a Fanto. Dicen que llevaron a poodle a comprarse pantalones nuevos en Oshkosh y esta como nuevo lleno de orine y vinagre. Fanto no solo cuidate de lo que dices en Babalu pero te estan mirando por todas partes para hacerte actos de repudio brother. Free espeech!

  43. I was kissing the night away at a craps table, and a good fella rings my phone to tell me that Fantomas was ratted out at Babalu.
    Carmine Jell-O Hands screamed his lungs out and blasted my ears: "Joey, Shorty got mad, Fantomas got ratted out! "
    I don't know Fantomas that much. But I know women a big deal. There's a woman jilted somewhere, but that's no reason to rat out anyone. My condolences, Fantomas. If you ever need to give a good beating to that wannabe you know who to call, your friendly "retiree" in las Vegas. I am not in the business anymore, but for you I can make and exception. Just send me flowers.

  44. fantomas:

    How many times have I warned you? I do not even know.

    Do not trust them, I said. They are only using you. They treat you worse than an enemy. You go out of your way to provide them with news and videos which their want of proficiency in Spanish would never allow to find for themselves. Still, they have no respect for you. They glory in humiliating you. You are not one of them; abandon that conceit once and for all. They despise you and incite others against you. Stand up for yourself for once. Stop toadying to them!

    How many times, fantomas?

    And your reply?

    That you "needed" Babalú too much to break with Val or Henry.

    "Needed" it?

    For what?

    So that they would link to your blog?

    You sold your soul for that #2 spot on Babalú's Blogroll.

    Even now that's probably all that concerns you.




    And act before they take the last shred of dignity from you.

  45. Ms C:

    I have family in Miami, on my husband's side, we visit often every two or so years, we stay in Miami Beach and have a great time, never while there have I felt unwanted, I'm sorry that you were badly treated by some ill bred Cuban, we do have those you know, they come from the Eastern part of the country. :o}

  46. we do have those you know, they come from the Eastern part of the country. :o}

    Vana usted se equivoca ahi, le aseguro que los de la region eastern are much nicer and humble than those from el piso 5 del focsa

  47. Manuel

    Have you seen in my prevIous comments above any comment of mine that was out of line in regards to any member of any blog or particular organization?

    que yo sepa los ataques hacia mi persona del otro lado son realmente de alguien que tiene un tremendo problema personal conmigo porque dejame decirte yo no tengo ningun problema con ninguna otra persona ni he dicho nada dirigido a nadie en particular ..

    asi que realmente Mat no se cual es el fuzz, yo solo espero que las aguas se calmen porque si quieren guerra


  48. just when i though i was getting ready to go out they pulled me back in


  49. Manuel:

    Mention you at Babalu, they would rather die, they are terrified others will find this blog and have their eyes opened about them.

    So George already posted there, you think some men are born without balls? tsk tsk

  50. we stay in Miami Beach and have a great time, never while there have I felt unwanted, I'm sorry that you were badly treated by some ill bred Cuban

    salga de miami beach y vayase a comer un almuerzo en el palacio de los jugos en la flager y 53 o vaya al flager dog track o a cualquier lugar publico como los carnavales de la calle 8 , ya vera lo que le digo señora vana

  51. Manuel;

    They took your advise to fantomas and put it in the comment section at Babalunia, sans your name of course, I left a comment but know it wont be published.

  52. Fantomas:

    I'm all over La Calle Ocho, I go down to the Keys I eat in Cuban restaurants when I'm there, what else would I eat, I don't eat at Versailles or las Cazuelas, the food there sucks, is not typical, but the desserts at Versailles are good, I hang with Cubans when I'm there, I must be honest I always feel at home there, or maybe because I feel so much closer to Cuba when I'm in Miami.

  53. fantomas:

    I hope you are at least aware that this was a premeditated attack. George would not have dared to aim Babalú's guns at you without the knowledge and approval of Val & Henry. Remember, George is on probation. Yet even he feels strong enough now to attack you.

    Grovel to Val & Henry if you wish. They are surely expecting it. But it will not avail you. If you can't see that they are behind this, then you are beyond all hope.

  54. manny: Fanto te hecho palante como Judas. Ahora eres ese individuo

  55. anonimo 12.40

    oye yo no he hechado pa alante a nadie.. eso esta puesto ahi precisamente para todos leer and i know Manuel knows it already he visits there almost 20 times a day

    y recuerden fantomas is not affiliated to any exile group, blog , group of blogs or organizations of political texture, political parties etc

    I owe nothing to anyobody

  56. sorry vana i forgot you are an animal lover and vegetarian

    is eating frog legs ok with you?

  57. anonymous @ 12:40:

    Fantomas is defending himself as best he can. And he's right to an extent: this is more about me than about him. But, of course, they are too afraid of me to admit it. Still, George does not seem to be able to keep a secret very well. Anyway, it will all be gone by tomorrow.

  58. no manuel , it will not be gone by tomorrow

    faltan algunos cadres por expresarse en ese Moneo's post , I 'm specially waiting for the comments of the two main cadres, you know the batman n robins de la pelicula

    a ver si defienden a moneo o al fantosman

  59. manny; los babalus viven metidos en este blog pero no se atreven a mencionarte. El enano se cree superman hoy.

  60. Many is all about you


    ya tomate el juguito ya y acuestate

  61. Fantoma: que le dijiste a Ziva que esta tan molesta contigo. Ella es un pollo, saliste con ella y la ilusionaste?

  62. george is on probation that's his initiation post -or re-initiation post- he needed to prove himself to papa val el todo poderoso- fanto you are just the sacrificial lamb sorry.

  63. Dejen a Ziva Tranquila , ya se le pasara la molestia

  64. fanto you are just the sacrificial lamb sorry.

    why iam always in the midlle of things

    i did not engage this moeno guy he came to me


  65. it's like a gang - a homeboy gang- the have to hurt somebody to prove they are worthy......

  66. off topic

    Big Mac Cain in trouble with his two pastors

    developing videos to come

    stay tuned

  67. this moeneo guy can't touch me

  68. anonymous:

    Poor George. He's trying so hard for me to notice him. No one has ever tried harder, not even fantomas. For that very reason, I will not oblige George. There will be no RCAB post announcing George Moneo's return to Babalú because we announced that a week ago. It's not news. Sorry.

  69. fantosman: en el mundo de bloglandia no se puede jugar con el lleva y trae. te cojieron en el jueguito otra vez.

  70. mat: I think you predicted this "conflict" between fanto and baba a while back.

  71. Fanto:

    geoge es un acomplejado enano que te ataco a ti porque quiere hacerse el guapito. tu no sabes que los cubanos en miami como el sufren lo de Cuba en sus huezos!

  72. fantosman: en el mundo de bloglandia no se puede jugar con el lleva y trae. te cojieron en el jueguito otra vez.

    tal parece que esto de los blogs algunas personas lo cogen muy en serio lo mio es denunciar al regimen that is but con humor picardia y relajo ... i would not want i any other way.

    Claro esta el relajo lo dejo para este blog u otros porque el mio es un sanctuary of serious news and clips

  73. Mat fantomas is not present and you can only do 84 comments

    now fantomas is back and he will get you at least 112 comments right away

    I heard before Yoani, fantomas held the record wherever he went , Rui Ferreira threw him out because he was becoming more popular there than him.. He batled the commie rats there for months before he was ousted by the herald management

  74. fantomas:

    Go to sleep. This nightmare will be over for you tomorrow. George will delete the post and either Val or Henry will hold your hand.

  75. Tabacon said...
    Oye Fantomas, ¿que le hiciste al enanito que se puso tan bravo?

    I did not see this question before but here we may have the answer sorry for the delay

    Now That i remember this past saturday i step on a small roach at nostalgia , i felt bad because the roach did not die but it was definitivamente hurt .. I saw it crawl en la basura de la cafeteria

  76. Manuel sonastes duro a fanstosmas , lo mandastes a dormir ya. Mañana sera otro dia

    good night

  77. Of Mice and Men sounds much better

  78. Well as he is true to form, Fantomas comes back and criticizes the way Cubans are divided and show racism in Miami, some live here and others there, and just when we think we has been reformed he comes out with this pearl of wisdom:

    "Otra cosa es esa no offense hacia los habaneros pero cojones que pedantes y que feo suenan hablando

    solavaya , I cant digest them , sorry

    Nosotros los orientales si sabemos hablar"
    I supposed Fantomas met each and every one who has ever lived in Habana and after very extensive research throughout many years, he is now an authority on the subject.

    Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.

    Now, what was that about the Cubans being divisive and unable to unite?

  79. Fantomas, my boy!
    Don't step on roaches where there are so many, they do not wear name tags!
    You see, that got you into trouble.

  80. fantomas,

    Old Chinese proverb:

    When you sit too long on a fence you get skewered up the ass by a fence post.

  81. Manuel were you invited to the WH?

  82. Well, let's analyze and see about this opinion of Fantomas on how the habaneros speak so badly.

    Let's hear Fantomas neighbours in Guantanamo sending an order over the radio in a military camp in Oriente:

    "El cabo Acota que se presente en la pota con el caco pueto"

    or as any other Cuban who is not from Guantanamo would say it:

    "El cabo Acosta que se presente en la posta con el casco puesto"

    Or how about this other pearl from Oriente (specifically Guantanamo)

    "Tia, mi papa peco mucho pecaos hoy en la playa y yo voy pa tu casa con mi amiguista"

    Mr. Fantomas, those who have glass houses should not be throwing stones at anybody.
    Start teaching your own orientales how to speak the Spanish language correctly, before criticizing the manner of speaking of the people from other regions and provinces of Cuba.

  83. Fariñas perdoneme pero yo no hablo asi como usted describe despectivamente a los hermanos guantanameros

    ademas yo no me refiero a errores gramaticales ni ocho cuarto,

    my beef is only with the entonacion de las palabras , the way it sounds, nothing more than that..

    it seems that it comes too strong and muy imperativo por los habaneros es que tenmos mala fama en el mundo no cubano por hablar de esa forma

    Los no cubanos se creen que todos hablamos asi y tengo entonces que explicarles que aun dentro de cuba hay diferencias muy marcadas

    fijate que aun aqui en pr a mi me han dicho dictador because the way i sound , no quiero pensar que me dirian si yo fuese habanero quizas hitler, caligula

  84. habaneros hablando

    santiaguera judoka hablando

    listen carefully
    la entonacion only

  85. News Alert

    George Moneo has "resigned" from Babalú retroactive to his ouster by Val on February 25, 2008 and withdrawn his "resignation" effective May 22, 2008.

    RCAB was the first to announce George's ouster and the first to announce his return. As for the apocryphal "resignation," Babalú can have that "scoop."

  86. Manuel:

    What the hell was that about? he returns and leaves in one day..well..well

  87. Vana:

    No, he is kicked out, returns, and says that he had "resigned."

  88. Vana yo pensaba que usted era inteligente, ya veo que no

  89. Good morning or rather afternoon MaT,
    it appears the manure hit the ventilator last night. Phew!

    we too have family in Miami and visit every few years. I have a great time, I just don't find people friendly in that town. I don't blame that on any one group of people it's just simply my opinion about the place. Sorry, I'm answering your post now but I crashed early last night and I guess you're 3 hours behind us.

  90. Damas y caballeros...(canten: y para que perder el tiempo, para que volvernos locos...)...a mi me encanta la isla de punta a punta y apuesto por todos los cubanos que quieran la libertad para Cuba. Las variaciones regionales no importan, pero lo que si es malo es que un cretino como Val Prieto desprecie a la familia cubana de tal manera. Y ademas, a estas alturas besandole el culo a Bush!
    Por favor! WTF!!!

  91. lo de las regiones pasa en todo el mundo , lo que digo de los habaneros no es ofensa ni quiere decir que no es correcto como hablan, la opinion mia es que no me gusta y punto y me alegro de no hablar asi , en verdad todo eso es boberia ... lo de la libertad de cuba si es importante y ahi debemos estar todos unidos..

  92. Sorry Manuel, guess I misunderstood your alert..duh!


    obama hablo a la fundacion y el pueblo escucho


  94. MaT,

    What did you think of Val's account of his visit to the White House? It seems that he couldn't see anything because he was crying all the time.

  95. fanto,
    ya le entraste a pata a poodle?

  96. señores vamos a dejar los insultos para otro dia

    fellow bloggers should be respected for the work they do

    Si se ponen a ver out of 2 millions cubans in exile solo somos como unos 300 blogeros en el mundo entero

    la otra mayoria no hace mucho por la libertad de cuba so we should focus on the task at hand , no more personal attacks que no nos lleva a ningun lugar

    por eso siempre te he dicho mat que en vez de review other blogs you shouldconsider writing more about ending our nightmare..pero tampoco es para que te la pases escribiendo de jose marti , eso tampoco

  97. oh my god fantomas was right , you crossed the 100th comments barrier, but nah you are still 2976behind yoani, sorry , keep the good work


  99. Fantomas,
    Respect is a two way street, as we used to say in the ol' days in Brooklyn. Now there's no respect no more, kiddo. They don't show respect for you, stop showing respect for them. Period. That was the free lesson of the day.
    Don't have to move to South Florida, boy. That's no Palm Springs, as far as I know. But you can always move to Vegas, and I cross my heart over it, I will take you out for a spin in a lovely Vegas night.
    At my age and "legal" condition, I don't drive much, but my wheelie will take us places in style, with the champagne bucket all to ourselves. Not like those wannabes who love their big trucks, I am all for the charm of the Lincoln Continental, and *wink, wink* you know what I mean.
    If ladies have broken young heart, let this man in his way out to introduce you to some lovely ladies. They are a lot of fun, but you don't have to marry them. That was the second free lesson of the day, kid.
    If you wanna marry, then I will introduce you to a lovely friend of mine with a lovelier niece in marrying age.
    But be careful, I am like a father to her, and I will cut your coglioni off is you misbehave.
    I can be like a father to you, too.
    And besides, we can play craps, blackjack, roulette and all.
    Don't move to Florida, the air from the swamps ain't good. I can set you up for business, I like you.
    As per George, one of these days he will find the head of dead poodle on his bed. After all, he loves to quote the Godfather, as if he were one in the business. Wannabes, all wannabes, don't tell me I didn't warn you. Bring me some salami and we are in peace.

  100. hey Mat where is your indiana jones boy ljf is he GONE for good or what

  101. fantomas:

    What a wonderful opportunity for you! A gentleman from the old-school is offering to take you under wing and even marry you off to his niece. He obviously has taken a liking to you and that could make your fortune. Our humble blog (as Val would say) may have set you up for life.

  102. fantomas:

    While husking corn, our URL, which was written on John's palm, was erased. It may take several days or weeks for him to find us again if ever.

  103. While husking corn...LMFAO!

  104. he will never come back ...for that iam sure

  105. why isn't longfellow coming back?


  106. this is really easy

    right Mat, tell the readers why you are not bringing him up anymore

    C mon?

  107. fantomas tenia razon el dijo que este post llegaba a 112

  108. y llego , sera familia de walter mercado este individuo con condon en la cabeza

  109. I loved your blog. Thank you.
