Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wonderful News: Joy Abounding!

By popular demand, I am pleased to announce the birth of a new blog.

No, it is not Anti-White-Dade or Babalú Review. Not even Babalú Revue.

But something even more exciting.


And new.

Stay tuned.

In just minutes ...


Anticipation is 99 percent of the thrill.

The new blog will be revealed at exactly 9:01 pm (if we have a sufficiently large audience).

Do not miss this — one of the epic moments in RCAB history.

Eat hearty; for this shall be the dessert.

9:01 pm.

The long-anticipated news:

The Madhouse is open to everybody!

This venerable RCAB institution, where unwell commenters and obscene and scatological comments find a home and shelter, exiled but not deleted, throws its doors open to inspection by all our readers. Of course, it has always been open to view; it's just not readily accessible, as some have noted here. Now, however, by popular request, The Madhouse has its own distinct persona and place as RCAB's first blog annex.

Go down to the bottom of this page. You will find The Madhouse first among the "Fraternal Links."

Do not go there if you are faint of heart and please don't get lost. We can guarantee you free passage there but not out. RCAB is not responsible for any actions committed by the derelicts there.

Now begin the rush!

[Yes, at the bottom of this page is the link to The Madhouse. I would put it here but you have to get used to going to the bottom of the page].


Fantomas said...

que te traeras entre manos Manolo

Sharpshooter said...

well, finally you have granted our wish. Now we can see Fantomas et al making asses of themselves in all their beautiful performances in their commentaries. I have already eaten much earlier tonight and have taken a liberal dose of Pepto Bismol in anticipation of what I will find lurking there.

Fantomas said...

manolo que introduccion mas floja bro...que clase de estupidez fue esa...

Si yo mismo te di la idea para que lo pusieras como tu 1 post aqui mismo...creo que como lo hicistes no es bueno porque mandar a la gente al bottom of the page when they can get it at the top...

also you promised me to rename it the Fantomas Madhouse ..I am even considering sending you a check for the rigths to use my name

dame tu direccion fisica para enviarte el money order...

please change it to the Fantomas Madhouse , it sounds AWESOME

people will come from overseas just to read me. C mon Manny

The Wizard said...

Hoooray!! The MadHouse is Open...Yessss, Actually this title Would Make your blog Sound more Interesting.

The Wizard said...

I'm speechless, wow! So, I would like to thank you all the Little People out there including you Manuel for making this madhouse a reality. Hahahahaha...NOT!

The Wizard said...

Wow! My Grammar is getting better thank you 'Ingles Sin Barreras' hahahaha.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Since you were the only longtime inmate of The Madhouse, there might be some justice in naming it in your honor.

How does "The Fantomas Madhouse and Syphilisarium" sound to you?

Fantomas said...


Iam the founder and chapter member

Fantomas said...

RCBA now featuring the Fantomas Madhose open for all

hunting season begins

afilen los cuchillos

this is great i fight fidel and still have time to play with you

got to love it

Fantomas said...

Manuel A.Tellechea dijo...
I see that you link to Babalú, which does not link to you; but you do not link to Killcastro, which does link to you.

Any special reason?

Manuel get a life bro, que te importa a ti si phil peters links a juan o a pedro

Fantomas said...

1). An inmate of The Madhouse may only comment in The Madhouse.

2). If an inmate attempts to comment anywhere else, his comments will be transferred to The Madhouse.

hagase respetar maestro

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


You are not currently in The Madhouse. The story of your escape, facilitated by Val Prieto, is chronicled there, as well as the awful price you had to pay for your freedom at his hands. I am not surprised that you are trying to seek admission there again, harried as you always are by the Babalunian bullies. You were treated with a great deal of condescension and even consideration in The Madhouse. We not only addressed your dementia there but the many physical maladies that made you an outcaste in society; otherwise, you would be nothing but a mass of boils today, hideous to look at and more horrible to smell. In truth, you have never thanked Vana and Agustín properly for the wonderful care they afforded you as wardens of The Madhouse. Looking back on the experience, you must admit that it was one of the most enriching of your life. I do not wonder that you wish to repeat it.

Fantomas said...

RCBA without Fantomas is like una malta sin leche condensada

fantomas Sept 14, 2007

Vana said...


Thank you for listing The Madhouse in your blogroll, now everyone can thrill at the wonders of it, and see the sick, demented and obnoxious in plain light, watch out you wackos, for now you know where your home

Vana said...

Malta con leche condensada YUCK!! I remember my mother would make us drink it, because we were oh so skinny according to her, then she would make us lie for a nap, so we could get wrong she was

Fantomas said...

Vana ese delicacy de la malta con leche no tiene comparacion

Yo no vacilo con eso, de una sola sentada vacio la lata leche condensada completa con dos maltas

it beats haagen dazz by far

Vana said...

Oh and Salutaris con leche condensada..YUCK..we were fed all that crap, I would not do it to my's child abuse.

Any one else have any pet peeves of the crap that was fed you as a child?

Fantomas said...

Any one else have any pet peeves of the crap that was fed you as a child?

para personas como tu que no vivieron en cuba bajo castro, nos daban

pan con aceite, arroz con ketchup, agua con azucar parda, ahora usan mucho la soya pero eso no la conozco

Cosas de la revolucion Vana

Vana said...

I've had pan con aceite y sal, I love it! I'm sure people who were raised there with the robolution have no idea what a Salutaris is uh? too bad

Sharpshooter said...

Fantomas is at the height of hipocrisy in its best form. While he comes here and chats with Manuel and the rest of the commenters,and apperas to be very friendly and sincere, he posts an entry on his own blog called "Manuel cabeza de huevo". In the comments for this entry Alex proceeds to insult Manuel (nothing new here) in his usual filthy gutter language (does he know any other language than that gutter language?) And so my recomendation is that all of Fantoma's comments along with Alex's go directly to the Madhouse where they belong.

Vana said...


He does not fool me for a me minute, as you noticed I don't address him by name, simply put, I don't trust him, or Alex, both of them are in cahoots, I know just what you mean, we are on the same wavelength, I second the motion, to The Madhouse

Sharpshooter said...

after Manuel posted a link to the Madhouse, I went there and visited to see some of the comments made by the different nuts we know and love. Lo and behold, I saw some of the comments made by Alex and Fantomas that reference you, and was appalled and disgusted by the language used in such comments. It reveals a lot about the degree of education and manners of the commenters that made them. Those comments told me more about the nature of the folks we are dealing with, than anything I could have possibly known about them. It showed them in the worst possible light. They were very revealing indeed. Must be the type of education they received in communist Cuba. Here in all their glory, was a true example of the so called "New Man they have created.

Vana said...


Did you not see me ask Alex what solar he was born in? I did, I mean I can cuss with the best of them, but they are as you say downright vulgar, I take it all with a grain of salt, do they pay my they buy my food..NO..Excuse me for getting a little vulgar myself, I just wipe my ass with them, that's all they mean to me, ass wipes, don't let them upset you to much, they are not worth it, they are the menials.

Fantomas said...

Agustin As a child in cuba I was raised in an environment de mucha clase y profesionalidad.

I came to this country at 14... I dont recall saying one bad word in cuba prior to my departure

de que hablas compadre?

Fantomas said...

Agustin why do you visit my blog?

si tanto te molesta el video de manolo cabeza de huevo tellechea , entonces no vayas

o sera que tendre que prohihir tu ip address en blogger

mejor quedate aqui tranquilito o visita a rui o armengol

Sharpshooter said...

if you were raised in a classy and decent environment, you sure could have fooled me. The language you used here to refer to Vana in your comments tells me diffrenet. Only in a solar in Cuba or in a whore house one could hear language as filthy as the one you and Alex have used to refer to a lady.
And I don't care what the hell you do in your blog, you can ban my IP address if you want. It will only show me that you are as good as the communists when it comes to censorship and you don't like what people say to you. So be it. I don't give a rat's ass. Is your blog and you do with it what ever the hell you want.
And no, Fanto, I don't visit Armengol or Rui's blog. I see enough communist propaganda where I am and I don't need anymore in my life. But here are some words of wisdom for you and take them with a grain of salt:
Learn how to take criticisim without having to resort to insults and denigrating words that speak volumes about yourself and your education specially when you are addressing a Cuban lady. It is beneath you to address alady in such a filthy and demeaning way. Real men do not use such gutter language when they refer to a woman. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it! O por si no lo entiendes: Ese lenguaje tan soez, vulgar e indecente que usas dice mas de ti, que de la persona a quien esta dirigido, macho! Los hombres de verdad no le hablan asi a una mujer.Si yo fuera tu, meteria la cabeza en un cubo por la verguenza y le pediria mil disculpas a Vana.

Vana said...

Oh and we believe him uh Agustin? I have heard him say he arrived at 18, now it's 14, we believe duh

Vana said...

Asi mismo, Agustin un verdadero hombre seria incapaz de hablarle asi a una mujer, eso es un fuera de base, pero que se puede esperar de la chusma, NADA bueno.

Fantomas said...

Vana yo se lo dije a usted una vez y usted no aprendio su leccion. usted continuo insultandome at will caliing me an idiot and the likes..

i dont appreciate that word idiot a bit ..eso es cosas de solares tambien



Agustin pareces un disco rayado..tomate la pastillita , el kool aid y acuestate que ya se te paso la hora ..mañana es otro dia

manolo lo dijo Fantomas is not in the madhouse, respeten a manuel at once

Fantomas said...

vana 14 , i have never said 18 ..


at 18 I was already on my way to live in the Midwest , USA

Sharpshooter said...

la verdad es dura de aceptar, pero eso que dices de solar dentro de los cubanos, por favor habla por ti solo, y no me incluyas en tu ajiaco. Aqui el unico que habla como si fueras de un solar o peor como si fueras un chulo de una casa de putas, eres tu. Tus palabras ofensivas y denigrantes son una verguenza y lo mismo se puede decir de tu amiguito Alex. Los dos son una verdadera verguenza para cualquiera que lea esas palabras que ustedes escriben en este blog. Verdaderamente, yo te pregunto, no te da verguenza hablar asi? Yo en tu lugar, hace rato que hubiera metido la cabeza en un cubo,chico.
Tu siempre con la misma cantaleta cuando alguien te dice las verdades. Que si "Tomate la pastillita, que te voy a dar con la cabilla" y otras estupideces mas. Por favor, termina de crecer de una vez y empieza a actuar como un hombre adulto y no como un comemierda. Quizas asi te respetaran un poco mas.

Fantomas said...

Manuel ponle el jacket a este

Sharpshooter said...

Como siempre tus respuestas estan a tono con tu capacidad mental, es decir cero.
Por que no respondes a las verdades que te he dicho? Que es una verdadera verguenza el lenguaje ofensivo, indecente y soez que han usado tu y tu amiguito Alex al referirse a Vana. Que solamente en un prostibulo se oye un lenguaje semejante al que usan ustedes dos para hablar de una mujer. Y despues te vanaglorias de ser educado, chico? Por favor, dime de lo que presumes y te dire de lo que careces, dice un viejo refran. Aqui en tu caso se puede aplicar muy bien.
Cuando le pidas perdon a Vana por tus abusos verbales y tu lenguaje indigno e indecente sera un buen comienzo para que nosotros empezemos a respetarte como persona. Mientras tanto seras ignorado como te mereces.