Sunday, July 8, 2007

My Favorite Daily Affirmation (by Val Prieto)

Whenever I feel that it's not worth my trouble, that I am trying to reform what is beyond human agency or reclamation, I have only to read these words from Val Prieto to be reminded of what I am fighting for, or, rather, fighting against. It helps that they are also unintentionally funny words, since a smile on one's face is the most effective tonic against becoming dispirited. You will look in vain for these ejaculations (sudden emotional utterances) on Val's blog; they were long ago deleted from Babalú. They are the beginning of a post which Val once dedicated to me and which was up for all of three hours before Val thought better of such foolishness and made it disappear.

Here's an excerpt preserved for posterity by me:

One would think that after nearly four years of blogging day in and day out about Cuba and the reality of same, that after nearly four years of taking on leftists, fidelistas, communists, and other assorted idiots, that after four years of arguing with and about the MSM, politicos and assorted officials, that after four years of busting my ass from sun up to sundown, that after four years of being called a fascist, an asshole, a right wing extremist, close-minded, intransingent and a slew of other ephiteths, that after four years of death threats and picking up coconuts and dead chickens from the front of my home, all because of and on behalf of my work for the freedom of Cuba, I would have at least earned a modicum of respect. Not a reverence, mind you, nor some shrine dedicated to me, but just a simple nod...

May I suggest that the next BUCL Campaign be called: "A Nod For Val."


  1. Boy he sure likes to beat his chest a lot, after four years, blah, blah, blah, diharrea of the mouth, look at me I have suffered so, well stop suffering and retire from your blog, if it's so painful to you Val, poor little boy blue, sniff, sniff.

  2. Gee wheez Manuel, you sure put up with a lot of crap, for four years, putting up with that kind of bull, and chest beating, I'm so glad you have your own very intelligent blog, my friend, it's a joy to come here, and yes I love it when as the song says you, Tell it Like it is

  3. We never respect those who amuse us, however we may smile at their comic powers.

  4. (Smiling Sarcastly )

    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.
    --Reinhold Niebuhr

  5. Friends:
    Sorry to change the subject, does anyone remember the words to the song El Madrugador, as sung by Orlando Vallejo in the 50's, am trying to find that cd, but my search has been futile.
    I remember how it starts, but that is all, thank you

  6. Vana
    esta creo que es la letra que buscas.
    Estos que sigue es todo lo que me acuerdo en este momento.

    Que lindo es el suelo mío
    Bajo el azulado cielo
    Que lindo es el suelo mío
    Bajo el azulado cielo
    Que rustico el arroyuelo
    Murmura junto al bohío
    Brilla de un bardo
    De un bardo la lira
    Como un sol en la mañana
    Mas la doctrina, la doctrina martiana
    Hondamente se demuestra,
    Cantando música nuestra
    Que es mas linda y es cubana.
    Yo siempre me acordare
    De los versos de aquel bardo
    Yo siempre me acordare
    De los versos de aquel bardo
    Juan Nápoles y Fajardo
    Llamado el Cucalambe.

    Espero te sirva, un saludo,

  7. Agustin:
    Thank you thank you, I think you have it!I remember that part, about la doctrina Martiana, that is why I love that song, I will try to find the cd, and memorize the whole song, I have not heard it, since I was a little girl, in Havana, I wrote it down, thanks again my friend

  8. Vana,
    I juts happen to have that CD at home. Great song. Check out a place called Marakas in the City Miami.They might be on the Web. They have all kinds of Cuban music and I think they will ship it home for you. Good luck.

    P.S. I wrote all that from memory, by the way. My wife was surprised at my good memory at my age.

  9. Agustin:

    I will check Markas, but remember I'm in the West Coast, that is why I miss so much, Thank you again my friend, and by the way, Tremenda Memoria, I think I'm losing mine, and yes it is a great song, also I think very patriotic, it says so much about Cuba, I love songs like that

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Manuel:

    You did it! you gave me all the words, oh I'm crying, I love it, thank you for helping me, you saved my sanity, I remembered the music, but the words were muddled, and Agustin too, he tried to help, he refreshed my memory, thanks again my friend, for the complete song


    Que lindo es el suelo mío
    Bajo el azulado cielo
    Que juntito al arroyuelo
    Murmura junto al bohío
    Ilumina el vergelillo
    El sol con su claridad
    Y rompe la soledad
    Habitual de las praderas
    Una tonada sitiera
    ¡Que es signo de libertad!
    Yo siempre me acordaré
    De los versos de aquel Bardo
    Yo siempre me acordaré
    De los versos de aquel Bardo
    Juan Napolés y Fajardo
    Llamado el Cucalambé
    A mi la canción me inspira
    Por su romántico sello
    Pero sé admirar lo bello
    De una tonada guajira
    Brilla de un Bardo
    De un Bardo la lira
    Como un sol en la mañana
    Más la doctrina, la doctrina Martiana
    Hondamente se demuestra
    Cantando musica nuestra
    Que es mas linda y es cubana.

  13. Vana:

    I found numerous versions of the song, all of which differed in many details. But by comparing the several versions and selecting the best among the alternatives I was able to piece together what I believe is the definitive version. All this would not have been possible without Agustín's awesome memory since he was able to recollect far more than I did and it was only by using his framework that I was able to add the other lines.

  14. Again Manuel thanks, I have had it in my head for days, driving me crazy, where it came from, I haven't a clue, I remembered how it begins, and something about la Doctrina Martiana, It trully is a wonderful song, so Cuban, I love it! I wrote all the words down, for posterity, will try to find the cd, gracias mil a los dos

  15. Manuel,
    I copied the whole song as you posted it. Thanks for the help in completing the verses. I used my fading memory to write the little bit I wrote because I did not remember the whole thing from memory. Too many years, I think.
    Great song as Vana said, and yes as a guajiro macho, I love it. Thanks to everyone for a wonderful moment. My version on the CD I have does not have the additional verses Manuel wrote.
    On a lighter note folks, talk about global warming!. While I know you folks are experiencing very hot weather in USA (my mom told me last night on the phone it was over 100 degress in Union City) we have snow here in the town I live in Argentina, for the first time in 38 years. No one can believe it here! Everyone went out to play in the snow and my dogs are running everywhere playing in it. Oh, well I did not want to ruin your day, but is very cold here.
    Now for the music: "is beginning to look like Christmas" LOL.

  16. Agustin:
    It must be hard for you to see snow, and know cold weather, in what in Cuba, and here are summer months, it has been terribly hot here, we have seen days of 104, yesterday it got up to 97, but that is normal Summer weather here in the deserts of California.

    Tell me does it feel weird to celebrate Christmas in the middle of Summer? it would sure be for me

  17. Vana,
    last year it felt very weird because we were in the swimming pool while the pork for Christmas was being cooked! We were having a few Cuban friends over for the celebrations and everyone was in the pool. Now, when you are in the summer months of June July and August in USA, these are the coldest months here. It feels very strnge indeed!. Today we had a snow storm of a little duration but it accumulated about 2 inches of snow, which is a rare thing for these parts. Everyone is in shock. But my Mom said last night the weather was very hot in New Jersey and I saw on CNN that California is having a bit of hot weather too. Well, I envy you because I love the summer and hate winters. Brrrrr!!!!LOL.

  18. Agustin:
    Waiting for the pig to cook, while you all were in the pool, sounds funny, by Christmas time here, it can get pretty cold, of course no snow which I don't mind, since I don't like it, like you I prefer warm weather, so enjoy your winter for now, I will be quite jealous this winter, thinking of you and your wife enjoying Summer over there.

  19. Vana,
    by the way that place in Miami where you can find the music you wanted is called MARAKAS, not MARKAS. Maybe it was a typo on your part, but I will try to find the place for you on the web and give you the site address. Boy is it cold here! Brrrrr!!

  20. Vana,

    There is a store in Miami called Maraka 2000 which specializes in Cuban films. I don't know if they also carry music.

    You may also want to try
    They are very reasonable and have everything.

    El Caimán

  21. Aww shucks, you guys are all great, trying to help me find El Madrugador, I will check out in the web for those addresses you have so kindly given me, Thanks Agustin and Caiman

  22. Agustín:

    It's exactly the opposite with me. I love Winter. I keep better in Winter.

    If we were in Winter, I would be writing 40 posts a day.

  23. Manuel,
    You are in good company. One of my favorite writers Aleksndr Solzhenitsyn, also loves the winter. That was the reason when he came to the US he moved to Vermont to seek the type of weather that reminded him of his Russia. Goodness, this guy liked to chop wood outside without a shirt in the snow and write outside in a cabana located in the middle of his yard. Wow! Talk about a cold nut! Just thinking about it I am shivering!!Brrr.

  24. I found it! I found it! at the address Caiman gave me museodeldisco, the name of the cd is Un Amigo Mio, and it was only $10.99, can you believe it!
    Thanks for the connect to Marakkas2000, they have good Cuban movies there, I bought two.
    Thank you! Both

  25. Vana,
    glad we were of some help to you. Anytime we can help, just ask.

    By the way, did you buy any Fantomas Movies?
    Have you seen the last release on DVD? Is called:

    "Fantomas against the Nutty Professor and his Kool Aid Kids"

    Is a great movie. Don't miss it. I already bought my copy. I will give you an advance on the gran finale. At the end, Fantomas takes on the Professor in a great metaphor battle, gets his ass whipped and goes down to an ignominious defeat. Ah shucks, sorry I spoiled the end for you.

  26. LMAO...Agustin, sorry don't think I could sit through it, without getting sick to my stomach, think I heard that movie may induce vomit...LOL

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