"As noted weeks ago, it's less painful to undergo electroshock treatment than it is to argue with a liberal." -- Señor Cohiba, "A Video for My Liberal Counterparts," Babalú, July 7, 2008
OK, Mike, if you say so.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
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los electroshock que me dieron en Cuba si dolian. los de aqui son un vacilon
Tal parece que la popularidad de fantomas ha alcanzado unos niveles superlativos que ni nosotros podemos controlar ya
Ahora aparecen los fantasmas de fontomas por doquier
Recuerden si no aparece le foto de fantomas con 7798 visitas en el profile lo mas seguro que es un impostor
No se dejen engañar
No somos responsables por los comentarios que los impostores puedan dejar en el blog
Señor Cohiba,Needs a complete lobotomy.
SrCohiba has been hanging at Val's man camp far too long..lol..
I haven't had the pleasure of receiving my first electro-shock treatments (I'll keep you posted though), but I have a feeling that Sr. Cohiba is on to something there. I have several liberal and far left liberal acquaintances and we get along fine but I've learned to leave politics out of the equation because there is no way anyone ever changes their mind. I think arguing with them (even those I really like and care about) is a excrutiatingly painful experience and that I would probably prefer the shock treatments.
Alex Hernandez already had a lobotomy.
Apreto Fantomas con los americanos-Cubanos en su blog
"Si tiene miedo a marchar, que se quede en París y sea presidenta de Francia" Apriete aqui
Comienza el rechazo de todos los Colombianos hacia la figura de Ingrid Betancourt
El hecho de tener " dual citizenship" complica las cosas
Este mismo hecho puede complicar las cosas en una Cuba Democratica
Muchos Americanos_Cubanos o Cubanos Americanos que pudieran gozar de la doble ciudadania pudieran poner en riesgo el futuro de Cuba
No se puede servir a dos amos a la vez
El pedestal en el que los colombianos colocaron a Ingrid Betancourt comienza a resquebrajarse. Las grietas más visibles aparecieron con el anuncio en Paris de la ex rehén de que no asistirá a la marcha contra las FARC convocada para el 20 de julio en Bogotá. Ingrid alegó que su familia teme que pueda ser blanco de un atentado.
En Colombia no gustó que Ingrid viajara a Paris en el avión presidencial de Sarkozy al día siguiente de su rescate por el Ejército colombiano y que siga allí por tiempo indefinido. Ni 24 horas permaneció en Bogotá. Tampoco cayó bien que dijera “Francia me ha salvado la vida”. Entre otras cosas porque es una gran mentira, ya que fueron las Fuerzas Armadas de Colombia las que rescataron a los rehenes, sin intervención alguna de militares franceses. María Jimena Duzán, analista de la revista “Semana” y del diario “El Tiempo”, comenta a “La Vanguardia” que “Francia no salvó la vida de Ingrid, sino que prolongó su secuestro; si los franceses no la hubieran convertido en heroína es probable que la hubieran liberado antes; al compararla con Juana de Arco se transformó en un formidable botín de guerra para las FARC que no iban a soltar”. De hecho, la figura de Ingrid también fue usada en la guerra política que han sostenido el actual presidente Sarkozy y el ex primer ministro y ex ministro de Exteriores Dominique de Villepin.
El malestar de algunos colombianos por los elogios de Ingrid al papel de los franceses en su liberación es tan evidente que la pequeña Matilde, una niña de apenas doce años que escuchaba la conversación del periodista con sus padres, interrumpió la charla para decir: “A Ingrid la liberamos nosotros”.
Duzán resalta que Sarkozy fue quien hizo más promesas a las FARC –más que los presidentes Hugo Chávez y Rafael Correa- a cambio de la liberación de Ingrid. “Sarkozy les prometió que les quitaría la calificación de terrorista y las reconocería como fuerza beligerante”, señala María Jimena.
Aunque no lo han expresado en público, ni lo harán, los militares colombianos que arriesgaron su vida en la operación de rescate están molestos con las palabras de Ingrid en París. Fuentes del ministerio de Defensa nos han comentado que en el alto mando no gustó que Ingrid elogiara tanto el inexistente papel de Francia en su liberación y que el reconocimiento médico lo hiciera en un hospital de Paris mientras sus compañeros de cautiverio pasaron las revisiones en el hospital militar de Bogotá. Como si no tuviera confianza con los profesionales de su país.
En Colombia se valora que al marchar Ingrid tan rápido a Paris mostró sus prioridades. Optó por proyectar su imagen al lado de Sarkozy y desde una ciudad mediática como Paris.
El anuncio de Ingrid de que la marcha contra el secuestro del día 20 la seguirá desde Paris a través de una pantalla gigante sentó aquí como un jarro de agua fría porque son muchos los colombianos que corren riesgos. En plan de chanza, más de uno nos comenta que si tiene miedo a asistir a una marcha en Colombia que se quede en Paris y busque la presidencia… de Francia.
El letrado Fernán García de la Torre comenta que el futuro político de Ingrid puede estar en riesgo por no dar la cara en su tierra. “Después de ser liberada, Ingrid apoyó la marcha del día 20. Es increíble que una persona que estuvo seis años con gente armada que te podía matar en cualquier momento diga ahora que no viene por temor. Es poco coherente”.
García de la Torre señala que Ingrid ahora es muy popular por la emotividad del momento, pero no posee capital político sólido, que “sólo lo podrá construir trabajando duro en su país, sin temores y sin riesgos”.
“Si Ingrid no quiere divorciarse del pueblo colombiano debe estar presente en la marcha del día 20 en apoyo a los secuestrados que aún están en poder de las FARC. Si quiere evitar riesgos, puede esperar a los manifestantes en la plaza Bolívar, punto final de la concentración, que es el lugar más seguro de Bogotá al estar junto a la residencia presidencial Casa de Nariño y al lado del Congreso”, comentó el periodista Luis Valle.
This is very disturbing to me:
I just posted this in SFDB and MiamiandBeyond to see if they have any idea what's going on and how they opine. The first comment is from Alex at the SFDB comments. Take a gander and you'll see why electroshock might not seem so bad.
with regard to anon: 2:53 ~ that is why yesterday I was interested in your opinion on Ingrid. I was a bit puzzled by a few of the things she said, especially her praise of France and not of her Colombian liberators. I was also a bit surprised that she would even be considering a political life at this moment in her life. I would have thought she would want to spend as much time as possible with her family? Something smells, methinks.
As for the march, I sure can't blame her for not wanting to be involved. She deserves a break from all of this, don'tcha think?
As for the march, I sure can't blame her for not wanting to be involved. She deserves a break from all of this, don'tcha think?
Calabazza she is the symbol of the planned march. Without her it will lose prestige
She can go back to Colombia and spend 3 o4 days there and then return to France. it is not much to ask. She will be well protected by the elite guards
Or is it that she does not want to keep engrandeciendo la figura de Uribe and the Colombian military
Fantomas dijo
Muchos Americanos_Cubanos o Cubanos Americanos que pudieran gozar de la doble ciudadania pudieran poner en riesgo el futuro de Cuba
No se puede servir a dos amos a la vez
Tu mejor comentario so far Fantomas, Awesome
I would have liked to see her thank Uribe and her Colombian rescuers. If she wants to stay in politics then I suppose she needs to connect with her Colombian people and go to the march. Otherwise, stay home and steer clear of politics (would be my choice). I'm reading the Colombian paper you posted and many commenters are writing that France paid FARC mucho $$$ and that is why she is grateful to Sarkozy ~ ? By the way, did her husband stick by her? I never hear him mentioned, only the kids, mom and French ex-husband . . . just wondering.
It seems a divorce is in the works
Calabazza, Realmente todo lo que esta pasando con Ingrid, Uribe, las Farc , Correa, Raul reyes,Chavez, Piedad Cordoba, Sarkosy, Carla Bruni, es digno de una novela y una pelicula de holywood
Es increible
A Carla no le gusto para nada los besos de sarkosy a Ingrid
para calabazza
I am sure that a screenplay is already in the works. Miramax? Who will play Ingrid? Let me think . . .
anon: 3:49
Miramax? Who will play Ingrid? Let me think . .
Julia Roberts
Vintage Val
How many children does Val Have?
This will explain his Behavior
Henry Gomez got twins
Val Prieto =
Relax Val,
That's just part of their outreach to the new generation of open-minded, moderate and reasonable Cuban-American voters.
That's just how they like to court votes.
Posted by Henry Louis Gomez at July 8, 2008 04:09 PM
How Pitbullesque of you...
Posted by George L. Moneo at July 8, 2008 04:57 PM
George Moneo es un Chipoddle.
Un cruce de Chihuahua con French Poodle. Con pulgas, ademas.
Leocadio manresa=fantomas
Donde estan kill castro y charlie bravo? para que vean esto
alguien que sepa que nos digan
Pero para poner este blog a gozar de verdad mejor miren esta bronca entre dos reconocidos blogeros cubanos para que vean que el outing de val hacia kill no se compara jamas con esto que podran leer aqui
Esto esta de pelicula con pistolas , amenazas de abogados, pingueros, whisky y mucho mas
Cierto o falso
Fantomas is the spurned, secret love child of Manuel.
fantomas es blanco lo vi en nostalgia , manuel es negro
fantomas es primo de Obama
El verdadero nombre de fantomas es
Raila Odinga
El outing de Cuba Democracia y Vida y el de Nuevo Accion esta de Odinga
Mucho mejor que el de Humberto de Val y Kill
para la calabazzita
Anonymous said...
fantomas es blanco lo vi en nostalgia , manuel es negro"
7/08/2008 8:57 PM
Isn't character content more important than skin pigmentation? Manuel's, or anyone else's race and/or ethnicity should be irrelevant for the purpose of character judgment, besides, hypothetically speaking or writing, there are millions of us Cubans who may appear to be of a certain racial line but the facts are that appearances are deceptive and most of us are of mixed lineage, in my case even though I appear to be what here in the USA is referred to as of "Mediterranean" or "olive complexion" or "Sicilian" which we consider "trigeño" in Cuba as my Cuban passport bears witness, most of my ancestors on my paternal paternal side are Galicians and I have been able to trace that line as far back as the XIV century to a Celtic Clan that bore a completely different name than the one I have, on my paternal maternal line I have had more difficulty finding records and testimonials, but nevertheless, I have gotten as far as the XVII century and the true lineage that was clearly Andalusian Moor, given the history of the region with its seven centuries of Moor influence, plus Roma (gypsies) Ladino and Sephardic communities, I can understand the reluctance of its former and current inhabitants to dig up into their varied past, however, my paternal grandmother's name is a dead giveaway to her Berber and Arab ancestry, her paternal maternal line seems to indicate the possibility of a Ladino relationship, so who knows? I may yet find out that I am partly Hebrew, a descendant of both lines of Abraham, partly a descendant of Isaac's line or "people of the Book" (Jews & Christians) and partly of the sons and daughters of Ishmael.
John McCain declina reunirse con la FNCA
Un asesor del republicano John McCain afirmó que el candidato no se reuniría con una organización cubanoamericana de posición política moderada porque ésta se había ''afiliado'' al demócrata Barack Obama y al llamado de éste a rehacer la política hacia Cuba del gobierno de Bush.
La Fundación Nacional Cubano Americana (FNCA) trató de arreglar una reunión con McCain el mes pasado en New Orleans, el mismo día en que él asistía a una actividad privada de recaudación de fondos organizada por uno de los directores del grupo. La fundación es oficialmente no partidista, pero muchos miembros participan activamente en la política por cuenta propia.
La cabildera Ana Navarro, una asesora de McCain que viaja a menudo con la campaña del precandidato, concedió una entrevista a WAQI-710 Radio Mambí desde New Orleans el 4 de junio, el día después de la actividad de recaudación de fondos.
''Tengo entendido que [la fundación] había intentado acudir a una actividad de recaudación de fondos en New Orleans, y que ellos ofrecieron una considerable suma de dinero a cambio de una reunión privada con McCain. Se les dijo que no'', afirmó. ``A mí no me gusta hablar sobre la fundación, porque considero que no tiene mucha importancia''.
Navarro agregó: ``Es obvio que ellos han elegido, se han afiliado, han dado la bienvenida y un foro a Barack Obama --un hombre que quiere conversar con Raúl Castro sin imponerle condiciones. . . Así que no entiendo la persistencia de los caballeros de la Fundación Nacional Cubano Americana en querer reunirse con John McCain, cuando John McCain no se quiere reunir con ellos''.
La campaña de McCain no respondió ayer a reiteradas peticiones de que comentaran sobre el tema.
Tanto McCain como los demócratas Barack Obama y Hillary Clinton estuvieron invitados al almuerzo celebrado por la fundación el día de la independencia de Cuba en mayo. Solamente Obama asistió, y dio un discurso ante el grupo.
La fundación está de acuerdo con el llamado de Obama a permitir que los cubanoamericanos viajen libremente a Cuba y envíen dinero a sus familias en la isla sin trabas, argumentando que las medidas del gobierno de Bush han separado a las familias y no han logrado el triunfo de la democracia. Los funcionarios de la FNCA no están de acuerdo, sin embargo, con la disposición de Obama a establecer ''relaciones diplomáticas directas'' con el régimen comunista.
''La FNCA no pertenece a ninguno de los dos partidos'', dijo George Fowler, un abogado de New Orleans y director de la FNCA que asistió al discurso de Obama en Miami, pero decidió ayudar a organizar la actividad de recaudación de fondos para McCain en su ciudad.
``Invitar a Obama para que hablara no fue algo concebido como un visto bueno, pero cuando alguien hace algo fuera del statu quo, a veces la gente no está de acuerdo''.
Fowler, quien es el presidente de la Coalición McCain Hispana de Louisiana, dijo que la cancelación de la reunión en New Orleans significó que $200,000 en cheques nunca llegaron a la actividad de recaudación de fondos. Unos treinta miembros de la FNCA de la Florida y otros estados habían planeado asistir a la misma.
El presidente de la FNCA, Pepe Hernández, quien tenía planes de ir a New Orleans con el director Jorge Mas Santos, echó la culpa a los congresistas federales Lincoln y Mario Diaz-Balart de Miami por el fracaso de la reunión.
Los dos hermanos están entre los principales partidarios de McCain en la Florida y apoyan vehementemente las restricciones actuales de viajes y remesas, y Hernández y Mas Santos apoyan a sus rivales demócratas.
''Ellos están permitiendo que sus propios intereses personales socaven los intereses de la campaña de McCain y la comunidad cubanoamericana'', afirmó Hernández.
Un vocero de los Diaz-Balart negó que ellos tuvieran que ver con el bloqueo de la reunión, pero añadió que ``no tiene sentido dar un tratamiento especial a un grupo que no representa a la comunidad cubanoamericana''.
so true. I love that you have been able to dig up so much, but eventually we all end up being mutts.
New Gallup poll news.
The tepid good news from Gallup for Democratic Presidential presumptive nominee Senator Barack Obama is that he still leads Republican Presidential presumptive nominee Senator John McCain but by a hair — 46 to 44 percent, indicating a race that is now getting closer.
The bad news from Gallup is that the candidate who leads in July has in many cases — particularly in most recent political history —lost the general election.
As MAT predicted Obama seems to be losing steam and he is not surging in the polls as some liberals predicted a few eeks ago. If one takes into consideration the state of the economy, the price of gas and the general discontent with the Republican party in office right now, you would think this guy's fortunes should be soaring in the polls, but yet he is not.
Lte's see how he does after the conventions.
BTW, the TV media chain Al-Jazeera, who is a mouthpiece for Al-Qaeda, will cover the Democratic convention in its entirety and will broadcast it live to the Middle East.
Just because freedom hating islamists want to know the political game is played in the USA, I guess.
No word yet on whether they will cover the Republican convention, but I have my doubts.
John McCain declina reunirse con la FNCA
Mat, no piensas comentar esta noticia?
Obama is at this stage in the contest, paralleling "Mr. Flip-Flop Extraordinaire" himself, a.k.a. "John Kerry", a.k.a. "Mr. Unfit for Command," additionally curious is the fact that the OMessiah's campaign as of last week, has managed to garner substantially higher numbers of contributions and pledges than John Kerry had done at a similar point in his campaign. While John Mccain's campaign receipts and pledges pale in comparison, he has consistently managed to get a similar percentage of support according to the most reliable polling surveys, all of it while not yet having galvanized the so called "base" of the Republican Party. On a side note, I'd like to mention that this GOP base cannot be successful in the victory of a candidate on its own, contrary to what many self described "conservatives" claim, whether they want to acknowledge it or not, the fact is that the moderates who pledge allegiance to both major parties and the ones that are registered to vote as members or supporters of the minor parties or no party whatsoever, are the ones that matter after the major parties core supporters, in other words, both major parties need the "independents" in order to be successful in obtaining the victory in the general election, Obama does not stand a chance with these voters, most of us are not interested at this point in the nation's history in electing either a conservative or a liberal, we want someone who will be strong on defense, secure the borders and resolve the immigration issue in a humane fashion, perhaps emulating Canada, which has reciprocal agreements with Mexico and Central American countries that have been mutually beneficial to all parties involved, additionally we want the Constitution to be respected and followed, hence our support for a candidate that has pledged to appoint strict constructionist justices (no legislating from the bench) to the Supreme Court, justices who will support the Second Amendment as is, for we firmly believe that as goes this amendment, so goes the rest of the Constitution. Many of us also support the elimination of the Federal Reserve, which is no more federal than Federal Express is, it is a private bank that mints money at will without any care for the results and how this affects the lives of people, besides, why should a group of private powerful and mostly unknown individuals run the economy of this country when constitutionally that is a function of the Congress and the Department of the Treasury? We also support, and this will probably not happen until the people wake up from their slumber, the elimination of the unconstitutional federal income tax on individuals. Neither Obama nor McCain fit the entire bill, but for now, McCain will do, the neo-marxist Obama will undoubtedly make matters worse, much worse.
Vintage Val
Prince of Kendall is at it again
A Wednesday wondering
I wonder, do Cubans in exile care more for the freedom of Cubans on the island than the Cubans on the island do?
Posted by Val Prieto at 01:42 PM | Habla (4) | Leenkaso (0)
Best answer so far by Peter Perez
Most of The Cubans Here who came in the 60s still think they will return to a Cuba that looks like the Cuba of the past, and that makes them miss Cuba even more, while the ones over there don't give a rats ass about the dump they have built.
Some say liberate this crap for what ?
Posted by Peter Perez at July 9, 2008 02:43 PM
Do not missing the last exercise in superiority and disdain as posted today in Babalu. Mr. Prieto wonders today if the exiles care more about the freedom of Cuba than the Cubans who are suffering the tyranny in Cuba themselves. His four commenters think that of course, people in Cuba don't want to be free. Maybe those rotting in jail are after all common criminals, according to the assessment of those bright thinkers.
To Val Oscar Elias Biscet is just cruising in jail
that was an awesome commentary. Well said.
For the record,
and once again, the person posting as "oveja negra" or "black sheep" are in no way connected or related to KC or Charlie Bravo. If the intent is to "stir the pot" . . . stir at your own will.
Calabazza where is KC an CB are they still alive?
Why did they close their blogs?
Any news?
Details please
you are right. While McCain may not be a candidate we all like, he is superior to Obama in what really matters to those who care about the USA. Oabama has been trying lately to move to the center because he knows he cannot win without the voters you just mentioned in your commentary. This is a chameleon-like move to confuse people and make us think he is like any other politician.
But his background and his advisers and mentors cannot be disguised or hidden. He has a hideen agenda that is not being talked about by the MSM who area enthralled by this guy as if he ws a rock star or heaven sent. Some of these idiots at MSNBC even called him the New Testament for Pete's sakes! How much lower can a person grovel!
Angel and Agustin,
I have never thought that a very conservative right-winger would have had a chance this time around. What I think this country has been craving is a third party (a moderate one) and failing that, a moderate Republican candidate. I wish McCain would act, rather than react (as Agustin stated earlier) and I wish he could win over the Reagan Democrats and moderate Republicans. I don't think the Republicans had any candidates this time around that met those qualifications but McCain is what we got and I do think he can win over independent and disenchanted Democrats. One can only hope.
Nothing but the truth
copia manolo
Breaking news: Cuban flag desacrated, Moneo finds it funny.
Breaking news: who are you? Fidel's flag keeper?
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