Thursday, November 29, 2007

Venezuela to Go on "Castro Time"

Chávez is undoubtedly crazy; there can be no doubt of that. But his original ideas are few. He is the the Great Recycler (of failed ideas). Because we are so far-removed in time from Castro's earliest bizarreries, many of these have been forgotten even by those who were there at the time. Those born, like Alberto de la Cruz, after the Revolution and raised in exile, would have no reason to be acquainted with them. Hence it astonished Cruz that Chávez had devised a unique Time Zone for Venezuela, which would put it a half-hour behind all the other countries of the world. Cruz wittily named this "The Twilight Zone."

Before I say anything else (and I think all of you know where I am headed), let me remark that Cruz's post — the genre, that is — is exactly what Babalú needs to become relevant again. Since Val realized that the well of his own hardly-fecund inspiration was running dangerously dry, he recruited fresh voices with fresh perspectives and they have worked a wonderful transformation at Babalú. Yes, Henry is still shilling for the Republican anti-Hispanic xenophobes, who left no doubt at last night's presidential debate that they had written off the Hispanic vote and were only courting the anti-Hispanic vote; and Val, when he makes a cameo appearance on his blog — which, mercifully, is rarely nowadays — is still as homicidal as ever in his plans for the Cuban people (which can be nicely summarized as "More Blood and No Butter"). Yet, like Reagan, Val has the gift (in his case, almost an imperative) of delegating authority without feeling threatened by others more talented or knowledgeable than himself. He realizes that, in the end, he'll get the credit while they harp about the "honor" of serving him. (Val, incidentally, has had to "crack the whip" — his own expression — because Babalú's new and old contributors, now numbering 15, have lately come down with serious case of "let the other guy do it" which reduces output from a potential minimum of 15 posts per day to just two or three).

But we have strayed too far afield. Alberto de la Cruz is wrong. It is Fidel Castro who first devised a new Time Zone for Cuba which was one-half hour at odds with everybody else's. It was not so children could have one more half-hour of daylight but so the cane cutters (including, of course, children) could start earlier and finish later. What Chávez is actually doing in Venezuela is going on Castro Time; no doubt another step towards the "confederation" of the two countries, that is, the destruction of Cuban sovereignty.


Vana said...

Chavez never seems to have an idea of his own in that empty head, all his thoughts and ideas are borrowed from papa Fidel, what a joke that man is, that's if one can even dare to call him a man.

victor said...

Manuel, I have'nt had the pleasure to write in quite a long time..I was practicing my writting skills..I have definetely been a reader...I often write to dear Val,but he only curses my mother and wants to get sexually active with my daughter. What can you expect from a caveman. Now we have "el americanito" "albertico" whom I ruffled his feathers recently,and found out his level of flying is not to high..After one letter to him I was no longer able to post or send emails to his web site..Was up wit dat?? Im still hanging on the "left" side of the street and hope that I will not be barred from this site..If Im not wrong,I believe you have said that it was "oka" with you..I am recently on a trip to washington D.C.,at a gathering at The Interest Section..The funny thing about it that 89% of the 500 attending are from Miami. I was glad to hear that the father son daughter trial is over. I was glad for the results also. Whether here or there,as a father I understand..I knew more about Elians dad than this dad,and I guess we will see what kind of father he will be..I dont think Cuba is very much upset about this one. I wonder if the hard line exiles will be paying the bills. Or if they had already made promise on their promises..Chavez?? Im going to have to take a rain check on that.I think the jury is still out.I enjoy,not all the time,but most of your postings..And its not cause you bash "EL BARBARO" so much. Well maybe...paz

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


This is an open forum. Everyone is welcome to have his say, even the Babalunians. As regards Cuba, I am certainly in greater disagreement with them than with you; and, yet, we always manage to maintain civility.

What you say is certainly true: there are more Miami Cubans that play both sides of the fence than anybody imagines; and as many ex-fidelistas who committed crimes against the Cuban people in exile in Miami as they are in Havana. (I'm speaking about the Old Guard).