Friday, June 15, 2007

Fantomas Brought to the Carpet

As I predicted, the whip has been cracked on fantomas and he has (also predictably) BUCLed. The former Pee Wee Herman has deleted most of his comments on this blog (I bet he wishes he could do that on Miami's Cuban Connection too). Among those numerous deletions are his protestations that he is his own man and not beholden or answerable to Val Prieto or anyone.

Judge for yourselves.


  1. Manuel,
    Someone probably took the iron rod (la cabilla de Fantomas) he says he is always wielding, bashed him over the head with it, and he BUCled! I wonder who did that? I give you 3 guesses: (hint,hint), is the name for an old Ricky Ricardo song!!LOL.

    Alex , chill out chico , algun dia te arepentiras de todo lo que estas diciendo hoy. No estoy molesto contigo ni te pienso atacar vilmente . Just a little tease para reirnos hoy con el cafe de la mañana. Solo que cada vez que veo lo que esta ocurriendo en este circo lleno de payasos como tu me recuerdo de esto..

    Mira bien este video . tu sales aqui. Estas actuando como el señor. Igualito a ti. . Te lo tenia guardadito hace dias...desde fagtamas ..Te acuerdas?


  3. ¡Ya no más!:

    I am underwhelmed by this Reyes' stupidity but understand better now how Val Prieto came to lead this bunch of half-wits. Consider yourself fortunate to have freed yourself from such associations.

    Yes, it is true that Val Prieto is the most hated man in the Cuban-American blogosphere. He is oblivious to this fact for the most part because his acolytes try to shield him as best they can from consequences of his folly. Ziva's frenzied attempts to reach you by phone were just an exercise in damage control.

    As for José Reyes, what can one say about him that is more revealing than this line from his e-mail to you: "Good luck, I can't help you now, you are on your own. You are still my friend, that's for sure, but I can't defend you on this one." Reading those words makes one's skin crawl. For him "friendship" is the negation of friendship. That is, being a bad friend is being a good friend. No doubt this inversion of reality informs all his other thoughts and acts. Reyes is, in any case, the ideal "friend" for Val. A new more "friends" like José and Val is surely done for, and the sooner the better.

  4. Enrique,(Fantomas):
    why did you delete your comments from this blog? Can you give us a reasonable explanation? Please if you can, avoid using foul language and insulting remarks. My head is old and soft and cannot take "cabillazos" anymore as I used to. Thank you.

  5. Wise up guys. Stop revolviendo la mier**. This is playing out like some cheesy novela. I don't watch those. There are more important things in life.

  6. Agustin use your imagination..It is really easy to see..It is in front of your screen...

    Y no Manuel NOBODY told me to remove anything,,, Asi que no te llenes la boca de false remarks acerca de un red carpet , green carpet, yellow carpet ni ocho cuarto

    by the way i dont play the games of removing blogs .. Prove of that is that if you go to my blogroll list you will see the Yanomas listing intact...

    La cabilla esta en reparacion la estoy afilando asi que portense bien y tomense las pastillitas

  7. Agustín:

    I am proud to run a blog where those like fantomas, who are ashamed or embarrassed by their own comments, can delete them at will. Of course the memory of fantomas' puerilities abides and helps us to form our opinion of him.

  8. Jewbana,
    you are right.It is my opinion that arguments and disagreements should be aired, because that is what freedom of speech means to me. But I was hoping that it should be done like adults and avoiding insults and offending remarks. Reasonable discourse should be carried on with valid arguments and opinions in order for them to be effective. Insulting remarks belong in the gutter. As you can see by the email of those concerned specially Jose's last email, this was not the case. Let's hope sanity prevails in the end, and we can argue points of view with serenity and decency that we all should expect of the those participating in the discussion. Arguing like children using insults and offending the other party, reveals more about oneself than about the other party. It diminish us as humans. When one feels the urge to use foul language, we should step back, count to ten and take a deep breath. Let's argue our points of view in a civilzed manner.

  9. jewbana:

    We're not stirring the shit here, just letting it dry in the light of the sun till it turns to dust.

  10. and helps us to form our opinion of him.

    Thanks Manuel I dont need your opinions at all

    Remember I onlY come here PA GOZAR , aliviar el stress y reirme con tus import clowns

  11. Enrique (Fantomas):
    I might be getting old and losing some of my eyesight, but for the life of me, much as I try, I cannot see what you mean by "is right there in front of your screen". Can you please shed some light on the subject.? I asked you why did you removed your comments, and you told me to look at the screen. What is it that I am supposed to see in my monitor? Clear this up for an old man that may not be able to see the obvious. Thanks.

  12. Agustin preguntale a Manuel ..He is intelligent y te lo puede decir..

    Hint ..nothing related to BUCL or carpet

  13. Manuel,
    maybe you should post another of those wonderfully written posts you did in the past about the inhumanity of abortion to get everyone in sync on a subject we can all agree. I miss those postings. They are an eye opener for those who still remain blind to the murderous practice of abortion in our countries of residence. They were shocking and the pictures are heartbreaking, but they are a wake up call to bring into the light of day the horror of those murdering practices I call by its proper name: genocide

  14. Agustín:

    I assure you that I am as blind as you when it comes to figuring out fantomas. All I know is that an imperial edict was issued and fantomas complied.

  15. Enrique,
    Manuel posted that you were the person responssible for deleting the comments you made on his blog.
    Since I believe his word and have no reason to doubt it, I asked you. Why should Manuel explain the reasons you had for deleting your own comments? Weren't they made by you? If Manuel had deleted them ,then I would ask him, but so far as I know, he has never deleted anyone's comments. But as I said, he posted that you were responsible for the deletion and I take his word for it, and I was curious as to why you took that course of action. Repentence? A change of heart?

  16. Agustín:

    I recently had a debate on abortion which I think you will find interesting:

  17. Agustín:

    The deleted fantomas comments clearly state that they were deleted by the author.

    I could, of course, eliminate all traces of his self-deleted comments, but I will not do so. I prefer that there should be gaps where his comments formerly were to alert all to the dearth of Fantomas' convictions.


  19. xwearnManuel,
    thanks for the heads up. I will look it up today. We found the posting about partial birth abortion you made a few weeks ago very shocking but very informative. It brought home the horror of such inhuman practices. As a Christian person I find those practices abhorrent and intolerable. We should all raise our voices and demand that they are stopped. It is plain and simple:genocide. No one in the name of the rights of a woman should engage in such practices.It is a lame excuse for murder in a grand scale. They speak volumes about the descent into hell of our modern societies that these inhuman practices are allowed in the name of equal rights for women. No one speaks for the rights of the unborn. They also have rights but no one seems to care except a few decent souls in today's world. Is time we write our elected officials and demand that these genocide is stopped. It says a lot about our societies that we permit the wholesale slaughter of those souls that cannot defend themselves. Everyone has a right to life and the millions of defenseless babies that are killed in this horrific manner cry out for help. It is disgusting. What does this say for the human race when we allow this state of affairs to continue? All life is sacred.

  20. It's Time to Tell the Truth...Thank god, the gloves are coming off! No one is going to judge or tell me who I can associate with. I'm a grown man, I make my own decisions..Understand, Jose Reyes.

  21. ok Manuel , prove it?

    the problem with you guys is that none of you guys will ever figure me out


  22. Agustín:

    I think that fantomas may have realized that he went too far in some of his comments. For example, though he lives and works in Puerto Rico, he had the effrontery to say here that if Puerto Ricans were granted independence the experiment wouldn't last 90 days. When I pointed out to him that even we Cubans had managed to keep a Republic for more than 50 years, fantomas replied that "Puerto Ricans are not Cubans." I was quick to agree with that statement: "Yes, they are not Cubans. They have never killed their own."

    This is how fantomas repays the generous hospitality of a kindred people.

  23. Damn , who is that hot looking babe Fresh

    Is that Sole?

  24. good try Manuel , tha's yesterday news..Eso que escribistes ahi es del periodico de ayer...

    You can do better that that

  25. Enrique (Fantomas):
    "The problem with you guys is that none of you guys will ever figure me out"
    Cryptic words indeed!!
    This i a mystery wrapped inside a riddle. LOL.
    But you still did not answer my question. Why on earth did you delete your comments? Any chance I could get an answer?

  26. Agustin preguntale a Manuel ..I already told you.

  27. Ademas si te lo digo se acaba el fun aqui y se pone aburrido

    Usted es una buena persona

  28. Ok, Ok everybody; here is good news, to comment about:

    De acuerdo con informaciones recibidas en nuestra redacción por un cable de Presa Latina durante los funerales de castro, su hermano Raúl ha fallecido de un ataque cardiaco al ser informado por la viuda de Daniel Ortega del fatal accidente aéreo en el que perece Hugo Chávez quien venia de regreso de Bolivia donde visito al su homologo Evo Molares en coma desde hace varias semanas como resultado de una sobredosis de cocaína.

    En otras noticias de nuestra América. Continúan los disturbios en Ecuador después del descuartizamiento del presidente por turbas enardecidas al no poder ver su telenovela favorita de la tarde.

    …..See Fantomas things are not as bad as they look like. According to your last posting on your blog this morning we were doomed and with not salvation. Maybe that is why you were so desperate and deleted all comets.

  29. Cojone, el inspector siguiendome los pasos

    Coño give me a break..

    Ahora mismo llamo a mis thugs para que de ten un escarmiento

  30. Enrique,(Fantomas)
    Thanks for the buena persona comment. I occasionally have visited your blog and have found it very interesting. I also have seen and read the comments full of disdain from your adversaries on the Armengol (yuck!)and Rui Ferreira's (yuck) blogs. Their pseudo-communists commenters there are so stupid that is not even worth it answering their banal comments. They are full of vitriolic and hateful words against the older community of Cuban exiles. It only proves that they left Cuba for God only knows what reason or motives, but their heart and spirit cannot shake off the indoctrination they received there. They spare no chance to denigrate and mock the older exiles and actually enjoy making fun of them any chance they get. Their "cuban maffia" epithets reveal their true nature and whose words they are parroting.
    I pity such poor souls. They wallow in hatred for their own to the point of saying they live in a ghetto whenever they refer to Miami. It is those 2 blogs I mentioned where you can find the real circus with their mindless troop of clowns to boot.
    So, to get back to my question, why did you delete the comments?

  31. Te lo voy a tener que decir apena que me lo pidas tantas veces..

    Los quite simplemente para que los comentarios que quedaran no le hicieran sentido a nadie que entrara por primera vez al blog.

    Cosas de Fantomas .. no le prestes mucha atencion a eso ..besides no habia mucho de valor escrito ahi..

    Tu mas que nadie Agustin sabes bien como yo me comporto con la gente de rui y de armengol ,,,tu conoces mi estilo muy muy muy muy bien ...

  32. Agustín:

    Of course we don't have the slightest doubt that fantomas deleted his comments at Val Prieto's instructions. The alternate explanation that he offers doesn't hold water because without his comments the threads now read with much more clarity and focus, and, of course, much less mumbo jumbo. Fantomas is free to censor himself as much as he wants.

  33. Commissaire Juve:

    Welcome to the blog. You are a most interesting and welcome addition, though you sound vaguely familiar to me.

  34. fantomas:

    I am not surprised that the greatest of all conformists now represents himself as an anarchist.

  35. Cosas de fantomas? besides no habia mucho de valor ahi? lol
    you yourself admit that your postings are nothing, bola de humo, I have figured out for some time now, that you are here only to hijack this site, no doubt sent here by blog father Val, and you claim to be your own man? don't make me laugh.

  36. Manuel 3 cosas...

    1-que clase de cubano eres tu explicate?

    Nunca me respondes en español ..Handicap?

    2 .. I know your soft got no chancewith Fanto--- Cuando tu vas ya yo he ido y regresado 3 veces

    3..Blogging Etiquette

    As an administrator you can write posts...Bur please refrain from posting comments on your blog. Ese espacio de commnets esta available para las personas que quieren comentar acerca de lo que usted escribe. Your duty es velar que no se escriban posts con palabras ofensivas o ataques despiadados a otras personas...digo si quiere mantener un blog de calidad..Si quiere que esto siga como un solar habanero then let it be.
    En conclusion shut up in the comments sections..Let us , YOUR VISITORS ,,,handle what you wrote

    me tengo que ir a trabajar regreso despues de las 6 pm ...

    Otra cosa a partir de ahora te dare un numero. Este numero is myprediction of how many commments any of your posted threads will have ..

    for example before midnigth tonite , i am guessin this particilar post , mine, about fanto will have ..lets say 52 ( record for this blog) comments y me estoy tirando bajito...

    Asi que now We have a little game para hacer este circo mas fun

    Let the show begin...

  37. Señora vana white

    I have never cross one word with you in mylife ... let it continue that way ..i dont know you y me importa un pepino quien es usted ..Vayase a bañar con agua fria

  38. !Ya no Mas!
    Is a good thing to find out early in life who your enemies are, obviously that Reyes guy was never your friend, or he would have defended you at all costs, and not behind Val's back, by sending you an e mail, if truly he was your friend, he would have stood up for you, right here on this blog.

  39. Espantapajaros Fanty
    Bring it on, you don't scare me, how incredibly self indulgant you are, thinking all we want to do is talk about you, please, you are nothing but a liar, claiming in your blog that you write from Santiago de Cuba, when all along you were in Puerto Rico, I don't believe a word you say.

  40. Vana cierra bien las puertas de tu casa el sabado entre 11pm a 5 am

    No vaya ser que Fanty te visite

  41. fantomas:

    Just be grateful that I don't correct your Spanish. Remember, I am José Martí's translator.

    The conductor here is not above mixing with the musicians in the orchestra.

    I should not be surprised if this thread surpasses 52 comments by midnight. In fact, I can guarantee it.

  42. ya te dije lo de la correciones ...escribo rapido y no quiero volver echar para atras ni en ingles ni en español ni en chino

    A mi departamento de correcion los tengo haciendo otros trabajos

    vamos escribenos algo bonito en el idioma de jose marti... No temas en demostrar tu cubania..

    new number before 12.01 am

    67 POSTS

  43. OMG...can you guys get over yourselves!!! Esto es el colmo!!!

  44. Remember, I am José Martí's translator


    si y yo soy nieto de shakespeare

  45. Manue,
    You are correct; no many people torture the English language as I do. I just created the new user name to further hide my identity to casual visitor of the blog and to direct my comments to Fantomas. For those unfamiliar with the movies of Fantomas, Juve was the funny police commissary that was always one step behind the villain. Unlike our Fantomas, I was a young teenager in Cuba when those movies were very popular there, sort of a 007 for my generation. It doesn’t surprise me when !Ya no mas! misspell it because he is too young and born in the US. So probably doesn’t know were the name comes from.

  46. Comisario ese no es el caso..aparte de que Ya no mas no habia nacido cuando nacio Fantomas

    el haber mispelled el nombre fantomas to Fagtomas tiene una connotacion politica muy grande

    Sinceramente yo me rei muchisimo

    ahora la amiga Vana comete el mismo error y menciona Fanty instead of Fantomas

    Veremos que mas se inventan por ahi ..te digo el circo crece por minuto

  47. Fantomas

    You got me curious. Answer me this where's Helene and Bouzille, then i know you are the real deal!

  48. Actually, I misspell it purposely..You know Fag-tamas get it know...hahahaha...but you're right Commissaire Juve, I have no clue about that TV show in cuba..

  49. Manuel,
    I visited the Klotz as in Blood blog you were nice enough to tell me about and found the comments you referred to on still birth and abortion. You sure had a great crossing of swords with the advocates of "free choice" there. Scaramouche would have been proud of you. You stated your point of view clearly, concise and with the mordant humor we are accostumed to here in your blog. I specially liked the exchange with the philosophy professor. Obviously Steve was gracious enough to let the discussion go on very freely and without hindrance. But I think you made your point quite well. Granted, I did not need any convincing but your points were well taken. Good job defending our point of view. I liked the part about God granting us the free will to do as we please but we also have to account for the consequence of our acts. As I said I was very pleased with what you wrote there. Changing the subject, hopefully by 6 pm tonight Fantomas will have quietly gone into the shadows of the night and all will be quiet again on the western front. Signed Fofo. (as in Gaby Fofo y Miliki) LOL.

  50. !YA NO MAS!

    In your case I understood the reason why you misspelled like that from the beginning. The point was that most people here don’t know about the character and had misspelled it, intentionally or not in various form from Fantasma, to Fantama and so on.

  51. Alex from NY dijo

    "Actually, I misspell it purposely..You know Fag-tamas get it know."

    Prestame a la peruana Sole por una tarde nada mas para que veas como Fagtamas juega con ella a las muñ


    te dije que me llamaras y te estas haciendo el loco

  52. LOL. I take back what I said before. Novela... no way. This is almost as funny as La Tremenda Corte.

  53. jewbana:

    Now that is the spirit in which Val's friends should and do enjoy this blog!

  54. Ahora mismo para comentar aqui tienen que estar la persona registrada..

    manuel cambialo en opciones comentarios ponlo que pueda comentar cualquiera incluyendo anonimos

    pa que tu veas de verdad como se te llena esto ...prediction if you do this 100 comments average on a good post

  55. fantomas:

    That's exactly how it is now. Any members of the Tribe of the Anonimi are welcomed to add your individuality to the olla podrida.

  56. Helene and Bouzille, then i know you are the real deal!

    No real deal..No clue

  57. Did you fix it? porque it only allows register users

    you need to go to Options..comments...make it anyone can leave a message,

    also take the stupid word verification off eso es estupido

    Este blog no permite comentarios anónimos. it is still on Manuel

  58. Sorry new prediction for tonite


    ahora si lo lograstes gracias


  59. fantomas:

    Try again. All that's been done.

  60. Se te va a llenar la olla podrida asi que preparate ahora

    Recuerda lo que te dije trata de mantenerte off court...Dejanos a nosotros ponernos los gloves como dijo el amigo de ny que todavia no me ha respondido y lo estoy esperando como cosa buena

  61. Manuel,
    what have you started here!! Your blog will beat the Ichikawa blog by a huge number of commenters now for sure. Obviously you must be in a fun mode today. Goodness, now the clowns will really come out of the wodowork!! Well, I guess we need to have a littl;e bit of fun now and then. I can't wait for tonight's recount. The folks at Babalu must be green with envy. I bet you just wanted to tickle their fancy, you crafty devil,you!!

  62. Fantomas

    I'm dissapointed, in the Fantomas novels, You are a villain, Helene is your tattooed, cross-dressing, dope-smoking daughter. Fandor is your nemesis a reporter and he and Helene and are in love with one another but never act on it., They say that Fandor is your son.

    You got to get your cast of characters straight man! Here's a link for you

  63. Vana,
    you have been warned by Fantomas. Please make sure to turn your house alarm on, unless you want Fantomas dropping in for a snack!!
    Oh, I don't forget also to place a lock on your refrigerator door unless you want your food to disappear!!LOL. Signed Miliki.

  64. fantomas & Agustín:

    So long as the Anonimi are witty, there will be no Anonymous filter. Let them by all means have their personal (impersonal?) Anonymous Day!

  65. Manuel,
    as they say in the vernacular: Bring in the clowns!! Is your show, but don't say I did not warn you. I think you are opening a can of worms (or maybe a can of clowns?) Signed Fofo.

    Fantomas: you were not serious about Manuel being handicapped in Spanish, were you? His vast knowledge of Cuban history displayed here should have dispelled that notion long ago. Maybe you should read some of his old posts about Cuban history, it may actually improve your history database.

  66. Agustin:
    Thanks for your concern, I will be sure my house alarm is on, and my doors bolted shut on Saturday
    Ah and my refrigerator also..LMAO. This blog is awsome, I enjoy myself very much here

  67. By the way Agustin I agree with you, because it's also obvious to me that Manuel must speak perfect Spanish, for the way he translates Marti's poems, and other translations I have seen in this blog, are flawless, wish it was that easy for me.

  68. fantomas & Agustín:

    So long as the Anonimi are witty, there will be no Anonymous filter. Let them by all means have their personal (impersonal?) Anonymous Day!

    Por favor no te me pongas de censurador ahora como Rui ferreira . Un payaso despreciable que cerro las cajitas de anonimos

  69. no hay bollo por aqui?
    na mas que veo machos,que fula ta esto
    El singador anonimo

  70. corgy

    I have never read a fantomas novel..

    I saw the movies in Cuba in the 70's I must have been 7-11 years old

  71. singador quedate por ahi hay una jeba por ahi que se llama fresh

    tambien creo que tenemos par de bugarrones listos para entrar en accion

    no te vayas

  72. jebas gratis videos

  73. Aprovechen y lean los comentarios de Fantomas . No vaya a hacer que los vuelva a desaparecer como arte de magia.

  74. Manuel

    I think you are being setup my for the Babalu swarm

  75. Manuel
    You better remove the anonymous allowance, or they are gonna ruin this fine blog, all those anonymous comments are probably from Fanny, as I noticed before, he wants to hijack this blog

  76. Alex , please give it up ... You are much better than them

  77. I am back .....Wao 75

    Vana tomate un valium chica

    si no puedes aguantar la presion mejor callate o vete a otro blog

    there are thousands of blogs out there

  78. los bugarrones te los dejo a ti y al tarru de ya no mas,el chama se ve que es tremenda mala hoja,miren lo frustado que se encuentra con sus tarros que hasta ofendio a una pobre señora de edad
    que etica mas chea caballero eso no se hace,yo no pertenesco ni a cagalu ni nada por estilo al pan pan y al vino vino

    el singador anonimo


    Wait until Tellechea gets hold of that one

  80. Pobrecita Ziva , ella que trabaja tanto por Cuba y Ya No mas barrio el piso con ella

    I love posting under anonimo

  81. I love Ziva. Leave her out of this

    Grow up

  82. nada tiene que ver si barrio el piso con ella,ni que trabaje por cuba ni nada de eso y que el sapingo este haya barrido con ella lo dudo porque lo unico que hizo fue decir disparates y golpes bajos sobre su persona.
    En fin no lei una critica contundente sobre ella,solo aberraciones de un culicagao malcriado,no se si tu le llamas a eso barrer el piso?

    ademas se trata de una mujer caballero,una mujer que nunca ha ofendido a nadie,acuerdense que udstedes vinieron de una mujer a no ser que sean descendientes de una mona.

    mi importa una pinga babalu pero ziva es una señora y no se merece esa falta de respeto
    nadie es exempto de criticas pero con respeto

    el singador anonimo

  83. To My Friends & Regular Commenters:

    Have no fear; I am still in control of this blog.

    At 12:00 midnight, the Anonymous filter is reactivated and the tribe of the Anonimi will gather their tents and silently steal way.

    I believe in letting the lunatics come out to play once in a while. It is the humane thing to do. But the lunatics will never take over the asylum, because, unlike Oscar Corral, I am a hands-on blogger.

    Target shooting with Anonimi is a lot more fun than with skeet. It's open season on the critters. Fire away, ladies and gentlemen!

  84. thank you for letting me out doctor
    I need the fresh air

    el singador anonimo

  85. telle, con la experiencia de oscarito sabemos como se mueve el mambo...yo tango lade armengol yruitambien

    no elimines los anonimos para siempre ellos son parte integral del blog..recuerda algunas personas se les escapan a sus j efes para postear aqui y ellos no pueden usar sus nombres..asi que cosidero una mala movida que apagues a la medianoche los a nonimos a menos que lo reabras por la mañana decir o admin istras tu b log hands on o te levantas un dia y ama neces co n 200comments...
    que prefieres?

  86. oye medebes una comida te ayude a pasar de l os 100
    thats a given now

  87. y todav ia falta Ya n omas lo e stoy esperan docom o cosabuena

  88. Fantomas:

    On the other hand, you cannot delete Anonymous comments.

  89. Who is Fantomas?


    What did you say and what does it mean?

    Nothing, Everything.

    But what is it?

    No one, and yet, yes, it is someone.

    And what does this someone do?

    Spreads terror

    Telle..did you see


  90. Alex, there is something to be said for being a prick to ones face instead of behind his back. I don't know who is calling you, but it's not me. I don't have, nor do I need your phone number. Someones fucking with you, and it is not me.

  91. Alex, there is something to be said for being a prick to ones face instead of behind his back. I don't know who is calling you, but it's not me. I don't have, nor do I need your phone number. Someones fucking with you, and it is not me.

  92. Sorry, for that delay Fantamaaaaaaaaass..I do have a real job not like you Enrique..oops Fantamaaaaaaz..

    You want Sole..hahaha chico, That's my baby mama...Tu lo sabes.. Que Pasa? You wanna show everybody here, that you like girls? Wow! that's insecurities mucho insecrities my friend..

    Quien es tu nuevo amigito: El singador anonimo I think, well I'm very sure that's Jose...but hey, some people just don't have balls to show themselves here. NO BALLS

  93. tengo elkey boradtrabadoquemierda

    no temevayas ahora regreso

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. brother alex canyou spareme50 bucksto getmeanewkeyboard

    al miole cayojugoden aranja nopuedoescribir


  96. Hey, Ziva

    My Caller Intercept on my Phone said...Blog For Cuba when I click to screen my call... Hmmm, that's weird.. Trust me ziva my nuts are big enough to call anybody a prick in their face..I have no problem..

  97. Alex te envi e un e ---tepuseahi

  98. ya no mas llevate a tu india para el show de laura en america a ver si le dan un carrito sandwuichero.

    ...pero señorita laura el me pega pues,el es un malvado que lo conoci en un pollera,ahy señorita laura como he sufrido para obtener mi tarjeta verde con ese desgraciado pichi corto

  99. COJONE anonimo tepasastesconloelcarrito..sanguichero...




  100. QUE PASE EL

  101. que pase el cornudo

  102. Please, Enrique you're the Anonymous guy...Stop posing as usual...I know your tricks already...

  103. we didnt start the fire

    el singador anonimo

  104. no mejodastelojuropor mi madre tengo las teclaspegadas....yo no fuieseultimoanonim o...yo poste o siempreaquiconminombre
    No meacusessinprueb acarajo...tu conoces..niuna..tercera..partedemistricks....yamame..yparamos..todoesto

  105. This blog is "AWESOME" Manuel rules!

  106. Oye,el singador anonimo singate a Fantamaz...a ti no te parieron, te cagaron

  107. Manuel,

    you are a wonderful writer.Thank you so much for educating us on the truths of Cuba which some of us and most of us know. Thanks for your wit and courage and for speaking the truth. Que Dios te bendiga y VIVA CUBA LIBRE!

  108. coño eseanonimodelas8.20..Esta..volao

  109. Alguinquese,, press..en ter

  110. fantomas no hay estilla asere
    estas jodio dale un pingazo a el teclado si no saca billete debajo del colchon dondes escondes los fulas grandes

    el singador anonimo

  111. estoy tratanñññ....

  112. que--pase...el..infeliz

  113. .....and while I'm at it, what the is going on in here? Manuel is a wonderful writer why would anyone be JEALOUS? Oh, and this is not Manuel writing this ,trust me, so don't go there. Some anonymous's aren't so bad, just rational, which could be bad in a forum like this. What's with all the name calling? Oh brother. Keep up the good work Manuel. Signed, NOT Manuel but enjoy his writings :)

  114. Guess everyone went to sleep. Finally some peace and quiet! ;)

  115. no way

    I just got back

    alguien por ahi?

    parece que se arreglo solo el teclado...

  116. oye Manuel te acuerdas de Longjohnfellow

    Donde se habra metido ese clown?

    ojala viniera para aca

  117. its not over until the fat lady sings

    any one has partagas for the sake of all cyber cubans?
    despues del cuero todo somos cubanos y ache pa todos (as)

    no hard feelings

    singador anonimo

  118. Eso es verdad singador amigo

    Yo se lo dije a Alex pero el sabueso no quiere saber de mi

    Esto es puro fun y jodedera...ho dhard feelings con nadie..todos somos cubanos...i like that

  119. fantomas:

    Longfellow belongs to history whether this means that he finally did commit suicide or that he is interred at some institution where he is denied access to the internet. It is inconceivable that he would otherwise have failed to find this blog and leave his singular musings here. I pray that you will respect the memory of this legend of Cuban blogging and not attempt to impersonate him here, for he was inmitable and unduplicable.

  120. lo unico que me molesto de ya no mas fue como trato a ziva por eso le di un cuero sabroso..y eso que me aguante si no tremendo despelote hubiera echo pero no tengo nada en contra de nadie y menos de el.

    a manuel siempre lo leo y aprendo de sus escrituras todos los dias.
    el es un tipo inteligente y bastante estudiado aunque a veces escribre mucho pero ese es su estilo.

    singador anonimo

  121. oye chico en ningun momento dije que lo iba a duplicar..solo e pregunte si sabias de el ..yo me imagino que debe estar cerca ..thats all...

    si el entra no me culpes a mi

    my english is not as good as his

  122. Longfellow belongs to history whether this means that he finally did commit suicide or that he is interred at some institution where he is denied access to the internet




    coño te la comistes Manuel

  123. Ok this is getting boring ZZZZZZZZZZ

  124. Manuel es bueno, lo que pasa es que empezo este blog en una nota fea...Mira Manuel Babalu tiene su estilo , yo tengo el mio y tu el tuyo , ya no mas el de el , jose el de el etc... señores no cambiemos la forma de el otro... Esa variedad nos hace unicos.. Cada loco con su tema y pa alante a destruir a fidel raul y a chavez...

    No tenemos poruqe estar en la misma pagina...Hell, miren a los mafiosos italianos... de la cosa nostra ...son varias familias las que gobiernan ,,,no una....
    en la mafia cubana de los blogs lo mismo
    hay varias familias unas mas fuertes que otras, unas caen , otras suben , pero al final algunas veces pudieramos sentarnos en la misma mesa

    let the show continue

  125. anonimo 10.24

    apaga la luz, tomate la pastillita chupa el teto y acuestate a dormir

  126. I can't wait to read your next post This is going to be good.Stay tuned Cubanos! The best of the best of Manuel is yet to come!I can just feel it. I think your going to have a Banquet with this one. Just save me some Arroz con Pollo because I'm kind of hungry right now. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts on your blog today.

  127. que clase de comemierdas son todos ustedes!

  128. dale willy echale mas fuego a la lata

  129. I didn't know Whales could speak? That's one smart whale or is he/she/it?

  130. bueno si la cosa es de comer y joder yo pongo la cerveza y la musica..pero por favor no bailes de percheros..por favor fantomas no te aparescas con los calzoncillos de ferdinando (esos de rayas rosadas y blancas) en la fiesta asere!

    singador anonimo

  131. I wonder if there is actually someone out there who does read these monumental threads or if they exist merely as an historical curiosity to be parsed by future generations studying the evolution of Cuban-American political blogging.

  132. Fantomas no usa calzoncillo. tiene una ereccion permanente y la cabilla siempre lista

  133. manuel no te me eches para atras ahora.aguanta como un macho aguantaria la cabilla de fantomas .tu querias caca y caca obtendras

  134. fantomas asere tu siempre con la cabilla,candela!
    dale descanso al cabillon mi herma!
    ademas al baile no puedes entrar encuero ya que el portero es un cura de guanabacoa que cuidaba monaguillos asi que ten cuidao no se te solo un consejo

    singador anonimo

  135. Oye Manuel

    Todavia no he descartado abrir el otro blog

    Se llamaria

    Review of the Review of Cuban american blogs and the well being of a Nutty professor named Tellechea...

  136. So this singador cubano is your blog nemesis, fantomas?

  137. Manuel en serio ahora ... deja tranquilo a Val y a henry for a little is getting old now

    We already now you were booted ..thats ok I was too from Rui at el herald and you dont see me crying know que yo hice cuando me boto...Me busque 5 nombres diferentes y nunca deje de comentar alli..

    te pido por favor que te encarnes a partir de ahora con otro blog...

    me gustaria que le hicieras el review a este blog

    Crees que me puedes complacer o estoy pidiendo mucho? dime carajo

  138. caballero esto es cuero y jodedera
    na de na con el respeto de todos los presentes.

    singador anonimo

  139. manuel no se quien es ..lo conoci hoy imagino que es alguien que me conoce a lo mejor es alex

  140. Fantomas:

    Your new blog might succeed if any of my other blogging rivals had a sense of humor, which they don't. They take themselves more seriously than anybody else does and actually think they are opinion-makers. As for me, I consider myself an opinion giver and that is all I aspire to be.

  141. Is someone seeing the light or is it a decoy? I love this thread... lol Hold on my popcorn is ready...ok go ahead

  142. el dia que alex sepa decir todas estas cosas mis cojones serian de

    singador anonimo

  143. Commercial Break

  144. I was surprised to find that quite a few Valalusians are on line right now witnessing these proceedings in the silent gallery, as usual.

  145. I just had to be the 150th commenter Yay! lol

  146. Prod them and perhaps they'll come out from hiding.

  147. Congratulations Manuel you beat me at being the 150th commentator.I'll just have to enjoy having been the 151st.

  148. Viva Cuba Libre!!!!!

  149. Anonymous:

    Not quite the 150th commenter, but certainly the 150th comment.

  150. bueno aprovechen caballero que a las doce en punto se acaba el ballu y to los locos vamos de regreso a la sala siquiatrica...coño y yo que queria pescar un par de tilapias en la presa del parque lenin

    singador anonimo

  151. I remember that in its heyday Miami's Cuban Connection used to regularly achieve threads with 400+ comments. Few national blogs ever managed to reach such numbers and no local ones. And then, as suddenly as it had climbed to the top, Corral's blog experienced a precipitous decline from which it has yet to recover. There is a lesson there for us all.

  152. Don't worry, Anonimi, you will be welcomed here again. I intend to periodically indulge the guilty pleasure of your presence here. And, perhaps, at twelve midnight you will turn into a carriage or a pumpkin. Let us know assuming it doesn't throw a wrench in your blogging.

  153. Enjoyed this blog today!


  154. fantomas, Ya No Mas,y jodan mas chico...mi cubita sufre y ustedes jodiendo como nada.

    Blog about Cuba, not about your egos

  155. Not being a perpetual motion machine this thread finally begins to wind down.

  156. no señor todavia queda algo

  157. Manuel can i have your exact birthday

  158. es que tequiero hacer un regalo en tucumpleaños

  159. Have a great night everyone!

  160. Well, then, "Para Cuba que sufre, la primera [y última] palabra..."

  161. buenas noches atodos---que cuando mañana nos levantemos se haya muerto la bestia d e biran, el asesino de cuba, el hijo de puta mas grande, el descuartizador, el ladron de leche de los niños after 7, el carnicero deangola, el gangster de la habana, el propulsor de la libreta y el fabricador de camellos

    fidel castro ruz

    llevate lo diablo

    se cerro el telon de mazorra
    hasta mañana

  162. Manuel,
    what has thou wrought upon thyself? Where are all this clowns coming from? Did someone leave the doors open at the psychiatric hospital? And why all the postings with such foul language? Is this really the way these folks behave and speak at home? I can wait for 12 midnight for this circus to finally end. Fantomas:
    you seem to encourage and elicit this kind of behavior. I really believe now you were sent to post here and create this spectacle and disruption. All this meaningless jabbing and foul language is beneath all of us. I was hoping for meaningful discussions and found gutter language. Maybe tomorrow when I come back I will find this has finally passed into the netherworld. Manuel:
    I hope you have enjoyed the zoo, and feel free to send these folks some Prozac.

  163. aprovechen que mañana borro todos mis comentarios
